On Tuesday May 24, the DePaul College Republicans are hosting the “Dangerous Faggot Tour” featuring speaker Milo Yiannopoulos. A journalist for Brietbart News Network and poster boy of the emerging alt-right movement, Yiannopoulos calls himself “the internet’s most fabulous supervillain” and rose to fame for his participation in the 2014 #GamerGate controversy.
For those unaware, #GamerGate was an international media saga that came about as a reaction to feminist bloggers’ criticisms of sexism in the video gaming industry. Accusing these women of ethical violations and conspiring with the industry, Yiannopoulos and his followers launched an internet harassment campaign that included sending death threats to various women and “doxxing,” posting personal information online to induce harassment. Researchers at the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University found the campaign to be “vitriolic” and noted “considerable abuse and harassment — including rape and death threats — of female developers and game critics.”
This controversy propelled Yiannopoulos to fame, or perhaps infamy, making him one of the few right-wing icons popular with today’s youth. His notoriety continues to grow due to his outspoken support of presidential candidate Donald Trump and his criticisms of liberalism, identity politics and the rise of “political correctness,” most notably on college campuses. He has garnered significant media attention for causing controversy and testing the limits of free expression.
One of Yiannopoulos‘ favorite targets is feminism, a movement he calls a “cancer,” and denies various statistical realities including the gender wage gap, which he calls “debunked” despite most researchers accepting the reality that gender wage differentials exist. He also denies the existence of the patriarchy — a matriarchy in his eyes — and argues that all university gender studies programs should be eliminated, asserting that birth control is “evil” because it makes women “fat and crazy.”
Despite being openly gay himself, Yiannopoulos publicly attacks the LGBT community and connected activist movements. He has stated multiple times that he believes that being gay is “wrong,” thinks that gay rights have made us “dumber,” and asserts that he would not raise a child in a “gay household.” He also challenges transgender rights, arguing that trans people should be banned from undergoing sex changes — which he views as an indulgence — and should instead be treated with therapy and drugs like other psychiatric disorders.
Another favorite topic of his is #BlackLivesMatter, a movement Yiannapoulos accuses of being counteractive to its own intentions because of the demonstrators’ “whiny” demeanor and lack of factual support for their cause, although he provides no counter-evidence aside from making generic, racist criticisms of black culture including blaming the failure of black men for the prevalence of single-mother households. He has also called the movement “preposterous and socially counter-productive” and is staunchly opposed to African-Americans’ “racist” behavior towards whites.
What is clear, after an in-depth look into Yiannopoulos’ arguments, is that these ideologies are not intended to be rational viewpoints but instead are formulated to create as much dissent and rage as possible. This anger is materializing all over the country as he incites protests at various colleges, including Rutgers University, where his recent event was disrupted by feminists demonstrating by covering themselves in fake blood. A major component of alt-right rhetoric is the portrayal of liberals as coddled, childish and regressive, accusing them of being overly politically correct (PC) and opposed to free speech if it is discordant with their progressive ideology. The rise of “safe spaces,” trigger warnings and a new focus on non-offensive discourse on many campuses is seen as a way of repressing conservative ideology.
Here’s the important point: Yiannopoulos isn’t entirely wrong. The issue of political correctness on college campuses is an extremely necessary conversation. One prominent issue, for example, is the debate over trigger warnings on class syllabuses, which would allow students to exempt themselves from schoolwork they find offensive or disturbing and require professors to provide alternative assignments. This kind of hypersensitivity is counter-productive to the goals of higher education, not only because of the high potential for abuse, but also because a certain level of discomfort is often necessary to a learning experience. How could one, for example, truly understand the history of this country without exposure to various unsettling themes and images such as racial violence?
Another important issue is the politics surrounding “safe spaces.” The idea of a safe space is to offer an inclusive environment in which all opinions may be voiced and heard without judgment. In order for a safe space to be fully functioning, all opinions must be welcome at the table. This is a great framework for discussion, but in reality it is not hard to imagine that conservative viewpoints could be quite taboo in these situations. Yiannopoulos, responding to students’ demands for safe spaces on campus, makes the accusation that the guise of offensiveness is used as technique to suppress conservative opinion.
