Lenti makes sudden exit after more than 30 years
Jonathan Aguilar | The DePaulia
Head Coach Eugene Lenti, pictured here during the Big East Championship, led the Blue Demons to the NCAA Tournament for the 20th time in his tenure with the program.
The long and celebrated career of DePaul softball head coach Eugene Lenti — the brother of Athletic Director Jean Lenti Ponsetto — came to a sudden end over the weekend, according to sources close to the athletic department and DePaul’s Office of Public Relations and Communication (OPRC).
In addition to Lenti, DePaul’s OPRC confirmed that two assistant coaches, Lindsay Platt and Lynsey Ciezki, are also no longer employed by the university. Platt holds a list of DePaul pitching records from her time as a player and seemed to be a natural successor for Lenti as she held the title of “associate head coach.”
DePaul’s athletic department is yet to make a public statement regarding the nature of Lenti’s exit and did not respond to requests for a comment from Lenti Ponsetto. Instead, the DePaulia’s request was forwarded to a university spokesperson at OPRC.
“I can confirm that Eugene Lenti retired June 12 from his position as DePaul’s head softball coach,” the OPRC official said. “Coach Lenti led the softball program here at DePaul for more than 30 years. A nationwide search for his replacement will be launched immediately.”
Lenti provided the following comment via the OPRC:
“I am announcing at this time, that effective immediately, I am retiring and stepping down from my position as head softball coach at DePaul University,” he said. “I would like to take this opportunity to thank the athletic department, administration, staff and all my fellow coaches for their support throughout the years.”
Lenti’s retirement comes after the Blue Demons won a second straight Big East Championship title and earned another trip to the NCAA tournament where they faced a swift double elimination to Arkansas and Oklahoma St.
Over the course of more than 30 years in Lincoln Park, Lenti racked up over 1,300 wins — a milestone he achieved earlier this past season — and turned the Blue Demons into one of the top softball programs in the Big East Conference.
Lenti is married to Kandace Lenti, an executive at Wintrust Bank who is credited with helping to arrange the naming rights deal for Wintrust Arena. Kandace also played softball at DePaul under coach Lenti before they were married. Two of their three daughters also played softball at DePaul.
Senior second basemen Sabrina Kuchta said in a brief phone call that she first learned of Lenti’s departure in an email from the athletic department on Tuesday, June 12, which characterized his exit as a retirement.
“[Lenti’s exit] was so sudden,” Kuchta said. “We’re all just kind of heartbroken about the whole situation because he’s been the softball coach for 30-plus years. It just kind of sucks.”
Kuchta said she had heard Lenti mention retirement during this past season.
This article was originally published without information about the assistant coaches leaving alongside Lenti. After receiving confirmation, that information has been added in the second paragraph.
ChangeAtDPU • Apr 16, 2020 at 3:48 pm
This didn’t age well for the Lenti family apologists!
Calvin Yalb • Aug 2, 2018 at 10:22 pm
Tough year for the Lenti family. Frank leaves Mount Carmel, Eugene DePaul, and, like the cockroach traversing the boric acid laden path, the sister takes some blows, feels the sting of pervasive naysayers, but survives the trauma. Clearly the wrong “Lenti” is left standing, and all I can do, as I think back to the days of Ray Lindblad, Bob Gielow, Bob Hamilton,Tom Festle, Mike McCormick, Mike Naughton, Glenn Coble, Tina Brown, David Mateer and countless other talented people that were part of my DePaul existence, is wonder the following: “On whom does she have damning Polaroid images”?
Whatsnext@dpuathletics • Jun 25, 2018 at 5:34 pm
Now Nikki Cuchran decommits and is headed to Northwestern for her College Softball career. Suburban life player of the year. Repercussions. Have. Begun.
Rita (Small) Stone • Jun 17, 2018 at 2:32 pm
I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to Eug, his softball program and to the whole of DePaul Athletics. Without the unwavering guidance, support and encouragement that I received during my time at DePaul (1990-1994), I certainly would not have the career that I have today. I have been lucky enough to call Eug “coach” at the collegiate level in softball, but also as a basketball player at St. Francis DeSales. In my experience, ha had been a hard, yet fair, coach with demanding expectations both on a off the field/court. He has been instrumental in shaping my character and strength, as well as fostering my love of learning. I wish him and his family much happiness with his retirement, but deep sadness for the softball program. From my perspective, Eug has been the heart and soul of DePaul Softball.
