Nearly two weeks after the movie release of “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt. II,” the final installment of the massive Harry Potter franchise, wizarding fans across the globe are still running to the theaters to catch a glimpse of their beloved four-eyed friend and his comrades duking it out against the powerful Lord Voldemort.
The film remains seated at No. 2 on the box office charts, only recently replaced at No. 1 with the release of “Captain America: The First Avenger.” The much-anticipated Potter film brought closure to an era, a bittersweet event for fans of all ages.
For college-aged Americans, Harry Potter and his journey through Hogwarts and the surrounding magical world has mirrored their own, as the characters have grown along with them. Whether you first met Harry, Ron and Hermione after the book release of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone in 1998, or you waited until the movie came out in 2001, it’s been about ten years since these beloved youngsters began entertaining bookworms and theater buffs alike with their magical mischief.
Although I must say that reading the books offers a significantly greater amount of satisfaction and entertainment, the films are top-notch just as well. They offer a visual marking point for the span of years over which Harry Potter consumed pop-culture. The actors playing the roles have devoted a great chunk of their lives to bringing author J.K. Rowling’s creations to the silver screen. We can see their gradual aging with each film, growing along with the audiences who have held them so close for the past decade.
Still considered a film fit for young children, yet exciting enough to keep older viewers entertained, Harry Potter truly hits the spot for just about everyone. Beginning with young Harry’s discovery of his magical powers, the demeanor of the books and films alike have steadily become more serious in tone, more grandiose in special effects and images, and overall a more powerful experience for fans.
A pop-culture phenomenon that literally encompassed almost the entire world, Harry Potter is a notable point of reference for this generation. Originating the trend for otherworldly realms and magical events, this series allowed readers and viewers to escape reality and jump into the excitement of Harry’s unusual upbringing.
The final film adequately captured the book’s essence of finality, giving closure to the multiple-year-long battle between the good and the bad in a world filled with wizards, witches, dementors, goblins and ghosts, just to name a few.
Although we will miss watching our dear friend Harry stumble his way through the wizarding world, HP7 part II surely delivered the oomph that we were all waiting for, providing dedicated viewers with an adequate amount of closure and the hope that maybe someday another hero will grace the media with as much excitement as Harry Potter has generated throughout the years.