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The Student Newspaper of DePaul University

The DePaulia

The Student Newspaper of DePaul University

The DePaulia

The Student Newspaper of DePaul University

The DePaulia

Tyesha Thomas, a PPGA organizer, discusses healthy relationship boundaries with student attendees and PPGA members during a “Pillow Talk” event on campus on Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2024. The recurring event aims to improve sex education among students.

Battle of the Ban: Fight for on-campus contraceptives at DePaul persists

Sabrina Castle, Contributing Writer October 21, 2024

DePaul doesn’t require students to attend Catholic mass, has an LGBTQIA+ Resource Center and even has a demon for a mascot. But, as a Catholic university, there’s one principle on which DePaul isn’t...

PPGA president Kenna Bartlett and experts (from left) Megan Jeyifo, Jamie Manson and Dr. Morgan Beatty discuss the how pro-choice Catholics are a "silent majority" while addressing students in a classroom in DePaul's Theatre School Thursday, May 2. The panel was a kickoff event for PPGA's campaign to end DePaul's contraceptive ban.

PPGA showcases the voices of Catholics who support abortion rights

Rose O’Keeffe, Content Managing Editor May 7, 2024

“My Catholic identity is my advocacy. They are one in the same,” said Jamie Manson, president of the national organization Catholics for Choice. Out of love for her faith, not in spite of it, Manson...

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