There is a vaccine that can prevent cancer.
This preventative measure against a life-threatening disease is widely available in the U.S., yet only half of adolescents are vaccinated against the Human papillomavirus (HPV). According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), four out of 10 girls and six out of 10 boys nationwide have not started the HPV vaccine series.
The HPV vaccine should be required in the same way that Illinois enforces vaccines for hepatitis, tetanus, measles and a host of other atrocious diseases. Colleges also have their own set of vaccine requirements, giving them the clout to increase HPV vaccination rates and potentially save the lives of their students.
The problem is that HPV is a sexually transmitted infection (STI), making the vaccine taboo in many sectors of society. Parents get so worked up over the mere possibility of their children having sex in the future that they are failing to protect them.
As a women’s health expert, DePaul professor Linda Graf absolutely supports the vaccine.
“It’s a vaccine that prevents cancer, people,” Graf said. “That’s what it’s about. Why would you not recommend that to somebody? But that’s not how it’s being framed. It’s being framed that it’s preventing a sexually transmitted infection, so then you have the word sex in there and people get really upset about that.”
Introduced a decade ago, most of us are familiar with the HPV vaccine by now. Commonly known as the Gardasil shot, this three-series injection is recommended for girls and boys around the time they turn 11 years old. The vaccine helps protect against not only cervical cancer but also anal, penile and oral cancers caused by the STI. Previously only recommended for females, the vaccine has been suggested for males since 2011.
HPV is startlingly common, as the CDC said nearly 79 million Americans are infected. This means roughly one in four Americans currently have some form of the STI today. There are over 100 strains of HPV, most of which never show symptoms and your body gets rid of the virus on its own. However, other cases are much more serious and can ultimately lead to death. The American Cancer Society estimates that over 4,000 women will die from cervical cancer this year. That is thousands of deaths that could be prevented if the HPV vaccine was mandatory.
“The vaccine is working on cervical cancer and it’s working on head and neck cancers too for people who get HPV from having oral sex, ” Graf said. “This is huge.”
A study released by the CDC in February said that the vaccine has indeed cut cervical cancer rates in half among girls ages 14 to 19, despite lower than ideal vaccination rates.
DePaul health communications professor Elisse Foster compares getting the HPV vaccine to wearing your seat belt in the car — it just makes sense from a public health standpoint. Foster offered suggestions as to how physicians could convince more parents to vaccinate their kids.
“I think probably making some analogies to other sorts of things we do to protect ourselves [will help increase vaccination rates] and to try to eliminate the stigma or awkwardness around the fact that HPV is a sexually transmitted infection,” Foster said.
Besides moral issues involving the sexuality of children, there are also safety concerns about the potential side effects of the vaccine. One of the most cited arguments against vaccines is that they trigger autoimmune diseases. However, Graf noted that there is no scientific data that correlates the HPV vaccine to any long-term negative side effects. Countless studies hold that the vaccine is safe.
“There’s nothing out there that’s glaring that says it’s going to hurt you or hurt your future pregnancies,” Graf said.
Pre-med DePaul junior Camille Khalily understands the importance of vaccines. “If you don’t vaccinate your children then you have no business being a parent,” Khalily said.
As Foster points out, adolescents usually take a passive role in their healthcare decisions. This leaves the ultimate decision to guardians, who often worry that approving the HPV vaccine is the equivalent of giving their children permission to have sex. Studies have also been conducted that find this theory to be groundless. The fact of the matter is that the vaccine has not caused an increase in adolescent sex.
“We have data saying that children who got the vaccine are no more likely to engage in sex at an earlier age than other normal teens who weren’t vaccinated,” Graf said. “We have that data that says the vaccine doesn’t encourage them and it doesn’t discourage them, teens are going to go do what they want to do when they’re ready to do it.”
Beyond the role of parents, the medical world holds the responsibility of changing the discourse surrounding the vaccine. Better education and marketing are vital to convincing parents and reinforcing pediatricians in favor of the HPV vaccine. This vaccine should be communicated to parents in the same way as the polio vaccine is — as a way to prevent a horrible disease. Parents should not be allowed to refuse their children the luxury of cancer prevention.
Proponent • Mar 16, 2016 at 5:39 pm
The National Post | “Journal permanently spikes Canadian co-authored study critical of HPV vaccine”
“A new notice on the journal’s website says the article has been permanently withdrawn because of “serious concerns” about its scientific soundness and claims in it that are unjustified.
“The paper … has a seemingly excessive number of gross errors in both methodology and analysis,” said a scathing critique by one of three unnamed reviewers, described by the editor as international experts.”
transportjohnny • Mar 17, 2016 at 1:58 pm
This sounds eerily similar to:
“regret that my colleagues and I omitted statistically significant data”
No conflict here….the scientist either agree or disagree but you cannot disagree if you don’t agree….since the disagreeing scientists will not be agreed upon by the agreeing scientist.
Yep, sounds logical to me.
Boris Ogon • Mar 19, 2016 at 12:45 am
Have you read the original paper?
ione murphy • Mar 8, 2016 at 9:34 am
It seems over in Europe, in Japan, and in Israel, there are many reports coming in that the HPV vaccine is not as proven safe as we are being led to believe…
“In a ten-year period, more than 2,500 females reported “serious,” life-threatening reactions.
Thousands upon thousands of girls in the United Kingdom have suffered adverse reactions as a result of receiving HPV vaccinations, with more than 2,500 of those enduring “serious” debilitating illnesses, a UK government agency reports.
A recent Freedom of Information request seeking the number of people injured by vaccines in the UK revealed the human papillomavirus vaccine was responsible for over 8,200 injuries in the past 10 years, a startling figure which directly contradicts health authorities reassurances.
According to the report, the flu jab was the second most injurious (2,994), with the MMR vaccine coming in third (1,594).”
Source EUTimes dot net 2015 Thousand of UK Girls Injured By HPV Vaccine
From the Herald News paper in Scotland…
“Schoolgirls should stop being given a vaccine which helps protect them from cervical cancer until a “proper investigation” is held into side effects, a campaigner has insisted.
Freda Birrell, of UK Association of HPV Vaccine Injured Daughters (AHVID), called for a moratorium on the use of the controversial HPV vaccine until more is known about “serious adverse reactions”.
From the Irish Times..
“Fiona Kirby, Kilbeggan, Co Westmeath, is a member of a parents support group, REGRET (Reaction and Effects of Gardasil Resulting in Extreme Trauma), for those who claim their teenage girls became ill after getting the vaccine.
Ms Kirby, a nurse, is seeking a High Court order for the withdrawal of the license given for the Gardasil HPV vaccine, currently being offered to the parents of 11-16 year old girls as a possible cervical cancer preventative.
An order restraining the Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA), which monitors health products in Ireland, proceeding with use of Gardasil in any vaccine programme is also sought.”
From The Tokyo Times Japan-
Around 2,000 reported side effects after using Gardasil cervical cancer vaccine have determined Japanese government officials to withdraw Gardasil from the market in 2013. The side effects of using Gardasil include seizures, brain damage, blindness, paralysis, speech problems, pancreatitis and short-term memory loss, while other patients have died after taking the vaccine. Since the government began offering girls HPV shots, 1,968 adverse events were reported, including 358 that were evaluated as serious by a JMLHW committee
The organization confirmed that in Japan, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare warned local governments that the HPV vaccine should not be recommended amid safety concerns
In France-
” A press release issued this month by a member of the French Parliament blasting Gardasil’s safety record in Europe. “Today in Europe, many young women, aged 18-24 years without medical history are affected with very debilitating diseases that could be attributed directly to vaccination”
THE Ministry of Health has launched a national debate on vaccination to counter a growing anti-vaccine movement in France. Vaccinations against human papilloma virus in young girls have also had a low take up, just 17%..”
In Israel–
” Criticism of the Gardasil vaccine has also come from Israel. Dr. Uzi Beller, an international authority on gynecological cancers who treats patients on a daily basis, came out publicly against vaccinating 65,000, 14-year old girls in Israel with Gardasil, according to an article published in The Jerusalem Post on September 21, 2013 (4).
Dr. Beller voiced his criticism of Gardasil vaccination at “a meeting in Tel Aviv (with) 40 leading experts on gynecology, oncology, women’s health, vaccines and other specialties .”
“In an interview with The Jerusalem Post in his office, (Dr. Beller) noted that the pharmaceutical companies that manufacture the vaccine have been extremely aggressive in their lobbying and marketing; the vaccines are worth billions of dollars to them. At the same time, he said, many medical professionals who advocate vaccination have been pushing a “populistic campaign without being familiar with the issue .”
Dr. Beller continued by saying, “I would be happy to see a solution to this disease. Unlike mammography, there is no organized health fund screening for cervical cancer required, even though Pap smear testing has been shown to be worthwhile in early detection. I want to see fundamental studies proving efficacy, and they do not exist. The vaccines were tested on mostly white women attending colleges and university – mostly from developed countries and healthy. The data were based on a relatively short-term follow-up period. What is known does not yet justify widespread vaccination of healthy girls.”
