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The Student Newspaper of DePaul University

The DePaulia

The Student Newspaper of DePaul University

The DePaulia

The Student Newspaper of DePaul University

The DePaulia

From right, DePaul professors Scott Hibbard, Molly Andolina and Joe Mello watch as professor Wayne Steger explains various polls in a panel held by the political science department on Thursday, Oct 10, 2024, in the Levan Center. The panel aimed to inform students about issues and debates surrounding the election.

Political science panels aim to inform DePaul community ahead of election

Sarah Hendry, Current Events Beat Writer October 28, 2024

The DePaul University political science department is trying to reach out to students ahead of the upcoming election through a series of discussion panels.  In the first of three planned panel events,...

Sister Helen Prejean speaks to a room of people in a panel discussing problems in the incarceration system on Wednesday, April 24, 2024, in the Lincoln Park Center. Prejean recognized fellow panelist Ervin Robinson for his work in supporting previously incarcerated people.

‘Freedom Dreaming’ with Sister Helen Prejean

Rose O’Keeffe, Content Managing Editor April 28, 2024

“Show of hands, how many of you dream?” This was the question moderator Kim Hunt asked a crowd of students, faculty and staff to kick off Wednesday evening’s panel discussion titled “Freedom...

La congresista estadounidense Delia Ramírez, a la izquierda, junto a la comisionada Josina Morita, en el panel “Mujeres de color de base se empoderan políticamente”, en DePaul.

‘No te avergüences de dónde vienes:’ Legisladores discuten del empoderamiento político como mujeres de diversas raíces

Violet Smale and Jacqueline Cardenas February 19, 2023

Cuatro legisladoras de Illinois hablaron con estudiantes de DePaul, el pasado jueves 16 de febrero, sobre el tema de cómo empoderarse políticamente siendo mujeres decolor que trabajan en política. Los...

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