So why, then, are we not having these important conversations? Herein lies the catch-22 that Yiannopoulos has expertly concocted with his tour. As he travels to different universities, he intentionally provokes protest that in turn is documented and used as evidence of the “regressive” politics of the left. His event at DePaul, for example, will be recorded by Hypeline for use in Yiannopoulos’ upcoming film. This approach of being intentionally extremist in order to “trigger” those groups, supposedly to illuminate the intolerance of progressives, but in reality only makes the environment for discourse more divisive and fruitless. While it may be successful in inciting protest, he is using his speech not to contribute to the discussion but instead to make inflammatory, unsubstantiated claims with the explicit purpose of causing anger, essentially “building a wall” of animosity instead of promoting respect, tolerance and open discourse between ideologies. It’s disturbingly hypocritical.
This criticism of protest — also a form of free expression — is dangerous rhetoric because it disparages civil disobedience, which is among the most established and respected forms of free speech in America. This message mirrors the sentiments of Trump, who mentioned in multiple rallies his nostalgia for the old days when protesters would be “carried off on stretchers.” This rhetoric detracts from the actual issues relating to the repression of freedom of speech at DePaul and other universities. While Yiannopoulos points the finger at college liberals, the reality is that DePaul and other universities have a history of censoring demonstrations from a wide range of ideologies. For example, in 2014, liberal DePaul students’ protest over alleged sexual violence in the athletic department was shut down after 20 minutes. In 2005, the university shut down the DePaul Conservative Alliance’s protest against affirmative action after just 40 minutes.
This is indicative of a larger political trend of protest suppression, which is the subject of a number of current social science studies. Political demonstrations are becoming increasingly censored by various government and private institutions which use permits as one tactic of preventing or minimizing speech that is counter to their agenda or ideology by regulating attendance, disallowing the posting of propaganda or simply denying permission outright.
We should be discussing these real barriers to speech that threaten the very existence of our democracy, but we are not doing so in a meaningful manner. This has everything to do with the unique and critical partisan division in political discourse right now in the United States. The relevance of Yiannopoulos’ tour is partly due to his mirroring of statements made by Trump about many of the same subgroups. Trump’s exaggerative style, or as he calls it, “a truthful hyperbole,” is mimicked in Yiannopoulos’ tour, which features this same breaking of cultural norms by making obscene statements and offensive arguments. This discourse, it seems, is quickly becoming mainstream in right-wing political commentary.
If we are truly committed to open discourse and free expression on campus, we must remain open to all viewpoints and accept the reality that the opinions of others will sometimes make us uncomfortable. We must also exercise restraint and treat others with respect and dignity with consideration of painful circumstances. Most importantly, we must come together and try to understand our differences in an attempt to compromise, instead of allowing demagogues to further divide us.
Kyle McElroy is a member of the DePaul Chapter of The Roosevelt Institute.
Phil Torres • Jun 18, 2016 at 10:53 am
Yes, I agree. And I discuss why in excruciatingly great detail here: http://www.truth-out.org/speakout/item/36465-milo-yiannopoulos-doesn-t-care-about-free-speech-and-he-doesn-t-care-about-your-ideas
Novosi • May 29, 2016 at 11:46 pm
LOL nice mischaracterizations, this is why I dont take anything the media says without a mountain of salt.
Peter Dahu • May 29, 2016 at 9:00 pm
I find disturbing that poster think there is no gender pay gap.
Jordan Allen • May 29, 2016 at 6:28 am
Wow. This author has no clue about #Gamergate.
MaskedRacer • May 27, 2016 at 4:34 pm
DePaul is another faux catholic institute. They don’t teach the Catholic faith. They would probably condem the Traditional Latin Mass I’m sure.
MaskedRacer • May 27, 2016 at 4:33 pm
Milo is the man. He calls out these freakish and small nutjob groups for who they are. “Black lives matter” is a criminal organization. They want to shut down free speech and cause only violent revolution more like France than American.
Fed24 • May 27, 2016 at 4:32 am
“Yiannopoulos and his followers launched an internet harassment campaign that included sending death threats to various women and “doxxing,” posting personal information online to induce harassment.”
Citation needed! Please present evidence that Milo himself harassed people online, sent death threats and doxed various woman! Your statement implies that happened, have you not heard of Defamation?