Justthefacts • Mar 8, 2016 at 2:16 pm
You are a pathological liar. No one can trust what you say. Lets look at your posts below.
ione murphy • Mar 8, 2016 at 3:48 pm
Do you know I found where you had commented using your sock puppet ‘More Facts’, that you created when you were banned from one news site, to comment many times on the same days as your current profile JusttheFacts was also commenting. Over a week of comments where you somehow kept logging into both of your accounts on the same days…
Justthefacts to ione murphy •
“I screwed up and did the wrong login. They are very similar and I did notice until after a few posts. No sock puppeting here. morefacts is me”
Justthefacts • Mar 8, 2016 at 3:55 pm
You are a liar. That’s established. Thanks for pointing out my honesty.
Now I have a place to link to for boars that don’t allow images.I may just set up a URL also.
Until next time…………..
ione murphy • Mar 8, 2016 at 4:08 pm
So your version of honesty is creating another profile to go back on a site you were banned from, and then using both of your profiles to comment on the same articles on the same day, on several different days, and you even upvoted yourself…but that’s not being dishonest if you finally confess to it right?
Judith • Mar 8, 2016 at 5:04 pm
Poor old More Facts or Just the Facts or whatever sock puppet name he uses uses the word Liar constantly – like a parrot with a tic. It is a bit like crying wolf he never can back it up – but screeches it over and over again.
Justthefacts • Mar 8, 2016 at 6:04 pm
Yes, ione does need support when she is outed as a liar. Someday I’ll catch you in the same obvious lie. For now, I’ll just settle with making a fool out of you regularly. Have you learn to read posts before you reply to them yet?
ione murphy • Mar 8, 2016 at 9:14 pm
So you admit you are stalking, harassing and trolling us. Thanks for being honest about that.
Justthefacts • Mar 8, 2016 at 11:54 pm
Every time I have seen you post your lies for the last year, I have pointed them out. I will continue to do so. You are a liar. I have proved it and every time I see you do it again, I will point it out.
A liar would call it harassment. The rest of us call it keeping the record straight.
Mike Stevens • Mar 13, 2016 at 6:23 pm
“So you admit you are stalking, harassing and trolling us.”
Ione, JustTheFacts said: “I’ll just settle with making a fool out of you regularly.”
This serves as yet another example of your continuing problem understanding the English language.
A lot of us make fools out of you regularly. I suppose that makes all of us stalkers, harassers and trolls in your book. C’est la vie.
Sonja Henie • Mar 13, 2016 at 7:49 pm
Who’s this “us”? Oh, I see. . . Judith, bwf309, BeStrong (who hardly ever posts, just agrees with all this anti-vax dreck), Graceds (for dipsh*t), Kanawai Mamal, suz norkan and Kiko. What a crew!
AutismDadd • Mar 9, 2016 at 9:33 pm
The person you make a fool of 99% of the time is you.
suz norkan • Mar 10, 2016 at 12:51 pm
JESTthefax LACKS the intellect to keep anyone on their toes, as he likes to arrogantly and erringly brag about!
He’s notorious for his persistent stalking, harassing, LYING. delusions of grandeur and utilizing extremely senseless memes to spam and troll!
AutismDadd • Mar 11, 2016 at 5:55 pm
An accurate summary. I’d add more but it would be removed and I’d be banished.
ione murphy • Mar 8, 2016 at 9:07 pm
He seems to be following me around, posting the same screenshot that has been shown dozens of times already, Would you consider that to be harassment Judith?
Judith • Mar 8, 2016 at 11:49 pm
He JustheFacts (MoreFacts etc) thinks he is making an impact by posting a screenshot multiple times but this is a cover for the fact that he has nothing of relevance to say. Attack the messenger when you can’t attack the message. His attacks are irrelevant – like a hiss from a small lizard. He has no content in his message. He threatens to “make a fool out of me” but it is like being threatened by a 3 year old.
Justthefacts • Mar 9, 2016 at 12:04 am
You focus on one message after all the time I have riddled you with the facts. Most of my messages are full of content. I read your posts and rip them apart with details. You don’t bother to read my posts and just rant back on new subjects. Do you forget the TWO TIMES you didn’t read my long lists of studies and responded with vitriol against a study that WASN’T LISTED? That was a hilarious screw-up we are all still laughing about since its clear you could care less about facts or what other people say. Love it when I post dead links and you respond to them as if you read them.
Just above, I posted a set of links to disprove you and two of them are fake. You close minded nutcase didn’t bother to read them. Making fool out of you is very fun.
You can accuse me of many things, but not throwing the facts back in you face is not one of them. Keep your delusions to yourself.
Judith • Mar 9, 2016 at 12:21 am
FActs – thinks that by posting “riddles on this comments page he is getting the upper hand. I am not here to play “Riddle games” with you facts. If you can’t be straight and clear don’t waste my time.
Justthefacts • Mar 9, 2016 at 12:27 am
They are not “riddles” if you don’t read them. I’m not giving you riddles; I’m showing everyone that you are a close minded nutcase that cares not for discussion or facts.
I have done it many times. I just did it again. I will do it again because you can’t help but be yourself.
AutismDadd • Mar 9, 2016 at 9:33 pm
Closed minded nutcase sounds more like you actually.
Judith • Mar 9, 2016 at 4:02 am
Your long list of Gish Gallop of studies that had no links…..
Justthefacts • Mar 9, 2016 at 11:36 am
That was a mindless response in an attempt to defend yourself against attacking me with a Danish study I DIDN’T LIST. If you want to bring this up and talk about it, I’m all In….
There is a very long list of studies that show the safety and validity of vaccines on both vaccinated and vaccinated people. I post this list often and edit it regularly with new information. Because this list “resembles” another list you have seen, you NEVER look at it and attach a study THAT ISN’T LISTED because you saw it on a list somewhere else. YOU HAVE DONE THIS TWICE!!
You care NOT for actual data and evidence and don’t care what anyone else has to say. You are just a mindless dupe of anti-vaxx sites who floods the boards with you non-sense. You a monument to all closed minded anti-vaxx dupes everywhere.
Do you want to talk about this some more? I got screen shots to post.
AutismDadd • Mar 9, 2016 at 9:32 pm
You post rubbish from Brian Deer and other sites that lack credibility.
Justthefacts • Mar 10, 2016 at 11:19 am
Not one post from Brain deer on this board and that makes you a liar.
AutismDadd • Mar 10, 2016 at 11:23 am
Make an appointment with a neurologist soon
Mike Stevens • Mar 9, 2016 at 4:56 pm
“no links…..”
This site doesn’t allow hyperlinks, Judith.
What…? You haven’t noticed?
I guess that’s because you have never attempted to post links in support of your bizarre claims.
Judith • Mar 9, 2016 at 6:21 pm
I am referring to a list of studies whichJusttheFacts posted on another site which did allow links but he chose not to list them.
suz norkan • Mar 10, 2016 at 1:04 pm
I pleaded with him a full yr. ago [as it was about this time last year, that he began stalking and harassing me] to please learn to ‘spell and type,’ if he intended to post in the adult commentaries!
I see nothing has changed, Judith!
Justthefacts • Mar 10, 2016 at 7:58 pm
Hello Suz. Nothing has changed. Remember you drew first blood!
and “guest” so she can insult and troll under different names. She has been banned from at least 10 websites for poor behavior. That is mostly what she does and all she does on-line.
Poster Suz Norkan has many Disqus accounts and also posts as suznorkan, suz_norkin, numero uno suz norkan, realsuznorkan, kroz oluju, Jahara mahayame, quasi tempestas, Licha Hericane, Evie Saleegents, yall ADORE suz
RH Reality Check …….. banned (twice)
AlterNet …………………… banned
Raw Story ……………….. banned
Mercury News ………….. banned (twice)
Washington Times ……. banned
A shot of prevention ….. banned
LAist………………………… banned
Patch………………………. banned
Breitbart…………………… banned
The Hill………………………Banned
suz norkan • Mar 10, 2016 at 8:39 pm
Nah! You drew first blood! It just wasn’t mine this time.
Chinks in my armor for impartial censorship, astrobrated ‘gang flagging’ and other deceitful media manipulation!
And since LYING, bad memes and trolling are your forte, you of course LIE as usual about the reason for my separations, while you conveniently left out the impostor accts. you and your astroBRAT pals created, forcing my name changes.
Yeah! We got a good guffaw watching you try to LIE your way out of your ‘morefacts’ sockie after you were banned at hammonds. We witnessed your entire sob story and learned all about your deceptive acts while getting back on his site.
Dream on with your delusions of grandeur, JESTthefacts! The JOKE has always been you, flunkie!
You’re merely a foolish little parasite that suz enjoys squishing like the bug you are!
Justthefacts • Mar 10, 2016 at 10:08 pm
Suz is all angry! Who pushed your button?
suz norkan • Mar 10, 2016 at 10:40 pm
Simply responding to the love letter ya sent me, JESTthefacts!
