As you might be aware, an anonymous group at DePaul University is claiming that the university and athletic departments are covering up an epidemic of sexual assault. The group has dropped banners, “facilitated” a discussion group and, most recently, posted their manifesto in campus bathrooms. While I admire the tenacity of these young people, I counter that their attempts to promote their arguments are harming the very people that they want to protect.
Hiding behind anonymity does nothing to help forward the movement to end rape culture. Taking a stand and telling your story does, so here is where my role comes in. My name is Michelle Cahill, I am a sophomore at DePaul, and when I was 21-years-old I was raped by an off-duty Chicago police officer.
It took me years to recover, but in the last five I have become an advocate for survivors of sexual violence, and I volunteer with an organization that does amazing work in Chicago.
I work very hard to live with the after-effects of my assault. Eleven years later, I still have nightmares, panic attacks, anxiety, I grind my teeth and I am afraid to walk alone at night. I’m afraid to call the police for help because I never know if the responding officer will be my rapist. One of his friends threatened to “end my life” if I ever told anyone what happened. Living with that fear everyday is a challenge and being constantly confronted by this group, that claims that they are trying to help me, actually makes it harder.
A radical movement attempting to make a name for themselves doesn’t help us. Creating a space for discussion and the development of solutions does. If this group wants to help survivors there are plenty of organizations that need volunteers. However, this group is taking survivors hostage and making us pawns in their bid for attention.
If you want to end a rape culture, don’t make universal and unfounded claims. Not every athlete is a rapist and, in fact, the athlete that you’re accusing might be a survivor.
Do your research and volunteer.
Anyone can hide in the dark. It takes courage to stand up, take ownership of your experience and take your power back. I’m not going to stand by while others try to take mine from me.