John • May 26, 2016 at 1:31 pm
There is no (meaningful) wage gap between men and women. Wages are how much you are paid per unit time for a specific job. Men and women are paid essentially the same for the same job, with the same experience, same ability, for the same amount of time.
There is an “earnings” gap – on the whole men make more than women. Men also on the whole choose to work longer hours and choose to take higher risk and higher stress jobs.
Mike • May 26, 2016 at 12:44 pm
Admissions have continued to drop at DePaul….and with the poor handling of this speakers basic rights, it’s quite easy to see why. Free speech for each sides point of view is a joke at DePaul. While I have no intention of voting for Trump….this episode nevertheless is a major media embarrassment for the school and it’s leaders..
John • May 26, 2016 at 1:23 pm
They felt “physically threatened” by some chalk on the sidewalk.
David King • May 26, 2016 at 9:21 am
No, just premoderation for all. Idk if that’s general policy or an emergency measure.
I’ve am/have been a mod as well as being involved in determination of site policies in respect of comments (elsewhere); it’s a miserable, thankless job, so give the dePaulia mods a break.
Easyst17 • May 26, 2016 at 6:23 pm
Premoderation is still more or less censorship, since the only people who will see it are those who are late to the article, and it means if I am early to the article I don’t get to see as many thoughts of others.
I’m going to bet that the reason moderation is a miserable, thankless job is that some moderators tend to actively develop a negative depth of feeling against themselves. The sheer number mainstream sites that engage in shadowbanning or deleting comments that simply disagree with the main article is insane. It is quickly turning the internet into just another echo chamber where no one can discuss complex ideas or learn from thoughtful disagreement, we just sit on opposite ends of the court racking up meaningless points against the strawmen we make eachother out to be.
David King • May 27, 2016 at 7:46 am
I’m not a fan of premoderation either (and we don’t do it on our sites) and not only for the reasons you mention but, if your staff is small and you don’t have specialised tools, it’s the only way to be sure that every post is inspected. Our solution was to write a custom moderation tool to make that possible without resorting to premoderation. Not every organisation has the required level of in-house IT to do something like that, though.
Regardless, it should be recognised that websites on which you can literally say anything you like are rare as hen’s teeth (not even 4chan is completely free), and websites are private property not subject to the US 1st Amendment.
Site operators are under no legal or moral obligation to permit everything and, as a matter of practicality, must draw the line somewhere or else the usefulness of comment threads goes to zero.
Call that censorship if you must, but I would not. I would not even call it silencing because there is nothing to prevent you from setting up a competing site on the same subject with different rules.
In contrast, what we saw at dePaul a few days ago is a very noisy form of silencing or no-platforming because opponents invade their target’s space and make enough of a nuisance of themselves that the event can’t proceed.
Not against themselves, but when you seem the same drippy remarks time and again, you very quickly grow weary and short of tolerance for them. Some mods allow themselves to become hypersensitive as a result and, it has to be said, some moderators aren’t very good at separating their personal opinions from site policy. Some sites lack the leadership to see to it that their moderators do a good job. (NB: Not talking about dePaulia here.)
Not the Internet, just individual sites. And yes, that’s how echo-chambers form.
You don’t need permission to start a new website. The solution to sites with poor policy and/or enforcement is to get a domain, some hosting and some software (plenty of adequate stuff is free), and start your own site. It’s a lot of hard work, though, which is perhaps why not more people do it.
Will • May 26, 2016 at 8:51 am
Lmaoooooo WHAT !!!! “although he provides no counter-evidence aside from making generic, racist criticisms of black culture ” , WOW, whoever the authored this article is beyond incorrect !!! Milo always and can at the drop of a hat provide very strong and reasonable reasons at to why BLM is hypocritical and VERY counteractive for their own cause, which IMO are imaginary “micro” aggressions that make the average working american snicker when they hear what some of their “DEMANDS” are.
John • May 26, 2016 at 1:24 pm
These anti-Milo people – all they know of him are sound bytes selected for their echo chamber. They never really listen to what Milo is actually saying.
crydiego • May 26, 2016 at 8:31 am
Milo is not important to me, but the principals of free and open debate are. Does the author believe that if I had a whistle program capable of scrambling his text, I could rightfully use it? Does the author feel that, “being politically right,” allows you to block other’s speech?