As usual, you’re WRONG, flunkie, ’cause actually, right about now, I’m fulfillin’ a chillin!’
Mike Stevens • Mar 9, 2016 at 4:53 pm
The antivax crew have a worrying lack of insight, don’t they?
AutismDadd • Mar 9, 2016 at 9:30 pm
Yea content similar to a bull’s bowel content.
suz norkan • Mar 10, 2016 at 12:53 pm
I think he’s 6 now!
suz norkan • Mar 10, 2016 at 12:58 pm
He should likely be given top billing under the new and improved disqus reporting protocol for violations of tos regarding ‘harassment!’
Sonja Henie • Mar 13, 2016 at 7:58 pm
Why are you asking Judith? Is she a mod here?
Justthefacts • Mar 9, 2016 at 12:25 pm
You should look at ione lie again. She said she was a teenagers, then she said she was 50. Now THAT”S a lie. I do think “Liar” applies here, don’t you?
Please Judith, Chime in on iones attempt to pass herself off as a teenager and a 50 year old. Please tell us your thoughts…….
bwf309 • Mar 9, 2016 at 4:47 pm
Actually if you read over justfictions posts I think we have a woman here. Of course she will never reveal herself as it my just reveal her limitations.
suz norkan • Mar 10, 2016 at 11:16 pm
And a 12 yr. old!
suz norkan • Mar 13, 2016 at 6:12 pm
I agree, especially after reading her [JESTthefacts] remark about the pics of fairies she has hung around her bedroom! Female & 12!
edited to respond to her LATEST edit of HER [JESTthefacts] attempt at a cya edit below; while conspicuously trying to coverup what was earlier screenied regarding her fairies, as SHE goes private yet again!
Justthefacts Mike Stevens • 5 hours ago
That’s some stolen art from a the Dutch artist Jopie Louwe Kooijman. It’s copyrighted but I’m sure ione doesn’t care about the law. Ione fancy’s herself as Boudica, the English warrior queen. The ironic part is that she was soundly defeated by the Romans science and modern tactics. She poisoned herself in defeat. If only ione could know when she is wrong and has lost also. I’m tempted to turn her for copyright infringement in but we do have you leave her with some kind of avatar, don’t we?
I have a fairey and many other artist on my walls right now. I’m not a fan of Jopie. She is a bit derivative like all the celtic artists tend to be. I doubt ione could stump me on modern art.
Darlin’, your deceit is falling out all over the place, JESTER!
Justthefacts • Mar 14, 2016 at 11:57 pm
You are so stupid. Didn’t you notice the spelling? A “fairey” is a “Shepard Fairey”. Since you know nothing, Shepard Fairey is a modern artist and his work is worth more than your are. Shepard Fairey does not paint “fairys” (note the spelling). The whole discussion was about iones Avatar which was done by……Shepard fairey.
I keep my “fairey” piece between a Warhol and a Picasso woodcut. I am keenly aware of these artist as they tend to keep my home insurance rate high.
Thanks for making it very clear that there are many subjects that you are proudly ignorant about.
suz norkan • Mar 15, 2016 at 12:11 am
You’re the stupid one, fairy girl, who is now set to private due to being caught in more lies, and then trying to cover them up again!
‘Fairey’ is just another of your odd canuck/uk spellings!
Sounds like your taste in art is on the same level as your knowledge about vax injuries; BELOW PAR!
Not that I trust one word out of your LYING mouth, fairy girl!
Justthefacts • Mar 8, 2016 at 6:01 pm
I never hid it. I told the the site moderator, Hammond himself, that I came back with a different logon. I lied to no one where you, on the other hand lie to everybody, all of the time.
The best part about your new icon is that you think its a cool Fairey piece for your punk/outside look, but the fact is that it is a piece commissioned for a denim advertisement.
You are a Levi Strauss logo. You are corporate America. You are a pathological liar.
ione murphy • Mar 8, 2016 at 6:37 pm
If I hadn’t had to change my avatar pic 5 times because of imposter accounts, I would still have my original picture. You can ask Hammond about the person trying to impersonate me. I’m one of only many who had this happen to them , because some people are really that immature.
Since 90% of what I post is links to and excerpts from peer reviewed studies, and also excerpts from news stories on main stream sites, what it amounts to is you are accusing me of providing false studies and false news reports.
I will let readers decide who the liar really is.
Justthefacts • Mar 8, 2016 at 6:44 pm
You post “part” of studies ignoring the part that doesn’t support your claims. In other words. you LIE about what peer reviewed studies really say
You are a pathological liar.
Lets look at that again, if you have forgotten.
Mike Stevens • Mar 8, 2016 at 6:44 pm
Ione, it looks like you just changed your avatar 5 minutes ago, just after JustTheFacts commented on it.
So claiming you only change your avatar because of “imposter accounts” is clearly an untruth.
I have to conclude you are indeed a liar, Ione.
But then we all knew that already.
Mike Stevens • Mar 9, 2016 at 4:48 pm
“If I hadn’t had to change my avatar pic 5 times because of imposter accounts…”
Ione, it looks like you just changed your avatar immediately after JustTheFacts commented on it. So claiming you only change your avatar because of “imposter accounts” is clearly an untruth.
I have to conclude you are indeed a liar, Ione.
But then we all knew that already.
Justthefacts • Mar 10, 2016 at 6:27 pm
That’s some stolen art from a the Dutch artist Jopie Louwe Kooijman. It’s copyrighted but I’m sure ione doesn’t care about the law. Ione fancy’s herself as Boudica, the English warrior queen. The ironic part is that she was soundly defeated by the Romans science and modern tactics. She poisoned herself in defeat. If only ione could know when she is wrong and has lost also. I’m tempted to turn her for copyright infringement in but we do have you leave her with some kind of avatar, don’t we?
I have a fairey and many other artist on my walls right now. I’m not a fan of Jopie. She is a bit derivative like all the celtic artists tend to be. I doubt ione could stump me on modern art.
Judith • Mar 9, 2016 at 6:40 pm
I remember when you were impersonated. I knew it wasn’t you because it was a new account.
FSMPastapharian • Mar 14, 2016 at 1:38 am
Hahaha, what a load of bullshlt! You do no such thing. You cherrypick, misinterpret and lie outright about the results of studies you are incapable of understanding.
Mike Stevens • Mar 8, 2016 at 6:29 pm
Didn’t you just post this identical antivaccine screed on another site, Ione?
Oh, yes you did.
Contrary to your claims (mostly from individual antivaccine nutcases) it seems that the vast preponderance of scientific evidence is in support of the vaccine being effective and safe.
In Europe, the European Medicines Agency recently conducted a detailed scientific review and concluded as much
(press release 5/11/15)
In the USA, reviews of reactions reported after HPV vaccination show that these are limited to rare, minor problems.
PMC 23027469
This study showed that same day syncope and minor skin infections at the
injection site were the only side effects of consequence among nearly 200,000 girls.
In Sweden and Denmark the vaccine was found to be safe among 1 million females vaccinated with qHPV vaccine.
PMC 3805482
This study found no evidence supporting associations between exposure to qHPV
vaccine and autoimmune, neurological, and venous thromboembolic adverse
And in the same countries, a study among 4 million females showed no link to demyelinating disorders (another common anti-HPV vax myth)
PMC 25562266
Ione, I would remind you that finding anecdotal and unconfirmed “reports” of
problems are not the same as demonstrating evidence of problems, in the same way that “reports” of alien abduction are not evidence of extraterrestrial life forms visiting Earth.
ione murphy • Mar 8, 2016 at 10:00 pm
“Contrary to your claims (mostly from individual antivaccine nutcases)”
Are you talking about the parents who had their children fully immunized, to then have them be seriously disabled by the HPV vaccine? One mother a nurse herself, are those the anti-vaccine nutcases you are referring to?
Because they are concerned enough about what happened to their children, to try and prevent it from happening to other children, you try to make them out to be bad people.
VikingAPRNCNP • Mar 8, 2016 at 10:25 pm
The evidence is there that gardasil 4 and 9 are effective and safer than the wild disease.
ione murphy • Mar 8, 2016 at 10:49 pm
Is it true that the Dept of HHS hold the patent on technology that was developed at the NIH, and our gov leases it to Merck to make the HPV vaccine? BUT..they don’t have to disclose to the public how much income this lease generates yearly. Why is that and do you think it is a conflict of interest for the gov to mandate the HPV vaccine?
“This responds to your request for assistance, which the Office of Government Information Services (OGIS) received on November 5, 2010, regarding your interest in obtaining information about royalties the National Institutes of Health (NIH) receives from the sales of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines.
