REVIEW: ‘Friends: The Reunion’ fails to address the show’s history with racist, homophobic comments
This image provided by HBO Max shows Matt LeBlanc, from left, Matthew Perry, Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox and Lisa Kudrow in a scene from the “Friends” reunion special. (Terence Patrick/HBO Max via AP)
We all like to remember the best moments of our lives. We all like to come back to those moments years later to recall those events. It can become easy to remember all the good.
It’s also easy to forget all the bad memories. We try to forget all the negative experiences, but it’s a part of us — like it or not.
And that’s what “Friends: The Reunion” is all about: remembering the good, forgetting the bad. After postponing the release of “The Reunion” last year because of the Covid-19 pandemic, it made its long-awaited debut on HBO Max on Thursday.
The issue with the show, however, was that it glossed over some bad moments and only focused on what made the show so popular.
Sitting on a couch in Central Perk, the six main actors from the original “Friends” — Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc, Matthew Perry and David Schwimmer — went down memory lane to go through their rise to stardom. They were also joined by other stars like Justin Bieber and David Beckham, who are fans of the show.
Through all the stories shared and the nostalgia that it proved, “The Reunion” failed to address the ugly side of “Friends.”

It was disappointing to see that “The Reunion” glossed over the show’s lack of diversity and its history with homophobic, transphobic, racist and misogynistic comments. A true “reunion” doesn’t pick and choose what to remember and what to leave out.
Maybe it’s naive to expect these actors to address a difficult topic when, according to Business Insider, they were each paid $2.5 million to appear in this show. And before the pandemic hit last March, this reunion was supposed to help premiere HBO Max.
The show was hosted by James Corden, which made for an awkward dynamic between him and the other actors. Corden would often bring back talking points already addressed by the other actors; he would have been better suited setting up a topic and allowing the cast to do the rest.
There were moments when the six actors were given the space to talk freely and go over moments that were special to them. That would have been the perfect time to also discuss some of the troubling parts of the show.
For example, in 1999, Amaani Lyle was one of the few Black women employed on the show, becoming a writers’ assistant who was fired after four months. She then filed a lawsuit, which was later dismissed, alleging that her supervisors told racist and sexually graphic jokes, including of other female members of the cast.

These are issues that plagued the show for a long time but have largely gone untouched. Besides a couple of times where the writers of the show were asked to address these issues, it has mostly escaped any deep conversations.
Considering the issues that America has been trying to tackle in the last year with police brutality and racism, this would have been the perfect platform to speak openly about the ugly side of the show. Alas, we got none of that.
Instead, the show spent 105 minutes hearing from other celebrities who adored the show, which created some cringe-worthy moments, and occasional scenes where the cast got to speak to each other. In the scenes where the actors got the chance to open up — especially when Perry talked about the pressure to generate a laugh and the pressure of a joke landing — there were no extended conversations to explore further into these matters.
Maybe the cast isn’t as interesting when they are forced to be themselves rather than in character. Maybe that’s why Corden was there to keep everything moving along, even though it didn’t really work.
In certain moments, it felt like that cast felt scared to get too personal with the crowd. Then what’s the point of a reunion?
And that’s the issue with “The Reunion” — it didn’t involve much of the cast and it failed to engage in deep conversations. Given a year to produce this show, the production should have been better and the cast could have put in more effort to show they care about these issues.
Stuart Phillips • Jun 11, 2021 at 3:00 pm
What a ridiculous article. Why on earth would you expect a reunion of 6 iconic characters from an iconic 90s sitcom to address BLM or Racism or police brutality….. Lawrence, how you are a working journalist is baffling in the extreme.
Kim • Jun 4, 2021 at 6:32 am
Matt lablank didn’t dye his hair and was funny and natural, and comfortable being himself, Perry seemed drunk or on something and not aging well
Jennifer well she was herself but everyone knows she’s had more going on since the show. And of course looked beautiful
Didn’t know schwimmer and Jen were into each other for real
Schwimmer didn’t look bad and didn’t know he was the first role made
Courtney obviously had a face lift and lip injections which gave her duck face
Phoebe was her normal real self and has aged gracefully and can tell she hasn’t had work done . Just kept it real
Would of liked to see Emma and Ben and Susan and carol and mike and pallo and Charlie sheen and Rachel’s mom and dad etc
And many more stars in it and more questions to them to answer
Why did they do the costume runway. That was stupid. Would of like to talk more about the spray tan and ugly fat guy and what about the janitor, just so much more they could of rememiced about and told stories about
George Chell • Jun 3, 2021 at 8:09 pm
Pray tell me why everyone goes after Friends and no one goes after Baywatch?
