With every great villain throughout history there has always been a greater hero that would come along and put a stop to the madness. Goliath had David; Joker had Batman; the Emperor had Luke, and now that Donald Trump’s in the oval office we have been lucky enough to be graced with the presence of well, half an onion in a bag.
Now before you go and get all “judgy,” listen to what it has to say. Half An Onion’s mission is a simple one: to accrue more followers on Twitter than Trump. It may seem trivial at first but the message is there and it is strong.

For a man so vain and self-centered as The Donald, it is imperative that he walk into a room and have all eyes on him, that he be the focus of all attention and that he be the most popular and liked one at any given place and time (ladies and gentlemen, narcissism at its finest).
This need of his is so strong, in fact, he would go as far as to make baseless claims that millions of people voting illegally is the reason he lost the popular vote, that the photos of his inauguration were doctored by the “leftist” media in order to make it look like there were fewer attendees than at Obama’s, and that his hands aren’t actually that small (yeah, seriously).
So what better way to annoy the man who’s responsible for placing a gag order on all things related to either environmental protection or science than hitting him where it hurts: his ego. And that takes us to half an onion.
On Jan. 20, Half An Onion’s page was created and the only thing posted was a picture of half an onion in a bag with the caption,
“What if this account that is simply half an onion in a Ziploc bag ended up with more followers than @realDonaldTrump?”
In no time at all (and for seemingly no reason) the singular post managed to receive 88,000 likes and was retweeted by over 120,000 different people. Soon enough major celebrities, business moguls and even politicians started to catch on.
Huge names like Ralph Nader, Don Cheadle and Chris Evans started to follow and retweet, telling their people that look up to them on social media to follow (literally, not figuratively) half an onion in a bag. If you look at Half An Onion’s page today you see that in a ludicrously short amount of time it has tallied up close to 700,000 followers and counting.
This phenomenon has received so much support over the last few days that it is impossible to ignore and it just goes to show how strong humor is in the face of adversity.
Since the election that left many feeling like they’ve been punched in the gut, Trump has been compared to the likes of Hitler and Mussolini and other well known fascists but looking at him now through the lense of Half An Onion, it’s hard to see him in the same light as such powerful and world changing figures, and in fact he appears to be on the same level of, dare I say, a naked guy in a trench coat flashing strangers. He shows up almost out of nowhere seemingly normal in a large coat, finds a crowded area (probably an L platform) and rips apart his jacket revealing his orange self to the world.
Now the normal reaction he elicits is one of shock and dismay. People scream and shout and decry his actions as criminal, but if Half An Onion has taught us anything it’s that we shouldn’t freakout at him because he enjoys being the center of attention. What we should be doing is pointing and laughing at him until he shrivels up, closes his coat and slinks back (both heads lowered) into the weird tangerine hell from whence he came.
And so I applaud Half An Onion in a bag for teaching us that it’s OK to laugh in the face of darkness and should it reach its goal of 22.2 million followers I will be glad to say this is the first time I’d’ve been glad an onion has made me cry.