After carefully reviewing the correspondence you submitted to OGIS with your request for assistance, it appears that NIH’s finding that information regarding royalties is protected from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is proper. Specifically, the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia ruled in 2002 that information regarding NIH revenues from royalties based on NIH inventions and concerning the percentage of sales that NIH receives as royalties is exempt from disclosure”
VikingAPRNCNP • Mar 8, 2016 at 11:43 pm
So what……
Justthefacts • Mar 9, 2016 at 12:18 am
You left out the explanation:
“The Court ruled that the Federal Transfer and Technology Act, 15 U.S.C. § 3710a(c)(7)(A) is a proper Exemption 3 statute and protects from disclosure under FOIA trade secrets or commercial or financial information that is privileged or confidential “which is obtained in the conduct of research or as a result of activities under this chapter from a non -Federal party participating in a cooperative research and development agreement.” The Court also ruled that commercial or financial information obtained from a person outside the government is exempt from disclosure under FOIA by Exemption 4. ”
You see ione, it is ILLEGAL for the government to release proprietary information that belongs to a non-federal entity. Would you like the government to release private information about YOU……..
Ione gives half the information, all of the lies.
Mike Stevens • Mar 9, 2016 at 4:45 pm
More lies and deliberate misrepresentation from Ione…Why am I not surprised?
AutismDadd • Mar 11, 2016 at 6:14 pm
You should thankful she’s trying to school you.
Kathy • Mar 13, 2016 at 11:20 pm
LOL you are funny! Ione is clueless
AutismDadd • Mar 13, 2016 at 11:44 pm
Compared to you? I chose Ione
Kathy • Mar 13, 2016 at 11:48 pm
That is fine. Makes it easier to debunk you two loonies.
AutismDadd • Mar 14, 2016 at 6:24 pm
Who debunks you then?
Kathy • Mar 14, 2016 at 9:07 pm
Not you, that’s for sure. You contribute nothing of value. Ever. Just name calling.
AutismDadd • Mar 15, 2016 at 3:17 pm
Too late, consider yourself debunked.
Kathy • Mar 15, 2016 at 4:58 pm
Debunked by you means verification of facts about immunization science. You live in opposite land. So, there you go.
Boris Ogon • Mar 19, 2016 at 1:41 am
It’s almost an opportunity for a pure linguistic center embedding (as opposed to, e.g., the “police” form, any number >1 of occurrences of which constitute a valid English sentence).
Debunkers debunk.
Debunkers debunk debunkers.
Debunker debunkers debunk debunkers.
Debunker debunkers debunk debunker debunkers.
Debunker debunker debunkers debunk debunker debunkers.
AutismDadd • Mar 19, 2016 at 9:16 am
Take your meds Boris
AutismDadd • Mar 11, 2016 at 6:13 pm
AutismDadd • Mar 11, 2016 at 6:13 pm
Talk about industry spam
transportjohnny • Mar 17, 2016 at 2:15 pm
Uh huh!!! Yes, vaccinate 330 million people moving forward for a disease that less than 27k people get from HPV causes and it can drastically be reduced to near zero chance by behavior.
Yeah makes sense to me……..nah, I don’t think so.
VikingAPRNCNP • Mar 17, 2016 at 7:59 pm
If we can eradicate a disease that leads to cancer we should. The oncogenic hpv strains have one host. Humans. Break the chain of infection and the disease will fade away.
Hepatitis b is another cancer causing virus found only in humans. Hepatitis B cases have dropped by about 90% since vaccination programs we’re introduced in the 70s.
You are correct that some cases can be prevented through behavior. Unfortunately the reality is that a child can contract hep B through a human bite on thebplayground.
Primary prevention is both safer and more cost effective than any secondary prevention level of treatment.
transportjohnny • Mar 18, 2016 at 9:38 am
Well, the ramp up in the vaccine schedule is quite young……… since the 90’s. We know ASD Rates have skyrocketed since then……..I guess we shall see. I just don’t get the 100% vaccination of the masses when these diseases are quite rare. Genetic history of certain cancers…then yes….the benefit can outweigh the risks of the vaccine. HPV, however, is NOT one due to it’s history.
Boris Ogon • Mar 19, 2016 at 1:12 am
This doesn’t even make sense. (1) Persistent HPV infection is a prerequisite for cervical cancer. (2) Of course there are genetic predispositions, whatever “due to it’s history” is supposed to mean to the contrary. So what?
This is what “begging the question” actually means: You’re “reasoning” from your conclusion. What, high-path HPV should be allowed to run rampant until some sort of personalized genetic testing is available? Because of a grievous, yet hand-waving risk? When’s that going to happen?
Boris Ogon • Mar 19, 2016 at 12:51 am
Specifically, what “behavior” would that be?
I’ll simplify your research (I crack myself up): Is there a sex-differentiated reservoir? If so, with which does it lie? How does “self-inoculation” work?
Three is enough to triangulate. I’m waiting.
transportjohnny • Mar 21, 2016 at 7:51 am
How bout trying this…..Not sleeping with the highest risk of people with HPV………….being monogamous or abstinence………..Or do you disagree with the CDC website.
Kathy • Mar 13, 2016 at 11:20 pm
Yawn. Old news. EU issued a report, recently, that most reports of adverse events with HPV vax are not related to the vaccine. Japan will find same. Boring, Ione. Seriously, old stuff.
No, I will not link you. You are too lazy to post links, so am I right now.
Graceds • Mar 7, 2016 at 10:58 am
This headline is extremely unbalanced and misleading.
Justthefacts • Mar 8, 2016 at 2:18 pm
It’s accurate in a very practical way. HPV has been shown conclusively to be safe and effective and in blog speak, they use the word “proven”.
AutismDadd • Mar 15, 2016 at 10:46 pm
OH one word “proven” and that’s the proof folks!!!
Mike Stevens • Mar 8, 2016 at 5:56 pm
Like you, you mean?
Justthefacts • Mar 8, 2016 at 7:12 pm
The subject is not “balanced”. You are just wrong. There is not “two sides”. There is science which has shown, conclusively, the value of vaccines and there are nut cases that don’t understand science.
There are not two sides to this subject. There is expertise and other that are just wrong. That is you.
AutismDadd • Mar 15, 2016 at 10:45 pm
You should be banned for that comment. Moderator please remove this person.
suz norkan • Mar 15, 2016 at 10:51 pm
The kicking and screaming of a child! Such is fairy girl JESTthefacts!
Boris Ogon • Mar 19, 2016 at 12:44 am
Maybe you need to escalate your “rhetoric.”
AutismDadd • Mar 19, 2016 at 9:18 am
Nobody asked you.
AutismDadd • Mar 15, 2016 at 10:44 pm
No surprise, that’s intentional.
transportjohnny • Mar 18, 2016 at 9:55 am
This would be the understatement of the year!!!!!!!!!
Judith • Mar 7, 2016 at 1:42 am
The temperature of the heated controversy concerning Gardasil was recently raised even more when Dr. Bernhard Dalbergue (France), former pharmaceutical industry physician with Merck, recently predicted that the vaccine will become the greatest medical scandal of all times.
In an interview in the April 2014 issue (no. 66) of the magazine Principes de Santé (Health Principles), Dr. Dalbergue, who has worked for over twenty years with the industry, describes the widespread corruption and his concern that the health of patients is sacrificed on the altar of profitability.
Dr. Dalbergue stated:
I predict that Gardasil will become the greatest medical scandal of all times because at some point in time, the evidence will add up to prove that this vaccine has absolutely no effect on cervical cancer and that all the very many adverse effects which destroy lives and even kill, serve no other purpose than to generate profit for the manufacturers.
According to Dr. Dalbergue the pharmaceutical industry has hardened considerably during the last decade, as shown by increased violations of ethics, manipulation of clinical trial data, widespread corruption, gross conflicts of interest and generally less emphasis on pharmacovigilance.
Sonja Henie • Mar 7, 2016 at 8:31 am
And what has happened in the past two years?
AutismDadd • Mar 11, 2016 at 6:11 pm
No surprise you wouldn’t know.
Justthefacts • Mar 8, 2016 at 2:23 pm
Dr. Dalbergue’s story seems very weak considering awfully that there is no evidence that he ever worked for Merck. As far as anyone was able to uncover through sources and background checks, Dr. Dalbergue was the Directeur Medicale (Medical Director) of a drug distributor, Martin & Harris Pvt. Ltd. Being a Medical Director for a minor pharmaceutical distributor, by itself, lends no credence to a statement that he was deeply involved with Merck. He was not employed by Merck.
Since Martin & Harris was not a primary manufacturer of vaccines, Dr. Dalbergue had little, if any, access to privileged information. As best as I can surmise, Martin & Harris is a defunct distributor of pharmaceuticals from the larger pharmaceutical companies.
This is another Anti-vaxx sham.
Judith • Mar 8, 2016 at 4:58 pm
Facts – you have not provided any references to your claim that Dr. Dalbergue did not work for Merck. I have not been able to find any refutes to his claim. One doesn’t have to work for Merck to have an understanding of what a dangerous vaccine the HPV vaccine is. He is correct about the corrupt practices of the pharmaceutical industry – it is rife with bad practices.
