The Student Newspaper of DePaul University

The DePaulia

The Student Newspaper of DePaul University

The DePaulia

The Student Newspaper of DePaul University

The DePaulia

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Marvel versus DC: Is Marvel the better movie company?

Marvel and Detective Comics (DC) have been comic book competitors since the 1930’s and lately are fighting for film supremacy. Marvel has made a strong case to be the superior competitor in the clash of superhero movie titans due to its ability to tie their heroes’’ stories together and be more appealing.

“I do believe that Marvel is a better movie company than DC,” Charlie Welnec, DePaul Alumni, said. “This is because I feel like they have more interesting story lines, effects and a more diverse group of characters that they can work with.”

Since Iron Man came out on May 2, 2008, Marvel started to make hints at the end of each movie credit of potential story connections. For example, after the 2008 movie, Samuel L. Jackson, Nick Fury, surprised Robert Downey Jr., Tony Stark, in the Stark mansion to talk about the Avengers initiative. This hinted that there would be a combination of heroes eventually all coming together. Then the company showed two years later, in their Iron Man 2 film, that a new hero was going to be introduced to the Marvel movie family. In the post-credit scene, Clark Gregg, Detective Phil Coulson, was called to an empty lot where a hammer was found to symbolize the emergence of Chris Hemsworth’s character Thor.

“Personally, I do like the fact that Marvel has incorporated many story lines together and I feel that is one thing many fans do like,” Welnec said. “It allows for Marvel to move in a lot of different directions with their films and potentially allow some of the smaller comic books to become much larger films.”

Although DC is coming out with “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” on March 25, 2016, which is suppose to set-up a possible Justice League film, it seems they’re trying to replicate Marvel’s movie formula instead of uniquely coming up with their own.

“They just need to make sure they follow the DC world instead of trying to replicate what Marvel has been doing,” Jon Francia, DePaul Alumni, said.

Christopher Nolan’s Batman series was original and Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel film was one of the best portrayals of Superman since Christopher Reeves in 1978, but DC would of had a real special movie if Christian Bale was Batman in the upcoming 2016 movie. Bale told Entertainment Weekly, in July of 2013, that he wasn’t going to play Batman anymore because three times was enough.

It’s hard not to give Marvel the nod as the more appealing on-screen company because their movies like Iron Man 2 and the Avengers were hilarious and action-packed. When Downey Jr. and Don Cheadle were fighting as Iron Man and War Machine in the Stark mansion, it was beautiful. The humor incorporated with Downey Jr. trash talking Cheadle while throwing him from room to room was amazing. Similarly, the Avengers movie was both entertaining and thrilling. When Hulk picked up Tom Hiddleston, Loki, and tossed him around like a salad, it was hard not to fall out of my seat. Also, the battle scene between the aliens and Avengers was visually pleasing with the number of explosions and destruction. It was compelling to see Hemsworth blast hundreds of aliens with lightning and pummel them with his hammer.

“I feel that Marvel movies are more appealing than DC films. For me, it is due to the fact that there is a slight sense of humor in most Marvel films and more intriguing story lines that they back up with just the right amount of action without being too over dramatic,” Welnec said.

It’s not that DC movies haven’t been appealing, especially with their iconic villains like Joker and General Zod, its just that they’re not overall as good as Marvels team of villains like: Red Skull, Magneto and Ronan. Nolans Dark Knight in 2008 was one of the best superhero or regular movie ever screened. Ledgers Joker character made the movie and his villain laugh had to be the best ever on screen. Also, Michael Shannon, General Zod, portrayed a villainous dictator well and was a perfect compliment to Henry Cavills, Superman, boy scout character. Shannon just fit the evil ruler look with his stern face and intensity when he was angry. But Marvels compilation of villains like: Hugo Weavings, Red Skull, Michael Fassbender, Magneto, and Lee Pace, Ronan, were just overall better. Weavings portrayal couldn’t have been spot on with his mischievous Red Skull grin and Paces Ronan character brought to life a villain that superhero fans were not too familiar with.

“I also feel that Marvel has better villains in their films,” Welnec said. “I think it is because they tend to be more complex where as I feel that most DC villains are either rich people doing something illegal or someone from outer space.”