Where to have your finals week meltdown
The John T. Richardson Library, located in Lincoln Park.
As the winter quarter dwindles to an end, many DePaul students feel the pressure of an untraditional, hybrid quarter coming to a close. For some, their blood boils in fury as they feel inadequately prepared to write that final paper or fill in the circles on their final’s green and white Scantron form. While for others, emotions rise with water building up in the tear ducts only to splash out in a crying episode.
We sat down with the brain behind the @DPUaffirmations account to determine the best places to have your own meltdown experience right here on DePaul’s campus. Due to the anonymity factor of the affirmations account, we will refer to the account’s administrator as @DPUaffirmations.
“We [wrote] a final paper about Cuban filmmaking in the ‘50s,” @DPUaffirmations said, recalling their last messy finals week cry. “I just had no idea what was going on and I was completely breaking down at my desk. My roommate was around that and [I was] like, ‘No, everything’s fine. Like, don’t worry about it.’ It was horrifying. And I got the paper out, whatever, but I just had no idea what was going on. It was extremely stressful. And a lot of tears shed sadly.”
The Quad
Despite the unpredictable weather, sometimes all you need is a breath of fresh air. While the quad can have significant traffic during peak class time hours, it can provide the perfect cover to cry. Many people simply walk through on their way back to their dorm or scurry back to class, so most people don’t have the time to stop and stare. You may have someone ask if you’re okay, but @DPUaffirmations likes its public environment. It also allows you to be in an environment where you can be by yourself, without the presence of a roommate.
“The quad benches… at night, [so] your roommate won’t hear you. But you’re also like, kind of outside,” @DPUaffirmations said. “Like, if someone walks by they can be like, ‘Oh my god, are you okay?’ And you know, sometimes you need that. That sounds so weird. But also, if you need to make a phone call. You’re private and you’re not in the dorm where it can, like, go through the vents.”
Vincentian Circle
When talking about the quad, it didn’t take long for us to naturally transition into Vincentian Circle. It contains the same outdoor vibe as the quad, but it is a tad more concealed. Yet, you can still spectate all the action going on in the quad. While you’re there, make sure to greet St. Vincent de Paul himself, considering the statues will happily keep you company.
“You’re kind of private, but like, you don’t feel like you’re cut off from the world,” they said. “And you can make phone calls and there’s a little place to sit. I don’t know, it feels very secluded.”
John T, Richardson Library, Fourth-Floor Balcony
There aren’t a lot of places on DePaul’s campus that provide a dark academia-type vibe, but the third-floor nook right off the stairs is probably the closest thing we have. That said, the balconies overlooking this nook can make for a good spot. You can overlook those studying below you, yet you’re covered by the tall railings in front of you. However, the seats can be quite uncomfortable so it’s only good for a quick outburst of sorts.
Student Center, Third Floor
When pursuing the third floor of the Lincoln Park campus Student Center, you are destined to find one-off lounge areas with couches right outside room 319. These out-of-the-way spots receive little traffic, allowing you to let out your misery in solitude without having to make the trek all the way back home. The tall greenish-blue chairs provide a more uplifting vibe to the overall experience.
DePaul Center Lower Level Bathroom
When arriving at the DePaul Center, walk through the Barnes and Noble, past the stairs and head down the elevator and walk straight until you see a sign signaling the restroom. These bathrooms are usually empty and require a DePaul ID, so you won’t have to worry about crossing paths with the general public. This location allows for the classic bathroom meltdown experience with added seclusion benefits.
Holtschneider Performance Center (HPC)
After discovering I am a music student, @DPUaffirmations was quick to ask if the rumors of the practice room cry are true. For some, they are, but I personally don’t think they pass the vibe check. Instead, walk into the building and take the elevator up to the third floor, take a right and continue down straight down the first hallway. Continue to the end until you see a turn immediately before the printing station. You will find a nook filled with a couple of relatively unused lockers. Here, you can sit on the windowsill decorated with sneaker scuff marks overlooking Lincoln Park’s fancy, multi-million dollar homes, creating a picture-perfect view destined to control any emotion of anger and/or frustration. The opera hall entrance is another great location, since nobody goes over there during the day or after 9 p.m. so you’ll be disturbance-free
Departing thoughts
No matter how you go about your finals week stress, @DPUaffirmations left a piece of advice to get through the week and make the most of your meltdown experience.
“My advice for crying on campus is just let it out,” they said. “Don’t be afraid to go to your friends. Don’t be afraid to like talk about it. All I do is just talk about my entire life and experience on campus, [just] like anybody’s experience.”