Press Release from Michèle Rivasi, MEP France
Michèle Rivasi, MEP Vice-Chair of the Greens/EFA in the European Parliament, organized a press conference in Paris on April 2, the topic was Gardasil, a vaccine from Sanofi-Pasteur MSD against certain human papillomavirus responsible for cancer.
“Cervical cancer in France is no longer a public health problem (1.7 % of all cancers)
– The vaccine is only effective against infections caused by some strains of the virus: Gardasil contains antigens only for strains of type 6, 11, 16 and 18 and the other vaccine, Cervarix, for 2 strains. However, infections with strains 16 and 18, established as scarecrows by manufacturers, seem rarer in Europe. Note that there are more than 100 strains, including 18 considered high-risk oncogenic
– There is no evidence to date demonstrating efficacy of the vaccine against the occurrence of cervical cancer! 20 years back would still be necessary to obtain such evidence, however, the duration of vaccine protection is limited in time.
– The presence of aluminum adjuvant is very problematic, as shown by scientists Chris Shaw and Lucija Tomljenovic, from the University of British Columbia, and Professor Authier and Gherardi, from Hospital Henri-Mondor (Créteil), all present at the conference. The aluminum migrates into the body and reaches the brain, where it accumulates. There are many adverse effects noted: death, convulsions, syncope, Guillain-Barré syndrome, transverse myelitis, facial paralysis, chronic fatigue syndrome, autoimmune diseases, pulmonary embolisms, myofasciitis macrophages, pancreatitis…”
Mike Stevens • Mar 8, 2016 at 5:58 pm
You claimed he worked for Merck – so you need to demonstrate that he did, and show us the evidence.
That’s how things work in the real world, Judith.
AutismDadd • Mar 11, 2016 at 6:04 pm
How many of you pro-vac trolls work for MERCK?
Justthefacts • Mar 8, 2016 at 6:21 pm
this site doesn’t like links but here you go
washingtonpost(dot)com/world/Dr. Dalbergue/2016/03/08/126205ce-e4aa-11e5-a9ce-681055c7a05f_story.html
Yep, he never worked for Merck.
The rest of post is a cut and paste from the nutcase site “Sanevax” , the tin foil hatters of the anti-vaxx community. Of course, they would be promoting a lie.
Justthefacts • Mar 9, 2016 at 12:08 am
Hey Judith, You never read anyone’s posts and ignore links to evidence so I just proved it again. Which two links are fake? I just told you below? Did you bother to check?
You don’t care enough about the truth to check the facts.
Making a fool out of Judith is just too easy.
AutismDadd • Mar 11, 2016 at 6:11 pm
You are coming unglued aren’t you?
Judith • Mar 9, 2016 at 12:17 am
Facts – You linked the SkepticalCraptor site and I have copied from it:
“A few French speakers have read some of the French language articles about Dr. Dalbergue which has been helpful in understanding better his relationship with Merck. They did indeed acquire Martin & Harris, and terminated all of the executives of the company (something that is typically done, and don’t worry, in these cases, the executives receive substantial payouts), including Dr. Dalbergue.”
So at some point Merck acquired Martin and Harris so in effect Dr Dalbergue did work for Merck. Skeptical Craptor also stated “I’m willing to assume that Dr. Dalbergue was a Medical Director for the possibly defunct distributor, because that appears to be public knowledge.” Craptor also states “A Medical Director is almost always a critical role in pharmaceutical companies undergoing research and development.”
From this I would say Dr. Dalbergue would be able to assess for himself the dangers of the Gardasil vaccine. Being an insider is no guarantee that research would be open and ethical.
We know from the past that Merck has a history of sweetening the research:
“The Scientist has reported that, yes, it’s true, Merck cooked up a phony, but real sounding, peer reviewed journal and published favorably looking data for its products in them. Merck paid Elsevier to publish such a tome, which neither appears in MEDLINE or has a website, according to The Scientist.”
“Stephen Krahling and Joan Wlochowski, were Merck virologists
who claim in their unsealed complaint that they “witnessed firsthand the
Improper testing and data falsification in which Merck engaged to
artificially inflate the vaccine’s efficacy findings.”
“In 2004 after causing an estimated 60,000 deaths worldwide primarily from heart attacks and strokes, Merck pharmaceuticals bestselling arthritis drug Vioxx was withdrawn from sale worldwide. Priorto that Vioxx’s manufacturer Merck had ‘mounted a ghost-writing campaign’ to promote Vioxx. 96 articles were published, some of which omitted to mention the deaths of patients who participatedin clinical trials of the drug.26 Not only did it promote dishonest conduct, Merck had ‘drawn up a hitlist of “rogue” researchers who had criticised Vioxx who had to be discredited and ‘neutralized’”
Justthefacts • Mar 9, 2016 at 12:24 am
Read your own words:
“They did indeed acquire Martin & Harris, and terminated all of the
executives ……. including Dr. Dalbergue.”
Now we know he NEVER ACTUALLY worked for Merck. He worked for Martin & Harris and was fired from Martin & Harris when Merck bought Martin & Harris.
Now we know where the grunge came from. Yes, he has good reason to lie about Merck. Thanks for clearing that up.
What about the other links I had ti tell you were fake?……….
I will keep you on your toes and telling lies in a desperate attempt to be relevant.
Judith • Mar 9, 2016 at 12:29 am
Yes – to terminate someone – you have to be their employer. SkeptalCraptor is your only source for this and he says he can find no evidence. It is like me posting evidence from Natural News. The point is whether he worked form Merck or not is irrelevant. Dr Dalbergue stands on his own for his research.
Justthefacts • Mar 9, 2016 at 1:05 am
Don’t be stupid. Martin & Harris is still a separate firm. The parent company had everybody fired. Disney owns pixar but if you work for pixar, Your check comes from pixar. You are a really ignorant person.
Dr. Dalbergue.was not a scientist; he was a director. He NEVER HAD ANY INSIDE MERCK INFORMATION.
Story over. You are really, really naive.
Mike Stevens • Mar 14, 2016 at 2:51 pm
The point is whether he worked for Merck or not is irrelevant.
But Judith, this tale you presented crucially hangs on the alleged link to Merck.
Is that noise I now hear the sound of sacred antivax cows drowning in the Ganges?
“Dr Dalbergue stands on his own for his research.”
Funny that. He doesn’t seem to have any relevant research.
I can find only 2 research articles featuring Bernhard Dalbergue, both with him as a minor co-author. They are both old, and neither of them is to do with vaccines. One is about interferon in hepatitis 15 yrs ago, the other about dapsone 25 yrs ago.
PMID 11580151, 1582552
AutismDadd • Mar 11, 2016 at 6:10 pm
Another Twistthefacts duh moment. If MERCK (synonymous with consumer death) acquired a working company, the staff there would be indoctrinated. Their knowledge would be of value, and terminating them all seems unlikely. You haven’t stated how long after aquisition this courageous DOCTOR was terminated or under what terms, so your whole little story line wafts of the usual B.S.
Justthefacts • Mar 13, 2016 at 2:29 pm
You really know nothing about this subject. The first thing that happened to Wakefield was that he was fired. Thompson is STILL a supporter of all vaccines. You are confusing him with Hooker.
Get back to trolling and stop pretending you know anything.
AutismDadd • Mar 13, 2016 at 6:39 pm
I never mentioned Hooker. Yea they sure did a masterful job making a mole hill into a mountain to shut down Wakefield. A researcher who NEVER did a vaccine study and was merely reporting his findings and making observations as a gastroenterologist.
FSMPastapharian • Mar 14, 2016 at 1:45 am
Have you ever had a real job? This event is nothing unusual, nor is any of it supportive of some small-time distributor having ever had any inside role at Merck. How is some business guy being bought out courageous??? Your post is stupid.
AutismDadd • Mar 14, 2016 at 6:04 pm
No pastrami, your post is stupid because I have no idea what your rant is about.
FSMPastapharian • Mar 14, 2016 at 9:34 pm
AD, my post isn’t stupid at all. In fact, it will make perfect sense to anyone who has ever worked in a commercial lab setting. Being the director of a distribution channel is basically a glorified sales manager. His knowledge of products would include retails price, target margins, sales goals, and basic marketing messages.
His being part of an acquisition would not constitute anything “courageous” in the least! He got bought out and was then probably paid a nice severance to walk away. It’s that simple. Your paranoid delusions and over-the-top drama queen portrayal of a sales director being bought out reeks of gullible desperation to believe that there is more here than a complete and utter non-story, unless you held stock in the distribution company.
Basically, you and your ignorant anti-vaxxers are the only ones who would be gullible enough to think there was anything of note here.
AutismDadd • Mar 15, 2016 at 3:13 pm
Oddly I agree, but its that you pro-vac Neanderthals have it all wrong. I highly doubt you know this man’s responsibilities and knowledge, and the one best suited to explaining that is him.
