As if our high-tax, big-government, broke-government, high-unemployment state isn’t backward enough with overwhelming debt, an embarrassingly low bond rating, dumbed-down schools, wasteful spending (which helps politicians buy votes), and on and on Š—ê 61 of our state representatives in Springfield who had nothing better to do recently joined some other culturally regressive states in redefining marriage to the point where it’s now almost a farce. (But making marriage a farce might have actually been the point for some morally challenged politicians, though they wouldn’t admit it.)
The arguments for homosexual marriage are so flimsy as to be practically non-existent. I’ve heard them all, multiple times. As a social/political activist I’ve debated many many homosexuals and their straight supporters. They don’t have anything reasonable to back up their position; because of that, they resort to trying to manipulate people emotionally to get their way.
Their “consenting adults” argument is so vague and weak it can be used by consenting-adult incestuous people, polygamists, exhibitionists, and other deviates. And their “born that way” argument is simply silly. Just because someone may be born with disordered feelings is no justification for acting on those feelings. Disordered feelings, even if “natural” or defective-gene-based, clearly don’t justify immoral behavior. Let’s say someone hypothetically is born a pedophile or gay-basher. (I’m not comparing homosexuality with those two, just illustrating the absurdity of their argument.) To go from that hypothetical, to then saying that that someone should therefore BE an active pedophile or gay-basher, is obviously ridiculous. Yet homosexuals get away with this type of absurd “argument.”
But the ridiculous is becoming more mainstream in backward states like Illinois. It’s merely a matter of time before all the misguided, irrational, pro-homosexual laws in this country are overturned by better minds. They can’t be justified using science, logic or natural law. Sooner or later, people will come to understand that.
Perhaps people will begin to wake up to the threat when they see people they love legally discriminated against and penalized because, for logical and/or religious reasons, they refused to cater to the immoral. In other backward states, decent, moral people running businesses who didn’t want to cater to homosexuals have been and are being punished. This level of corruption is just the beginning. There’s more to come if we don’t reverse course. The politicians who voted for this absurd redefinition (and who are an embarrassment to the state) need to be defeated in the next elections.