The Student Newspaper of DePaul University

The DePaulia

The Student Newspaper of DePaul University

The DePaulia

The Student Newspaper of DePaul University

The DePaulia

    Del Valle supporters hopeful for future

    Despite earning only 9 percent of Chicago’s votes on Tuesday, Feb. 22, mayoral candidate Miguel del Valle remained positive and optimistic while addressing his loss at Logan Square’s Revolution Brewing. “From the very beginning I said I would be the poorest candidate with the most to offer,” he said to a crowd of cheering supporters. “We’re still poor but we still have a lot to offer.”

    Surrounded by his family, campaign team, and close friends, del Valle shook hands, thanking the crowd as he approached the stage where he briefly congratulated winner, Rahm Emanuel for winning a solid victory.

    “Our campaign was a very youthful campaign and that’s why I’m so optimistic, I really am,” he said of his many high school volunteer workers. “I’m committing myself to promoting and pushing, city-wide, a progressive neighborhoods agenda.”

    He encouraged Emanuel to adopt his agenda for the sake of the community but stated that it is really up to the people.

    “Without activism, without community organizing, without aggressive advocacy, without strong voices, it won’t happen,” he said. “Chicago is ready for reform.”

    He explained that the reason Chicago is ready for reform is because so many did not vote.

    “They don’t see real opportunity for change, I heard people say out on the West Side and other parts of town, ‘things aren’t going to change if I vote, it won’t matter.I am not going to make any difference with my vote, this thing is already bought.'”

    He explained that he plans to bring these people hope that change will happen.

    “I’m interested to see what he does next,” said Kat Roltsch, a teacher at South Side Bowen High School. “I’m still a del Valle supporter.”

    Roltsch had “friend-ed” his campaign’s Facebook page which was where she learned of his party. Inside the event, attendants feasted on a complimentary buffet of macaroni and cheese, pulled pork sandwiches, and pizza.

    “I think he still fought the good fight,” said local business owner and del Valle supporter, Le Wang. “You’re not going to beat $10 million with $100,000.”

    Del Valle encouraged the crowd to give it time before his progressive agenda resonates with the city.