FSMPastapharian • Mar 15, 2016 at 4:06 pm
What I do know is the responsibilities of many others in his position with different distributors in THIS industry, so yes, I am fairly confident I know his responsibilities. I also know the knowledge generally associated with a person in his position, and it rarely, if ever, includes any highly confidential information about their vendors and suppliers. They are basically outsourced sales reps.
AutismDadd • Mar 15, 2016 at 4:07 pm
Not good enough
FSMPastapharian • Mar 15, 2016 at 4:26 pm
Your uninformed opinion on this topic is not relevant. You’ve already expressed your opinion, and it is bat-guano crazy. My explanations are based on facts and first-hand knowledge – which you do not have. It is not subject to your baseless opinions.
AutismDadd • Mar 15, 2016 at 10:50 pm
We leave no stone un-turned, even if we must dislodge you provacs in the process.
FSMPastapharian • Mar 15, 2016 at 11:14 pm
Knock yourself out. No, really.
Bjorn Fowler • Mar 17, 2016 at 6:37 pm
Autisticdadd is unlikely to have finished school, let alone work. Though I think he’ll struggle to land a job in the only places that’ll take him.
Fast food.
AutismDadd • Mar 15, 2016 at 10:51 pm
Motivation? Boy you have no idea how clueless you are.
FSMPastapharian • Mar 14, 2016 at 1:42 am
Wow, she twists even the blatantly obvious when it contradicts her ideologies. Embarrassing.
Justthefacts • Mar 14, 2016 at 11:02 am
It has become obvious to me over time that ione, judith, graceds, and the like are mindless dupes of the anti-vaxx sites. The don’t actually read the sources and rarely even read the anti-vaxx blog articles completely. They read the title of the anti-vaxx blog post, then astroturf it into a post here without understanding what is says at all. That is why they do these insane posts where they say something wild up top and then follow it with cut and pastes that contradict their own ideas.
That is why I always check the actual source of their posts. It is almost certain that they didn’t read it and it disagrees with their point. They we simply duped by an anti-vaxx blogpost that lied to them.
I am amazed each time these dupes post an article concerning a loss in the effectiveness of a vaccine. The anti-vaxx site pumped them all up with an intro to it about how bad vaccines are, but any rational person reads it and say “Yea, let’s get some better vaccines!”. All I can do is thank them for their post.
When it come down to it, ione, judith, and graceds are just brainwashed mindless dupes that know nothing about what they are doing. The rest of them are just a fan club of trolls.
FSMPastapharian • Mar 14, 2016 at 12:53 pm
It’s ironic that they are their own worst enemies. In trying to promote the need for better or more effective vaccines, they create a blast zone of ignorance that affects even the most reasonable requests that might otherwise be valid in the field of vaccines.
AutismDadd • Mar 15, 2016 at 5:25 pm
Whoa that’s profound
suz norkan • Mar 14, 2016 at 10:33 pm
And you’re nothing more than an arrogant, petulant 12 yr. old neophyte who has pics of fairies hanging on the walls in your bedroom at your mommies house, where you still live!
You’re also a HUGE LIAR, which is why you just went private again! Caught in yet another LIE, JESTthefacts!
Why would anyone take crucial advice from an unsophisticated & inexperienced narcissistic princess & liar like you, fairy girl!
Justthefacts • Mar 14, 2016 at 11:46 pm
Poster Suz Norkan has many Disqus accounts and posts as suznorkan, suz_norkin, numero uno suz norkan, realsuznorkan, kroz oluju, Jahara mahayame, quasi tempestas, Licha Hericane, Evie Saleegents, yall ADORE suz
and “guest” so she can insult and troll under different names. She has been banned from at least 11 websites for poor behavior. That is mostly what she does and all she does on-line.
RH Reality Check …….. banned (twice)
AlterNet …………………… banned
Raw Story ……………….. banned
Mercury News ………….. banned (twice)
Washington Times ……. banned
A shot of prevention ….. banned
LAist………………………… banned
Patch………………………. banned
Breitbart…………………… banned
The Hill………………………Banned
suz norkan • Mar 15, 2016 at 12:40 am
More spam, fairy girl!
Those sites are chinks in my armor, for their impartial censorship, astroBRATted ‘gang flagging’ & other deceitful media manipulation!
And since LYING, posting bad memes & trolling are of your inclination, you of course LIE as usual, about the reason for my separations; while you plainly left out the impostor accts. you & your astroBRAT pals created, forcing me to make most of my name changes.
Yeah! We got a good guffaw watching you try to LIE your way out of your ‘morefacts’ sockie after you were banned at hammonds. We witnessed your entire sob story and learned all about your deceptive acts while getting back on his site.
JESTthefacts, while seemingly ‘quick on the google draw’, lacks wit, intellect and most of all logic, as she envisions her delusions of grandeur, fairies and unicorns!
Poor JESTthefacts! The JOKE has always been you, ms. flunkie!
Proponent • Mar 16, 2016 at 3:29 pm
Time for an update.
Drumroll, please.. and..
KSNT …………………… banned.
(KSNT | “Cancer centers alarmed over low number of HPV vaccinations”)
… …
Yep, scuz done got banned … a -gain.
Justthefacts • Mar 16, 2016 at 3:40 pm
Chalk up another one on the list!
suz norkan • Mar 16, 2016 at 5:06 pm
Aw, fairy girl! You were right there with me, JESTER darlin’!
Please do let us know when you intend to go public again. We take such delight in yucking it up over all of your spammy, trolling LIES!
Justthefacts • Mar 16, 2016 at 6:15 pm
And you are lying even in this post.
I’ll be having fun exposing you, Ione, and Frank at will and I will do what I want. Look at the bright side. There are 9 sites that I won’t be exposing you on since you won’t be there!
You have been defanged Troll. You have no power here.
suz norkan • Mar 16, 2016 at 7:39 pm
Oh, dern! I’m so scared now because of this fairy girl TROLL! Whatever shall I do!
Suz doesn’t lie, ’cause my sunday school mama taught me that the ‘liars would be punished with the murderers and the thieves!’
Sweetie, I’ve been back to every site you list! And to make it even easier for ‘ya fairy girl TROLL, I’m right HERE! Come and GET me!
The LIAR is you, fairy girl, JESTER, and if I ‘had no power here’, yall wouldn’t be answering me, darlin’ fairy girl! Har d har!
Bjorn Fowler • Mar 19, 2016 at 6:57 am
“Suz doesn’t lie”
Spouting that lie to other people are you, you compulsive liar?
suz norkan • Mar 19, 2016 at 11:05 am
See 5b., comment #2578123375, stalking and LYING little FOULer!
Bjorn Fowler • Mar 19, 2016 at 7:20 pm
Says the antivaxxer that claims to not be an anti-vaxxer. So stop lying anti-vaxxer
suz norkan • Mar 19, 2016 at 8:27 pm
See 5b. and 6 of comment # 2576821727!
Bjorn Fowler • Mar 20, 2016 at 4:58 am
Stop lying antivaxxer
suz norkan • Mar 20, 2016 at 12:39 pm
See comment #2579082440!
Bjorn Fowler • Mar 20, 2016 at 3:51 pm
It’s still a lie anti-vaxxer
suz norkan • Mar 20, 2016 at 4:13 pm
See comment # 2580176789!
What fun! I could play on your puerile and purposeless posting projects for a prolonged perpetuation!
Bjorn Fowler • Mar 20, 2016 at 4:45 pm
Back to trying to put the false air of sophistication on I see. No ones buying it.
Put the dictionary back on the shelf.
suz norkan • Mar 20, 2016 at 4:52 pm
You’re a newbie, baby boy! You don’t know suz! Others here know that I adore alliteration’ & unlike you, I certainly don’t need a dictionary
Bjorn Fowler • Mar 20, 2016 at 11:49 pm
“You don’t know suz! Others here know that I adore alliteration”
I think you mean “attention”. It’s pretty obvious you’re using a dictionary. If you actually talk like that I’m sure that most people would see you as pretentious, which is basically how you come across over the internet.
Given your compulsive lying and the fact you are inconsistent with your speech patterns, it’s clear that it’s just another lie.
Using seldomly used words to try and draw attention to your speech doesn’t make you any smarter or trustworthy.
suz norkan • Mar 21, 2016 at 12:10 am
No need for a dictionary. My speech is hardly inconsistent! I could change my name and readers would spot suz just by my prose alone!
What you call pretentious got me any job I ever applied for; and unlike astroBRATS such as yourself, not just ‘flipping burgers’ either!
I bet you even had to look up ‘alliteration!
Suz doesn’t lie, and I’d just as soon NOT draw the attention of trash talking illiterates like you, FOULer!
Bjorn Fowler • Mar 21, 2016 at 12:25 am
Don’t lie suz. You probably have a dictionary on your desk right now.
I highly doubt it got you any jobs. If someone came into my office looking for a job and spoke in a way that can only be seen as looking down to the person you’re speaking to, I’d boot them out right away. I also can’t believe you’re still claiming I’m paid to argue with trolls like you. Oh how stupid you are.
