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The Student Newspaper of DePaul University

The DePaulia

The Student Newspaper of DePaul University

The DePaulia

The Student Newspaper of DePaul University

The DePaulia


A Ukrainian serviceman provides area security in Eastern Ukraine Wednesday, Feb. 9, 2022.

Opinion: Who is writing pro-war op-eds?

Erik Uebelacker February 20, 2022

The tension between Russia and Ukraine has dominated the news cycle this month. Depending on what cable news channel you watch or what newspapers you read, you may be convinced that we are in the beginning...

The Monroe red line CTA station. DePaul University campuses are directly off of the Fullerton stop in Lincoln Park and the Jackson stop in the Loop.

Opinion: CTA promises safety, does it deliver?

Bella Enkhtuvshin, Contributing Writer February 20, 2022

According to the CTA, everyone deserves the right to a safe and comfortable travel environment and experience. But with the current trend in CTA crime, not everyone is receiving one. On Jan. 13, a 29-year-old...

Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del., center, speaks with reporters to discuss the upcoming Supreme Court vacancy, Feb. 10, 2022, at the White House.

A Black woman on the Supreme Court; it’s about time

Isabelle Earl, Contributing Writer February 14, 2022

President Joe Biden ran (and arguably won South Carolina) on the premise of nominating a Black woman to the Supreme Court, should he get the chance. In late January, Justice Stephen Breyer announced his...

The 11th floor of the Richard M. and Maggie C. Daley Building at 14 E Jackson Blvd. The building houses DePaul’s College of Communication.

DePaul’s Journalism school falls flat of Vincentian values

Justin Myers, Contributing Writer February 14, 2022

The inclusive Vincentian core of DePaul's mission remains clouded by a white, non-LGBTQ+ dominated culture in the journalism department. I first became aware of this during spring quarter of my freshman...

Pope Francis blesses the attendance at the end of his general audience in the Paul VI Hall.

Opinion: The Pope is wrong about childless couples

Alexandra Acain, Contributing Writer February 13, 2022

Pope Francis made an eye-opening statement saying that couples who opt to have pets instead of children are selfish. According to the Pope, this decision contributes to decreasing birth rates and “takes...

Opinion: Dear DePaul, let us hoop

Opinion: Dear DePaul, let us hoop

Erik Uebelacker February 6, 2022

DePaul Campus Recreation sent out an email on Feb. 1 that shook the campus’ casual basketball community to its core. The Ray Meyer Fitness Center is suspending basketball on the building’s third floor...

Quitting means looking for new adventures, not a sign of defeat

Quitting means looking for new adventures, not a sign of defeat

Amber Stoutenborough, Managing Multimedia Editor January 31, 2022

As kids, most of us were forced to stick to hobbies. I went from gymnastics to piano to swimming, each time begging my parents to let me quit so I didn’t have to wake up early Saturday morning for practice....

"That girl" trend includes waking up early, drinking green smoothies and working out all before the morning ends

“That girl” trend aestheticizes the concept of self help

Kiersten Riedford, News Editor January 31, 2022

She wakes up before the sun so she can rise as the sun does. She heads to the gym after doing her intensive skincare routine, but she has to be in her monochromatic workout set and matching yoga mat.  After...

Chicagoans take the CTa in winter

Column: Travel with caution in the time of Omicron

Maggie Thompson, Contributing Writer January 31, 2022

With the weather in Chicago growing colder by the day, it can seem enticing for many to book a trip to a warmer climate. It can be easy to imagine flying to Hawaii or Cancun, away from the long waits at...

Students walking in and out of DePaul's student center, which houses the Lincoln Park Counseling Center.

University should focus more on student needs than fiscal strength

Micky Braeger, Contributing Writer January 24, 2022

In the 2020-2021 President’s report, President Esteban laid out 6 parameters by which the university administration judges its own successes and failures. The first metric listed is “Mission” and...

Senior Edward Conover works on some online classwork in the hallway outside of the John T. Richardson Library

Does anyone else miss online quarters?

Erik Uebelacker January 24, 2022

I can’t believe I’m saying this but after the first week of in-person learning, I actually miss online classes. I understand I may be in the minority on this issue. I, too, experienced the cabin...

President Joe Biden speaks at the U.S. Conference of Mayors' 90th Annual Winter Meeting at the Capitol Hilton in Washington, Friday, Jan. 21, 2022. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

OPINION: Do Americans really want another term with Joe Biden?

Isabelle Earl, Contributing Writer January 23, 2022

For many, a vote for Joe Biden back in 2020 was a plea for normalcy. When placed next to Donald Trump, Biden looked like a saving grace. Cue 2022, the Biden administration continues to disappoint its...

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