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The Student Newspaper of DePaul University

The DePaulia

The Student Newspaper of DePaul University

The DePaulia

The Student Newspaper of DePaul University

The DePaulia


The band’s lead singers, Maxwell Joseph and Connor Pledger, emphasize their brotherly love on stage. They said their friendship is the strong foundation for their music.

L.A. band ‘Moby Rich’ capitalizes on being different

Charlie Bevins November 11, 2019

The music video for Moby Rich’s “Oil Spill” begins with the lead singers, Maxwell Joseph and Connor Pledger, donning bowl-cut wigs and mustaches on a grainy news presentation. Pledger gives a satirical...

Review: Rex Orange County’s ‘Pony’ focuses on hope

Review: Rex Orange County’s ‘Pony’ focuses on hope

Gavin Farrow November 11, 2019

Rex Orange County’s work is loaded with (or almost entirely made up of) deeply personal anecdotes and multifaceted experiences with love. A new “anti-pop” pop star in recent years, he employs the...

St. Vincent's DeJamz

St. Vincent’s DeJamz

Emma Oxnevad, Online Managing Editor November 11, 2019

With the quarter quickly coming to an end, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by deadlines and exams. In the event of such stress, it’s always good to have pump-up songs to raise your spirits keep you motivated....

St.Vincent’s De Jamz

St.Vincent’s De Jamz

Emma Oxnevad, Online Managing Editor October 28, 2019

I was one week early to the spooky section, but what’s done is done. In honor of the Chicago International Film Festival, I’m sharing some of my favorite songs from movies. This list is probably going...

The legacy of 'Led Zeppelin II'

The legacy of ‘Led Zeppelin II’

Emma Oxnevad, Online Managing Editor October 21, 2019

When I was a sophomore in high school, I was exposed to Led Zeppelin for the first time. Despite being one of the most popular and beloved bands of all time, my 15-year-old self thought I was ahead of...

St. Vincent's DeJamz

St. Vincent’s DeJamz

Emma Oxnevad, Online Managing Editor October 21, 2019

While it’s not quite Halloween yet, I see no point in holding off in sharing my favorite spooky jams. There are the quintessential Halloween songs—The Monster Mash, Thriller, etc.— but that’s not...

St. Vincent's DeJamz

St. Vincent’s DeJamz

Emma Oxnevad, Online Managing Editor October 14, 2019

We are fully in the swing of autumn, or #SadGirlAutumn, as Twitter calls it. Gone are the days of fun summer jams and the season of moody songs to listen to while looking wistfully outside a CTA window....

St. Vincent's DeJamz

St. Vincent’s DeJamz

Emma Oxnevad, Online Managing Editor October 7, 2019

With the quarter progressing and responsibilities mounting, I often find myself under pressure to tend to all of my duties (for more on that, check out the Opinions section!). Whenever I feel like I can’t...

St. Vincent's DeJamz

St. Vincent’s DeJamz

Cailey Gleeson, News Editor September 30, 2019

Emo’s not dead—and not just the early 2000s songs from My Chemical Romance and Panic! At The Disco. Plenty of modern groups have some seriously sick tunes that will satisfy all your edgy needs. Here...

The crowd for Phora’s show at Subterranean filled the room on Sept. 22 and held their iPhones up high, recording while cheering for the lead singer, Marco Anthony Archer.

Phora thanks Chicago after September show

Jack Dombro September 30, 2019

Hip-hop and R&B artist Phora came to Subterranean Sept. 22 to close out his Bury Me With Dead Roses tour, determined to put on a memorable show for Chicago. The bit of rain didn’t stop a few hundred...

Twin Peaks mature with 'Lookout Low'

Twin Peaks mature with ‘Lookout Low’

Cailey Gleeson, News Editor September 23, 2019

Many bands have tried—and failed—to mature their sound, but hometown hero Twin Peaks does it with ease on their fourth album, “Lookout Low.” The catch with this album, though, is it seems like...

St. Vincent's DeJAMZ

St. Vincent’s DeJAMZ

Keira Wingate, Arts & Life Editor September 23, 2019

The school year is in full swing! Summer has seemingly decided to extend itself into fall, filling my current playlist with upbeat songs that are sure to make everyone head-bob while traveling from Lincoln...

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