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The Student Newspaper of DePaul University

The DePaulia

The Student Newspaper of DePaul University

The DePaulia

The Student Newspaper of DePaul University

The DePaulia


Winning the sound war: How music became a contest of coolness

Winning the sound war: How music became a contest of coolness

Samantha Freehling, Contributing Writer March 10, 2025

In a world where playlists are constantly being shared, viral sounds dominate social media and emerging underground artists are quickly positioned as the next big sensation, music has increasingly become...

The Hajidamji family gathers around the table to enjoy Iftar on Saturday, March 23, 2024. Iftar is the meal that breaks the fast during Ramadan. (Photo provided by Sana Hajidamji)

Ramadan away from home

Sana Hajidamji, Opinion Beat Writer March 10, 2025

Ramadan is a sacred time of year when Muslims worldwide feel especially connected to their faith. Falling in the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, Ramadan is when Muslims abstain from food, drink and...

Why Gen Z relationships never get closure — and what that says about us

Why Gen Z relationships never get closure — and what that says about us

Addison Rogers, Contributing Writer March 10, 2025

Gen Z is terrible at breakups. Relationships end prematurely, and without definitive closure, leaving emotional wounds, heightened anxiety and an inability to navigate conflict. Instead of facing...

Game over: The epidemic of mass layoffs in the video game industry

Game over: The epidemic of mass layoffs in the video game industry

Joe Martinez, Contributing Writer March 10, 2025

It was 8:50 a.m. I was just about to log into work.  Before I could open my laptop, my phone buzzed. It was a Microsoft Teams notification from my supervisor informing me of a surprise meeting with...

Betsy and Grace Logan smile together after Grace’s high school graduation on  Thursday, May 18, 2023. “Well ... it was a very proud moment, every day you make us proud,” Betsy said.
Betsy and Grace Logan smile together after Grace’s high school graduation on  Thursday, May 18, 2023. “Well ... it was a very proud moment, every day you make us proud,” Betsy said. (Provided by Grace Logan)

Tax Season, hospital visits — and thanks to the women who have changed my life

Grace Logan, Arts & Life Editor March 10, 2025


Lucia Preziosi with her family at her baptism into the Catholic Church in Feb, 2004. Preziosi was raised going to a Liberal Catholic Church in New York. (Provided by Lucia Preziosi)

‘Let mutual love continue’: Revisiting my Catholic upbringing through the Sanctuary Movement

Lucia Preziosi, Editor in Chief March 3, 2025

My best friend and next-door neighbor, Amelia, and I rode our ripsticks in our white dresses the day of our First Communion. Some years later in eighth grade, we ate chicken parmesan and talked about boys...

A DePaul student with headphones checks his phone on Thursday, Feb. 27, 2025, at the Richardson Library. Most students in the John T. Richardson library wear headphones.

The solitary world of chronic headphone users can feel pretty lonely

Linnea Cheng, Contributing Writer March 3, 2025

For the first three years of college, I was one of those people that had my noise-cancelling headphones on everywhere I went. I slapped them on, headed out the door and ignored the world around me. It...

Amazon’s Reign: Why the online retail giant remains unmatched

Amazon’s Reign: Why the online retail giant remains unmatched

Olivia Hanif, Contributing Writer March 3, 2025

Online shopping makes the world go round. If you need something, no matter where you are, you have access to billions of items at your fingertips. There are so many options to pick from online: Etsy,...

Tell the truth about lies: Using the “L-word” in mainstream media

Tell the truth about lies: Using the “L-word” in mainstream media

Brielle Kohlbeck, Opinion Editor March 3, 2025

Falsehoods, mistruths or even “alternative facts” — as Kellyanne Conway would say — are some of the words used by public figures and news outlets to dance around what they may really mean: lie....

COLUMN: A promise forward

COLUMN: A promise forward

Annabelle Frazer, Contributing Writer March 3, 2025

Today marks the end of the first week of Women’s History Month.  To be entirely transparent, with all that the past few months have brought, I’ve had a difficult time remembering the month of March’s...

The Power of the Screen: How Film and TV Influence Public Perception

The Power of the Screen: How Film and TV Influence Public Perception

Sana Hajidamji, Opinion Beat Writer March 3, 2025

We all know the saying: What we see is what we believe. From the characters we idolize to the worlds we dream about, much of what we believe about ourselves and others is shaped by the media we consume.  Think...

LinkedIn: a valuable tool, but one you must use properly

LinkedIn: a valuable tool, but one you must use properly

Ashley Mezewich, Contributing Writer February 24, 2025

LinkedIn is an important networking resource not only for college students, but for anyone who is seeking employment. The site is the largest professional network in the world with over one billion...

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