Ghosty • Jun 2, 2021 at 4:30 am
Oh who cares. That was the times – get over it. Is everyone seriously turning into flaky freshly baked pastries? Harden up or the world will spit you out. It’s a TV show. It was the done thing when I was a kid to go haha you gay boy. It was just a jip. Dont like it? Dont watch the show.
lymli • Jun 1, 2021 at 10:32 pm
friends didn’t have to address something that’s only in your racist and homophobic mind, people like you that complain haven’t even watched the show entirely. there’s real racism and homophobia in real life, why don’t you do something ’bout that instead of harassing a sitcom?
Derp • Jun 1, 2021 at 8:52 am
Oh no a show from the 90s not having the foresight to worry about how emotionally stunted America will be in the 2020s.
Jonny Arms • Jun 1, 2021 at 1:53 am
Did we watch the same program? Based on this diatribe of an article, seems not. ‘It was disappointing to see that “The Reunion” glossed over the show’s lack of diversity and its history with homophobic, transphobic, racist and misogynistic comments ‘…..uh huh. I definitely saw that reflected in the global fan response section, where many were clearly emotionally moved from the impact that friends had made to their (black, white and brown) lives. Oh wait, on the racial point, you highlight about Amaani Lyle, writers’ assistant who was fired after four months. Case thrown out of the supreme court, but leave it in the article anyway, at the same time neglecting to mention Aisha Tyler. (I’ll leave you to at least check that one out accurately).
‘Considering the issues that America has been trying to tackle in the last year with police brutality and racism, this would have been the perfect platform to speak openly about the ugly side of the show. Alas, we got none of that’. In what twilight zone do you think the producers would want the cast of a long running comedy show that contained almost no reference to the darker social issues prevalent at the time, to all of a sudden, have it’s actors speak and comment on sensitive social issues to the world in a reunion nostalgia show?
I could go on, but I think the author should stick to the sports section. He clearly has no idea what friends really meant to many people, it’s true social influence and a host of other positives it brought to the table.
In the woke world of today, of course it’s easy to look back and say coulda woulda shoulda, but that does not change the fact that millions will continue to watch it, billions have watched it and for all it’s known flaws, it leaves without question, a positive legacy that will never be diluted through cheap shot articles such as this one.
Jonny Arms • Jun 1, 2021 at 1:50 am
Did we watch the same program? Based on this diatribe of an article, seems not. ‘It was disappointing to see that “The Reunion” glossed over the show’s lack of diversity and its history with homophobic, transphobic, racist and misogynistic comments ‘…..uh huh. I definitely saw that reflected in the global fan response section, where many were clearly emotionally moved from the impact that friends had made to their (black, white and brown) lives. Oh wait, on the racial point, you highlight about Amaani Lyle, writers’ assistant who was fired after four months. Case thrown out of the supreme court, but leave it in the article anyway, at the same time neglecting to mention Aisha Tyler. (I’ll leave you to at least check that one out accurately).
‘Considering the issues that America has been trying to tackle in the last year with police brutality and racism, this would have been the perfect platform to speak openly about the ugly side of the show. Alas, we got none of that’. In what twilight zone do you think the producers would want the cast of a long running comedy show that contained almost no reference to the darker social issues prevalent at the time, to all of a sudden, have it’s actors speak and comment on sensitive social issues to the world in a reunion nostalgia show?
I could go on, but I think the author should stick to the sports section. He clearly has no idea what friends really meant to many people, it’s true social influence and a host of other positives it brought to the table.
In the woke world of today, of course it’s easy to look back and say coulda woulda shoulda, but that does not change the fact that millions will continue to watch it, billions have watched it for all it’s known flaws, left a positive legacy that will never be diluted through cheap shot articles such as this one.