Futhermore, just because I’m not trying to use words most people don’t use doesn’t make me illiterate. The way you’re throwing in words like prose, puerile, Etc. is a clear indicator that it is a forced act in a futile attempt to lord some non-existant superiority over others.
Lastly, being the compulsive liar you are, your claim you don’t lie can, again, be dismissed as another lie. Put the dictionary away.
suz norkan • Mar 21, 2016 at 12:28 am
That’s the difference between those of us who enjoy prose, poetry and the power of words, and those of you who are illiterate and depend on urban dic to assist you in your language endeavors.
Suz doesn’t lie, FOULer!
Bjorn Fowler • Mar 21, 2016 at 2:20 am
The difference between people who see the beauty in words and you is you have a dictionary to fill your comments with as many words people don’t use in conversation in a poor attempt to make yourself look smarter, but in reality are dumb as bricks.
Any pretentious illusion you put forth is immediately shattered by your false claim that vaccines cause death. Which is a lie, thus making you a liar, since you don’t seem to grasp that simple concept
suz norkan • Mar 21, 2016 at 10:47 am
Wahhhhh! Aw! Quit crying already! Sheesh! What a whiny baby boy!
All one has to do is go through my profile to see how many times I’ve used alliteration, onomatopoeia, correct grammar, unique verbiage, or utilized other poetic license in my replies!
You really ARE illiterate if you think vax have never caused death or serious injury!
Ask mommy to buy YOU a dictionary, FOULer! You apparently need one! I don’t!
Stop playing your idiotic video games, and you’ll learn that suz doesn’t lie, darlin’! Vax DOES cause injuries and death and far more often than mainstream media reports, crybaby!
suz norkan • Mar 16, 2016 at 4:58 pm
And no one can compete with parrot PROS total obliteration and absolute disqus powerwash; being banned from every site he’d ever posted on, and wiping out a comment count of over 2500+!
And the honor of this grand prize goes to…. confetti, parade and fanfare please…. the new [but NEVER improved] parrot Pro!
As always, please work on that infamous grammar of yours! Look at the poor and improper example you set for our children!
p.s. I thought dissqus wiped you out AGAIN! Where’ve ‘ya been, pP!
suz norkan • Mar 16, 2016 at 4:42 pm
As always, your count is off. It was 8 disqus media manipulated, and/or biased sites who have unfairly censored me previously, so should I be truly be banned at ksnt, the count would be 9, fairy girl!
And as always, you LIE about the reasons, since you are a stalking, harassing, SPAMMING & LYING TROLL, JESTthefacts!
However, for as much as we realize that you enjoy obsessing over suz to the point of incessantly remaining off topic in all the commentaries that you participate in, DO try to ascertain what the correct subject is, fairy girl!
Justthefacts • Mar 15, 2016 at 12:03 am
It’s spelled “Fairey” as in Shepard Fairey. He is an expensive modern artist. He did the famous Obama “Hope” piece.
The one I have is worth somewhere in the high five digits, I am very proud of it, and I doubt if a 12 yr old could afford it.
Yes, I am very proud it’s on my wall.
The girliest art I have is a few Erte’s but if you want to make fun of my art, pick on the Lichtenstein. It’s “comic book” art. I have a signed WHAAM from the first issue of the print in 1963. I don’t mind telling you since I doubt if my copy has been registered. You should see the original. It’s hanging in the Tate
There was 1967 version print available at Christies for $25K back in 2007. Sorry you missed it.
suz norkan • Mar 15, 2016 at 12:36 am
So you’re a 14 yr. old girl with a good allowance or baby sitting job, with bad taste in $100.00 art.
Odd timing for you to go private, fairy girl, but giving you time to manufacture your deceitful lies and cover ups!
Justthefacts • Mar 15, 2016 at 12:50 am
You are a philistine and a troll. Bad, bad troll.
suz norkan • Mar 15, 2016 at 12:56 pm
I’ve said the same about you for over a year now, fairy girl, as you’ve stalked, harassed, lied and supplied mass quantities of callow comments containing the most foolish, spammy memes a troll like you would ever puerilely post!
Now maybe you can TRY to keep your focus on the subject, instead of caving to your incessant ‘off topic’ rants like that of iones av, all of your other insignificant fru fru, and your penchant for the graffiti which you call art.
What are you trying to hide, by going private again, JESTthefacts! The faux pas from your glaring lies at knst, already alerted any regular readers to what a lying little fairy girl you are!
Justthefacts • Mar 15, 2016 at 1:07 pm
Ione is a liar and I will point it out when she lies. I’m private only to bother you, troll. You are the only one that cares.
I really got to you this time. I am quite please.
Go home bad troll.
suz norkan • Mar 15, 2016 at 1:13 pm
Har d har! You only spite yourself [not suz in the least] when you go private!
Of course, the readers already know what a LIAR you are, so setting to private only reinforces the fact that you’re a childish liar, JESTthefacts.
Learn to write & type properly, if you want to play on the adult commentaries!
Now THAT would ‘please’ ME, fairy girl!
Justthefacts • Mar 15, 2016 at 1:25 pm
Thie board supports pictures and text. I can post your lies and iones lies.
Post my lies. I dare you, troll, or you are the liar again!
suz norkan • Mar 15, 2016 at 1:35 pm
Easy! Your most recent LIES were posted at knst!
However, unlike you, who would tie up the commentary for the good readers & commentators here, I’ll allow those interested to do their own research; while NOT staying ‘off topic’ like you fairy girl!
But then we ALL know that’s why you just reset to ‘private’ several days ago! Do try to stay on topic, JESTthefacts!
Ione’s av, [nor are ANY of your childish ‘off topic’ rants] is NOT the subject here, fairy girl!
Please learn to write and type if you intend to play on the grown up commentaries, JESTER!
Justthefacts • Mar 15, 2016 at 2:08 pm
Nope. Not true. You are still a lying Troll.
You got nothing.
suz norkan • Mar 15, 2016 at 2:19 pm
The whole world saw you LIE, and then try to cover it up with your sob story to hammond.
“Doh! I didn’t use a sockie to get back on, ’cause I told hammond who I was AFTER I DECEITFULLY GOT BACK ON!”
Har d har! You are a ‘joke!’ Deceit is deceit you funny little ‘jesting’ fairy girl, JESTthefacts!
We ALL know the liar is YOU! And why the need for your ‘private’ profile again, fairy girl!
Justthefacts • Mar 15, 2016 at 2:21 pm
Nope, not true. You lie as you always have Troll
You got nothing.
suz norkan • Mar 15, 2016 at 2:32 pm
I have YOU caught in your own web of lies and deceit, fairy girl!
However, please DO try to remain on the subject at hand, JESTer!
We can always haggle over who is the actual lying TROLL over at c.f. or other obsolete obiters of opinion, fairy girl!
Justthefacts • Mar 15, 2016 at 2:35 pm
You got nothing. When I embarrass your friends in the future, you will still have nothing.
Goodbye Troll.
suz norkan • Mar 15, 2016 at 2:47 pm
You ’embarrass’ only YOU, fairy girl! The entire internet knows you lie and then try to cya with even more deceit.
And I ‘have’ YOU going private again, just days ago, and even AFTER you agreed to go public when suz did!
Aw! More lies from JESTthefacts!
Yes! Buh bye, lying TROLL & have a nice day yall, fairy girl!
Boris Ogon • Mar 15, 2016 at 10:07 pm
That irony-ray burst should be detectable in LEO, at very least.
suz norkan • Mar 15, 2016 at 10:17 pm
Aw! Is there a persona non grata offering harebrained hackneyed hokum in the room!
Hello Borings!
Justthefacts • Mar 16, 2016 at 3:41 pm
So we get to add KSNT to your list of bannings.
You got quite a troll record going there!
suz norkan • Mar 16, 2016 at 4:31 pm
Oh pooh! I hadn’t noticed that I was gang flagged, prejudicially censored and estranged from some news blurbers that let themselves be media manipulated by a bunch of astroBRATS; to which I resoundingly declared ‘I don’t think I’m in kansas anymore!’
How’s YOUR ban count coming along, fairy girl! Is that why you went private again, JESTthefacts!
Justthefacts • Mar 16, 2016 at 6:04 pm
11 band from 9 sites and it always their fault? I think the common point here is YOU.
9 Mods all agree: Suz is a troll.
suz norkan • Mar 16, 2016 at 8:46 pm
Nah! The ‘correlation’ is gang flagging and OTHER types of media manipulation, fairy girl! Likely those MODS never knew what ‘hit ’em!’
And no! I never cared enough to challenge any censure, especially when I learned the genre of many of these nefarious playgrounds I’ve found myself on.
As of 9/2015, Atlantic says there were 935, 950, 801 and counting, websites. I’m not too worried about being estranged from 9!
Suz doesn’t lie, sockie or troll. But YOU sure do, fairy girl JESTER!
Please learn to write and type, fairy girl!