Politically, I don’t agree with Milo but this issue is bigger to me than politics. The silencing of Milo is wrong, but the apparent approval by some is a warning that everyone’s freedom is at stake!
Remus Lupin • Jun 1, 2016 at 2:18 am
it was not a open debate or event….
crydiego • Jun 1, 2016 at 10:35 am
The principles, ” fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning.”
sn • May 25, 2016 at 9:47 pm
why cant we go back to the good old days of calling people slurs and openly bullying them :-/
kalani • May 26, 2016 at 12:46 pm
The irony: isn’t that exactly what the protesters did to Milo and conservatives??
John • May 26, 2016 at 1:25 pm
Yes, that is exactly what black lives matter is trying to do!
Remus Lupin • Jun 1, 2016 at 2:17 am
and Trump protesters. :^)
TheSuitIsNOTBlack • May 25, 2016 at 7:35 pm
Wages are how much you get paid per hour, your salary, or your commissions which apply evenly to each person doing the same exact work, has the same exact experience level, has the same exact negotiation opportunities, works for the same exact company at the same exact location with the same exact boss, and has the same exact performance/productivity level.
Earnings are based upon how many hours are worked, how many sick days taken, how many pregnancy leaves, etc.
So for example, two people work at the same job at the same location with the same exact position @ $20/hour, but one of them is a woman who chooses to work less hours, take less overtime, get pregnant regularly, and takes more sick days. They are both paid the same wage, but the woman earns less. No unfairness or injustice occurred.
Then, of course, there’s the fact that more men earn degrees that lead to higher paying jobs, and all sorts of other nuanced variables. It’s not simply a matter of dividing the average earnings of women by the average earning of men. That is garbage statistical analysis that feminists love to spew out.
ectocooler • May 25, 2016 at 8:56 am
If you can’t get the origin of #GamerGate right (which you didn’t, not by a long shot) then why should I bother to believe anything else you write in this?
You’ve already failed at your primary goal: truth.
My god…..your article reinforces GamerGates narrative. How ironic since BLM’s protest only helped to reinforce Milo’s narrative.
RU_Serious • May 25, 2016 at 8:32 am
I can’t help but notice that in all of the stories about this event on this site not a single SJW comes to the comment section to defend their actions. I think that is very telling, because their actions are indefensible and they do not seek dialog but only seek violent suppression of views with which they disagree. They are the brownshirts of our time, fascists violently suppressing those who would oppose them. I can understand that part, what I can’t understand is DePaul protecting them and thus encouraging this despicable behavior. If DePaul continues to allow such behavior sooner or later these violent protesters will hurt or even kill someone.
legtingle • May 25, 2016 at 9:45 am
They don’t debate. They scream, wail, flail, write silly things on their face which mean nothing, throw themselves to the street like a crabby toddler whose ice cream has fallen off the cone. America is waking up to the Left and to the Perma Victims who demand FREE, FREE, FREE: GIBSMEDAT!
MonkeyProud • May 25, 2016 at 10:31 am
Well, it’s just not “safe” enough for them to type here.
sn • May 25, 2016 at 9:44 pm
Actually its because everyone in the comments are kind of seen as trolls, you might know that the anti-hate rally was named “Don’t Feed the Trolls”. Also, any debate/disagreement is met with “whiner, baby, study x/y/z, fix your sentence” so its not really worth it
Remus Lupin • Jun 1, 2016 at 2:15 am
Why bother debate with a cesspool like yourself and legtingle? I wouldn’t and it’s pointless.
mdsman • May 25, 2016 at 6:06 am
Sadly, you students have allowed your school to become a joke and an embarrassment.
Whilst it is unfair to paint all because of the absurdity and stupidity of a few, that is just a reality of life.
Until such time that the mature and rational students stand up and demand that this nonsense be curtailed, I can gaurantee you that I, nor any of my peers at the senior levels of corporations, will entertain CV’s from DePaul graduates.
Unfair? Yes. But, that is the price you pay for your complacency which is, in fact, passive support.
