What was looking to be a cloudy gray Friday afternoon turned sunny as students and faculty gathered in the quad to celebrate this year’s annual Vinny Fest. The festive carnival event is in honor of St. Vincent de Paul’s feast day, which takes place on Sept.27. Feast days come from an early Christian custom of commemorating a saint on the annual date of their death, or birth into heaven.
A swarm of students flocked from desk to desk at the festival, learning not only about various Vincentian clubs and organizations on campus but also learning a great deal of history about the saint their university is named after.

From exploring the compassion, humility, generosity and other Vincentian values that make up this school to learning about the French Catholic priests of which they’re derived from, the festival itself not only proved to be an exciting and fun getaway for students on campus but also an insight into DePaul University’s active role in the community.

The two-hour festival was packed full of games, food, treats and even a harnessed giant trampoline that caught the eye of every new freshman strolling through the quad.
One of the most popular tables was run by two students from the campus ministry’s choir ensemble. One with an acoustic guitar, the other with a banana as a microphone, the two would have students write down 12 words that praise Vinny, where they would turn those words into a musical ode to the saint.

Other stations had miniature golf games, soccer balls and even Vinny himself playing Twister with students, all celebrating the values and history that St. Vincent de Paul embedded in this school.