The Student Newspaper of DePaul University

The DePaulia

The Student Newspaper of DePaul University

The DePaulia

The Student Newspaper of DePaul University

The DePaulia

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Power to the Planets: Learning to read your birth chart beyond your sun sign

Horoscopes have become the latest trend, with sassy Twitter astrologists and magazine columns boasting they know exactly how your entire life will look based on your birth date. The actual science of horoscopes and astrology is much more intricate than a single sign, though. Your real astrological signs are decided based on location and time of day from when you were born. This leads us to our natal or birth charts — the diagrams that represent the position of the Sun, Moon and the planets from when and where you were born. Several websites can give you a full rundown of your natal chart with the given information. Each planet is given a sign depending on each individual’s natal chart, and knowing what the signs on each planet mean is a huge part of understanding your chart altogether since different planets dictate different parts of your personality, life and how you react to events.

[accordion title=”Sun” load=”show”]

Your sun sign is determined by your birth date and is arguably the most important. Our sun signs give us our life purpose and our style. It is the leader of your personality and your natal chart as a whole, so it’s important to pay attention to this sign.
[accordion title=”Mercury” load=”hide”]

Mercury controls the way you think. It primarily dictates communication and how you tend to interpret information. It is associated with your speech, reason and memory as well as the way you interact with others.[/accordion]
[accordion title=”Venus” load=”hide”]

Venus is the love planet. It controls the way you show affection in personal relationships and the way you appreciate the beauty in the world around you. It tends to dictate romantic relationships and friendships.[/accordion]
[accordion title=”Earth” load=”hide”]

Although there is no “earth” sign, it can be represented by your rising sign. This is the mask that you wear to the outside world and the way that others see you. It’s the sign that defines your automatic response to your environment. Your rising sign will indicate how you are perceived by others.[/accordion]

[accordion title=”Moon” load=”hide”]

Your moon sign is the second-in-command when it comes to your chart. The moon shows your habits and instincts, the things that you do without even thinking about doing them. Looking to this sign will help you understand where your innermost needs lie.[/accordion]
[accordion title=”Mars” load=”hide”]

Mars, the fourth planet in the solar system, commands your physical energy and forcefulness. It dictates your ambition and the way you execute ideas. It can sometimes be violent, but it balances Venus’ harmonious energy.[/accordion]

[accordion title=”Jupiter” load=”hide”]

Jupiter determines your luck and success. It is connected with your morals and ethical standings as well as gives insight to your spirituality and wisdom. Jupiter can also be linked with confidence and optimism.[/accordion]

[accordion title=”Saturn” load=”hide”]

Saturn brings about the most conflict and determines the way you deal with challenges. It dictates your discipline and work ethic and can be a good indicator of what career path you are best suited for.[/accordion]
[accordion title=”Uranus” load=”hide”]

Uranus controls your creativity, individuality and need for change. It can determine your spontaneity and the way you respond to new situations. [/accordion]

[accordion title=”Neptune” load=”hide”]

Neptune represents universal wisdom. The fanciful planet determines your creation and dreams and can also indicate your connection to artistic outlets.[/accordion]

[accordion title=”Pluto” load=”hide”]

Pluto is the slowest moving planet and tends to be associated with destruction and obsession. It represents power, transformation and how individuals fit into and form a society. It relates more to the masses than many of the other planets.

About the Contributors
Rachel Fernandez
Rachel Fernandez, Managing Editor
Rachel Fernandez is the managing editor for the DePaulia, a dedicated millennial and a vegetable enthusiast. She is passionate about mostly everything, but especially anything related media, culture and the way people communicate (and Ira Glass). Peak Rachel is when she is chopping vegetables for soup while listening to a podcast and thinking about the latest memes. She is a Pisces-Aries cusp, a Taurus moon and a Cancer rising. Send her pictures of your pets and talk to her about your junior high emo phase.
Carina Smith
Carina Smith, Nation & World Editor
Carina is the Nation & World editor at the DePaulia. When she's not writing, you can usually find her wandering around the city listening to true crime podcasts or eating sushi. Follow her on Twitter @_carinasmith_