Enjoy your “Safe Spaces” as I doubt that many of you will enjoy “Safe Jobs”
mdsman • May 25, 2016 at 6:06 am
The Gender Pay Gap – A debunked Myth
Yes, it is fun to quote that false stat but, we all know that it is untrue
And, being that you are college student, living in your safe sapce, to which gender are you referring?
SGT Ted • May 25, 2016 at 5:57 pm
You left out “weirdo”.
sn • May 25, 2016 at 9:45 pm
whoa good one
Dustin Johnson • May 25, 2016 at 1:59 am
You guys are so full of shit it’s leaking from the corners of my phone just reading this. You’ll say and do anything to justify your IngSoc swill while blaming the victims of your attacks as “asking for it.” All that comes to mind is a cat trying to bury its turds on a threadbare carpet. You KNOW you’re tyrants. You just don’t care. Maybe crack open a history book, and read about what ultimately happens to your ilk.
James Russell • May 25, 2016 at 1:10 am
Progressives go to conservative events, disrupt them, behave violently, and destroy property.
Conservatives do not go to progressive events to disrupt them, behave violently or destroy property.
It’s easy for people to see which world they’d like to live in.
Thank you, idiotic, insane Leftists!
Splattergrunt • Jun 3, 2016 at 1:47 am
They aren’t progressives, they are regressives. Huge difference.
SmileWithMe • May 24, 2016 at 11:12 pm
LOL, so you are accusing Milo of telling people to send death threats? Hope you have a lot of good lawyers.
Remus Lupin • Jun 1, 2016 at 2:13 am
Did milo get stabbed or shot? No? Ok.
ChicagoJohn • May 24, 2016 at 10:58 pm
“This criticism of protest — also a form of free expression — is
dangerous rhetoric because it disparages civil disobedience, which is
among the most established and respected forms of free speech in
Well, no. Its respected by the far left. Most people see it as someone standing in their way as they are driving / walking / trying to watch a conservative speaker…. speak.
Dom • May 24, 2016 at 10:57 pm
Milo is an @$$ we know this. But to blame him for protests is a cop out.
How about other more respectable conservative speakers who are regularly protested against by social justice warriors, were they asking for it?
Milo is needed to act as a lightning rod because campuses have become so lopsided, so controlled by progressives it’s impossible for others to speak.the only safe space is for those people who think exactly like the thugs who protest Milo and other speakers.
When campuses once more become open to debate, free speech, open mindedness and true intellectual thought, then we can all relax. Until then milo and a growing number like him will continue shouting to be heard.
John • May 26, 2016 at 12:37 pm
Quote of comment above: “Milo is an @$$ we know this.”
Maybe, but he is far more honest that the people he debates against.
Dom • May 26, 2016 at 1:04 pm
Oh yeah. That’s why I respect him.
Ixoziel • May 24, 2016 at 10:51 pm
Why are you victim shaming? Since when is it okay to assault someone for what they say? Would you blame a girl for being “intentionally seductive” if she got raped? No, you wouldn’t. So why are you doing it here?
Last time I checked, we live by the principle that we control our own actions, and that the words of other people do NOT control us.
Rob Kester • May 24, 2016 at 10:15 pm
DePaul failed the litmus test miserably. In the piss-poor handling of the situation they have proven that they are NOT a learning institution that is worthy of my kids or my money.
kalani • May 24, 2016 at 9:27 pm
SJWs created Donald Trump. If he loses, the next will be worse and nastier, and will actually win.
Jason Hanson • May 25, 2016 at 5:26 am
HURRR DEM EVIL SJWS AND MUH PRECIOUS GAMERGATE. Be careful what you wish for neckbeard, you just haven’t seen the other side bite back to all your barking. But keep acting like the victim online lol
kalani • May 25, 2016 at 9:10 am
lol, nice meme generator. If you care to have a real convo, let me know. :).
legtingle • May 25, 2016 at 9:47 am
Wow! You told us! Captain of the DePaul debate team?
MarkL • May 24, 2016 at 9:01 pm
What a piece of crap University. Intolerant and childish.
The Independent Whig • May 24, 2016 at 8:37 pm
This author is a liar, saying that the gender wage gap is real.