Justthefacts • Mar 16, 2016 at 10:31 pm
You know that the the madder your are, the happier I am, right?
This is a day of winning for me!
suz norkan • Mar 16, 2016 at 10:46 pm
Pffft! I don’t see where you get ‘mad!’ It’d take a LOT more than the likes of YOU to get a rise out of ME, JESTER!
Suz is just ‘fullfillin’ a chillin’! But whatever butters your biscuit, fairy girl!
AutismDadd • Mar 11, 2016 at 6:05 pm
Yawn…is that your science? A toddler might react that way, stompimg his feet and holding his breath.
AutismDadd • Mar 11, 2016 at 6:03 pm
True, INSIDER knowledge can come in many ways. Its just highly important the lies are exposed.
Judith • Mar 6, 2016 at 9:08 pm
“Washington, D.C., Jan. 18, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Dr. Sin Hang Lee, MD, Director, Milford Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory, has submitted an official, open-letter complaint to the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Dr. Margaret Chan, alleging gross misconduct, malfeasance and what potentially amounts to criminal behavior to mislead the global public regarding the safety of HPV vaccines Gardasil and Cervarix.
Dr. Lee has submitted a lengthy letter detailing communications between health officials from the US, Canada, Japan, and the WHO, which demonstrate that these officials knew that HPV vaccines cause an inflammatory reaction greater than other vaccines, yet reassured the public in official hearings and statements that the vaccines were safe.”
Boris Ogon • Mar 6, 2016 at 10:12 pm
(Omitting the link milter)
Lee is simply warmed-over Mikovits:
FSMPastapharian • Mar 6, 2016 at 11:08 pm
Several of us have already clearly discredited Lee, yet you keep posting the same tired bullshlt. Why? Are you deliberately trying to sustain a point of view that you already know is baseless?
Justthefacts • Mar 8, 2016 at 6:30 pm
Let’s let sanevax speak for Dr. Lee:
In the fall of 2010, the newly appointed Chairperson of the Pathology Department at Milford Hospital informed the hospital’s credentialing committee that she was not recommending for approval or supporting Dr. Lee’s application for renewal of his medical staff privileges. When medical staff privileges at a hospital are revoked or not renewed, the doctor no longer has permission to practice at the hospital or use its facilities. The non-renewal of the medical staff privileges, may also adversely affect the doctor’s license to practice medicine. In Dr. Lee’s case, the non-renewal of his medical staff privileges at Milford Hospital is under appeal.
Although Dr. Lee still maintains his medical staff privileges during the appeal, his position as director of the laboratory was summarily terminated along with his employment relationship at Milford Hospital on December 13, 2010 and he has been prevented from using the hospital’s laboratory to continue his testing and research there ever since that time.
Yep, he is a “discredited” doctor. by defintion.
AutismDadd • Mar 9, 2016 at 9:36 pm
He has been given whistle blower treatment like all doctors who don’t lick the boots of Big Pharma.
Notbuyingit3337 • Mar 9, 2016 at 9:45 pm
Well, that’s creative cutting and pasting: Here’s what you left out: “In the fall of 2010, without Dr. Lee’s knowledge or having an opportunity to defend himself, the newly appointed Chairperson of the Pathology Department at Milford Hospital informed the hospital’s credentialing committee that she was not recommending for approval or supporting Dr. Lee’s application for renewal of his medical staff privileges.” AND “A lawsuit addressing the wrongful termination claim has been brought against the Milford Hospital.” AS WELL AS “It is the belief of the SANE Vax team that Dr. Lee has come under fire because of his association with and support for the SANE Vax mission. Therefore, the SANE Vax Board of Directors is beginning a campaign to let those in charge of deciding Dr. Lee’s fate know that we, along with medical consumers around the world, support Dr. Lee.” You should call yourself “Just the facts I want to give”.
Justthefacts • Mar 10, 2016 at 11:27 am
Yes, I didn’t include the whole report, just the relevant parts.
All you added is Dr, lee’s claims and opinions of what was done and Sanevax claims and opinions of what was done. The lawsuit is unresolved.
I posted the FACT that he has been terminated and had is privileges revoked. I stuck to JUSTTHEFACTS. You posted opinions.
My Name is very appropriate.
AutismDadd • Mar 10, 2016 at 11:34 am
That’s called cherry picking
AutismDadd • Mar 10, 2016 at 11:38 am
Your name is a lie. Twistthefacts is appropriate.
suz norkan • Mar 10, 2016 at 12:28 pm
Along with another I’ve seen; JusttheVAX, and my offering of JESTthefacts!
Justthefacts • Mar 13, 2016 at 2:33 pm
Poster Suz Norkan has many Disqus accounts and also posts as suznorkan, suz_norkin, numero uno suz norkan, realsuznorkan, kroz oluju, Jahara mahayame, quasi tempestas, Licha Hericane, Evie Saleegents, yall ADORE suz
and “guest” so she can insult and troll under different names. She has been banned from at least 10 websites for poor behavior. That is mostly what she does and all she does on-line.
RH Reality Check …….. banned (twice)
AlterNet …………………… banned
Raw Story ……………….. banned
Mercury News ………….. banned (twice)
Washington Times ……. banned
A shot of prevention ….. banned
LAist………………………… banned
Patch………………………. banned
Breitbart…………………… banned
The Hill………………………Banned
suz norkan • Mar 13, 2016 at 4:33 pm
Those sites are chinks in my armor, for their impartial censorship, astroBRATted ‘gang flagging’ & other deceitful media manipulation!
And since LYING, posting bad memes & trolling are of your inclination, you of course LIE as usual, about the reason for my separations; while you plainly left out the impostor accts. you & your astroBRAT pals created, forcing me to make most of my name changes.
Yeah! We got a good guffaw watching you try to LIE your way out of your ‘morefacts’ sockie after you were banned at hammonds. We witnessed your entire sob story and learned all about your deceptive acts while getting back on his site.
JESTthefacts, while seemingly ‘quick on the google draw’, lacks wit, intellect and most of all logic, as she envisions her delusions of grandeur, fairies and unicorns!
Poor JESTthefacts! The JOKE has always been you, ms. flunkie!
Justthefacts • Mar 13, 2016 at 2:32 pm
You never had any credibility newbie. 328 comments total from you?
Tell be about credibility when you get close to the 15,550 up votes I have.
Notbuyingit3337 • Mar 13, 2016 at 9:29 pm
15,550 posts of misleading people does not make you credible Cherry Picker.
SteveCA7 • Mar 6, 2016 at 4:09 pm
This vaccine has never been proven to prevent a single case of cancer and it will be decades before we find out. Cases of cervical cancer in developed countries using Pap screening are 9/100,000. Deaths have come down from 8 to just 2/100,000 over the last 40 years with no vaccine and current uptake of screening of just 80%. Screening is still necessary even after vaccination. There are over 100 strains of HPV and some scientists expect other strains to replace those that are targeted by the vaccine.
In the meantime thousands of girls are being seriously disabled and their lives ruined by the adverse reactions. In the UK 20,503 adverse reactions have been reported by Yellow Card, including 5 with fatal outcome (data obtained by FOIA request to MHRA). Even the manufacturers admit huge numbers of serious adverse reactions during the clinical trials.
Boris Ogon • Mar 6, 2016 at 10:17 pm
Given the number of times that @SteveCA7:disqus has thoughtlessly posted this identical text (looks like at least nine in the past 10 days), I’m more than willing to flag it as being spam.
VikingAPRNCNP • Mar 8, 2016 at 10:19 pm
Me too
FSMPastapharian • Mar 6, 2016 at 11:09 pm
Justthefacts • Mar 8, 2016 at 2:37 pm
More lies and spam from SteveCA7
the “serious events” are temporary events such as headaches pyrexia, allergic reaction, asthmatic crisis, and headache. The same thing you get from any shot.
They missed this part untion autoimmune disorders –
“In total, 2.2% (351/15,703) of GARDASIL 9 recipients and 3.3% (240/7,378) of GARDASIL recipients reported new medical conditions potentially indicative of systemic autoimmune disorders, which were similar to rates reported following GARDASIL, AAHS control, or saline placebo in historical clinical trials.”
In other words, theses events happen at the same rate RANDOMLY!!
He posted noting as if he understood it.
AutismDadd • Mar 9, 2016 at 9:38 pm
And serious reports are ignored and buried under the usual steaming pile of bull.
suz norkan • Mar 10, 2016 at 12:17 pm
Via gang flagging and OTHER media manipulation!
Mike Stevens • Mar 8, 2016 at 6:40 pm
Steve, you keep reposting this extract, for some reason.
Perhaps you think it shows Gardasil is dangerous.
It doesn’t.
It shows that of 13,200 vaccinated subjects, Gardasil was determined to have caused serious side effects in only 5 subjects. And what exactly were those side effects?
Well, according to the information you posted, they consisted of “pyrexia, allergy to vaccine, asthmatic crisis, headache and tonsillitis”.
Wow, that’s really scary!