Beep beep beep.

Your phone chimes its usual tune. It could be a text, possibly a news alert or perhaps just another Facebook notification. It doesn’t matter, you’re at breakfast and you’ll check it later. Food’s good, coffee’s strong, it’s a nice final meal before you depart home from Atlanta.
Beep beep beep. It rings again.
This time you take a glance and you check to see what all the noise is about. Your heart drops and your jaw follows as you read the tiny-fitted words “Flight Canceled” across your phone screen. The unthinkable and unexpected has become a reality. Your city and home has never felt further away than now, and what was once your golden ticket back to Chicago is now worthy of a spare Kleenex.
Sign the check, grab your luggage and hail the cab because it’s time to find a way back to Chicago.
Pop those headphones in because we’re in no mood to talk to anyone until we reach that airport.
1. “X Gon Give It To Ya” – DMX
You’re impatient, there’s no sign of a cab anywhere. Uber’s too long of a wait, and who uses Lyft anyway. Just when all hope seems lost, a black SUV drifts up on the hotel’s concourse and Jason Staham from “Transporter” pops open his door for you. Did it happen that way? Of course not but let’s throw the luggage in and continue.
DMX’s “X Gon Give It To Ya” is playing as you keep rereading the cancellation notice on your phone. You’re thinking about what to say to the flight’s help desk. DMX has already decided how pissed you should be, you’re both furious.
The vulgarity and explosiveness behind the lyrics scare you a bit. You’re mad but you’re no DMX, and repeating these lyrics will only cause trouble. You’ve arrived at the airport.
2. “Airplanes” – B.O.B.
The mood has changed entirely as you walk through the automatic doors of the airport. Suitcases traveling left and right as children in leashes follow, it’s a busy mess. Being stuck at the airport might be worse than being stuck in Atlanta. As the flight representative looks up alternative planes traveling home, you start to pray to yourself.
B.O.B.’s hit single “Airplanes” starts to play, you haven’t heard it since 2009 but it’s everything you need. You mumble the words with him, you know you “really need a wish right now,” and B.O.B. is your last hope. They’ve found a later flight; you now have got two hours to spare.
3. “X” – Ed Sheeran
Grab a Coke, a snack and find yourself a seat at your gate because it’s time to chill. Nothing’s more relaxing than an Ed Sheeran album so whether it’s “X” or “+,” tune into the English singer-songwriter and just chill.
4. “I Believe I Can Fly” – R. Kelly
You’ve made it. You’re on your flight and it’s time to shut your eyes and enjoy the smooth ride. Pull up the “Space Jam” soundtrack on iTunes and kick the flight off with R. Kelly’s 1996 hit single, “I Believe I Can Fly.”