Clean Leon • May 24, 2016 at 7:48 pm
I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death the right for you to remain silenced.
TheSuitIsNOTBlack • May 24, 2016 at 7:41 pm
It’s not a wage gap, it’s an earnings gap. BIG difference.
Charles Spears • May 24, 2016 at 7:12 pm
“[…]and opposed to free speech if it is discordant with their progressive ideology.”
They’re (you’re?) opposed to free speech full stop. No need for the extra qualifiers.
richardjking2000 • May 24, 2016 at 6:48 pm
@McClaren: the reason that discourse seems to devolve to weaponized insults is because the entire left has brought us to this impasse. The right on campus is fighting for a seat at the table, which is repeatedly denied by the left.
The reactions Yiannopoulos is getting are based on his well understood views, not any fomenting. Universities and Colleges should be places where ideas are presented in their panoply, not places of indoctrination in one point of view. Philosophy and Political programs should always strive to show the entire record.. and the good/bad points of ALL positions. Any other stance violates the desires of students to get a FULL education.
Cathy • May 24, 2016 at 10:28 am
If someone doesn’t want to hear what he says than they aren’t forced to go and listen to him. No one is saying you must believe as he does, The only ones that seem to be forcing their opinions on others are certain Liberal groups on campus. I hope the Republican Club find a lawyer and get the administration to agree to the contract that they agreed to originally.
Chir • May 24, 2016 at 4:46 am
McLaren, I applaud your lack of fact checking, you are well on your way to a successful career as a talking sock puppet for “big media”. I believe Rolling Stone is looking for more reporters who don’t bother with research and facts. I recommend shooting a resume there, or to Huff post, or better yet Salon.
Robert T. Ives • May 26, 2016 at 8:50 am
Chir, I was also taken with the author’s creative use of “facts”. He has an amazing grasp of “Gamergate”, bordering on, if not reaching, libel.
Salvatore Angarone • May 23, 2016 at 11:15 pm
“Statistical realities of the gender wage gap”?? Just because you use the word ‘realities’ in your joke of a schools newspaper, doesnt make your argument legitimate.
RU_Serious • May 25, 2016 at 8:40 am
It’s real, those poor women with a doctorate in Feminist Studies don’t make half of what male engineers with only bachelors degrees make! All because of sexism!
Matthew O. • May 25, 2016 at 9:27 am
Lisa S • May 23, 2016 at 8:38 pm
Go to Milo’s talk tomorrow and make the decision yourself if Milo is “dangerous” before accepting this author’s point of view. Before you go, perhaps read several of his written pieces, there are many, that include footnotes for references. Ask him questions based on his writings. Simple.
FlaNative • May 23, 2016 at 4:52 pm
what a load of crap. Readers should be aware that the scibbles above are fiction.
tha1ne • May 23, 2016 at 3:48 pm
LOL wage gap. lol.
psych495 • May 23, 2016 at 2:54 pm
@McLaren….how exactly has Milo Yiannopoulos incited the bullshit protests at Rutgers, and other campuses? Simply by being person with the wrong opinions? Your arguments are so tautological and mendacious, that it is impossible to take you seriously.
stephenlight • May 25, 2016 at 8:24 am
Although logic courses used to be common, especially in Catholic colleges, I suspect the author will have to look up “tautology”
However, if you ask what “cis” means they will have a ready answer. 3,000 plus years of Western Civilization in the dustbin.
psych495 • May 23, 2016 at 2:52 pm
Wow, that review was certifiably terrible. Kyle McElroy clings to the ridiculous mythologies of modern third wave feminism, and pretends to defend liberalism, when in reality he is defending regressive anti free speech thugs. Liberalism has nothing to fear from Milo Yiannopoulos. He is not agitating for violence, he does not make rape threats, or death threats. Mr. McElroy is embarrassingly wrong about issues relating to Gamergate, and Feminism.
Major Variola • May 22, 2016 at 6:39 pm
LOL Milo understands freedom much more than ivory tower academics and snowflake enablers.
And deviants wanting normalization.
Deal with it. Live free or die.
MonkeyProud • May 25, 2016 at 10:29 am
People so easily “triggered” cannot be considered “academics”.
They are dumb people being exposed for their stupidity.