Jackie Spina • Jun 17, 2018 at 1:46 pm
To have to argue over the success of my guy Eug is so ridiculous. But I’ll share my opinion here because he deserves to have the most positive outpouring of love possible.
I’ll try to keep this short and sweet:
* I cried at Genas post bc what she said is true and the man should be able to retire in peace
* every moment I shared with Eug and my teammates are some of the most cherished memories I have
* Jeanne is amazing I will be forever thankful for her guidance and acceptance
* DEPAUL athletics helped me through 6 years of education (4 undergrad AND 2 masters) and I am forever endebited
* Eug, throughout my 4 Year’s of athletic eligibility, was amazing. Was he hard? YES. But I appreciate every single thing he said to me whether it was positive or negative , 100%. I am a better coach and human bc of it AND NO BOSS I HAVE HAD OR EVER WILL HAVE WILL BE AS IMPACTFUL AS HE WAS TO ME. Everyone else will be a cake walk !!
* not only were we rewarded for things we got dessert too!!!
* as a side note to show how loyal and how long I was with the program….. I was a part of his 1000th win and 1200th win and man was that an experience !!!
*another fun fact- my senior day was actually named “Eugene lentil day” in Chicago…. how many other people can say they have a day named after them
* additionally, being by his side as a coach for 5 years opened my eyes to many different aspects of athletics as he was 100% transparent with his staff and allowed us to learn and grow through mistakes and successes.
I cannot thank the program enough but most of all I cannot show you enough how much of an impact Eug has had on myself and my family for all that he has done for us. If it weren’t for him, I’d just be another girl from jersey looking for a dream. Thanks to him I was able to live my dream !! Thanks Eug from the bottom of my heart!!
Vinny Petti • Jun 17, 2018 at 1:18 pm
I, Councilman Vinny Petti, uncle of an alumnae, who has spent many games and helped with many team dinners preparing meatballs and cannolis, would like to thank Eug for giving my niece the opportunity to have a great future in any endeavor she chooses. Because of the education she was provided by Eugene, she has a better future !
Yvonne and Jackie Tarulli • Jun 17, 2018 at 1:14 pm
As the parent of an alumnae, I can safely and confidently say that Eug, the athletic department, Jeanne and kandace were some of the reasons we even allowed our only daughter to take the trip half way across the country by herself. The tremendous feeling of family and acceptance when she stepped onto that campus was a feeling I will never forget. Eug was and still is in our eyes the reason our daughter is so successful in her coaching career and in life. What the university and moreover Eug and Jeanne has done not only for my daughter but all the other student athletes they have helped is invaluable. The resources available to the athletics department student athletes is second to none. The overwhelming outpouring of love and support for Eug is well deserved and not for one moment would we second guess his integrity or well being of the student athletes he coaches. The university and the softball program will not be the same and we are deeply saddened but his retirement and wish him and his family all the best.
evelyn johnson • Jun 16, 2018 at 9:19 pm
anyone from the softball family interested in honoring eug’s legacy with an endowed scholarship?
Doug Steiner • Jun 16, 2018 at 8:47 am
Lots of accolades and kind words about Coach Lenti from former players, all of which sound sincere and heartfelt.
I just think the University botched the announcement (or non-announcement). When a Division I school is under NCAA investigation, and a long-time coach of one of its most successful and visible programs leaves the school in silence, the school owes the student body and the city an explanation, even if just to say it had nothing to do with the investigation. All this silence from the school makes it look like there’s a gag order of some sort. Only the school can effectively set the record straight, and they remain silent.
Linda S. • Jun 15, 2018 at 6:35 pm
As a coach and mentor, Coach Lenti’s belief in me on and off the field was truly empowering. By teaching me how to build a strong foundation of family and friends around me, and providing a platform to learn characteristics on the field like drive, dedication and confidence that translated in the workplace, I consider myself and so many of my teammates active pillars in society with a mission to make a lasting positive impact. This was cultivated due to a stellar head coach and coaching staff that always encouraged a team to be a team, to make goals because that’s what we live for, and to love what we do. I want to thank Coach Lenti for sharing his knowledge, his precious time and guidance throughout the years. Words can’t express the appreciation I have and Enjoy retirement Eug!
Depaulsoftballalum • Jun 15, 2018 at 4:11 pm
Evelyn, you are the girlfriend of Frank Lenti, thus your comments are understandably biased. Please.
Kevin J • Jun 15, 2018 at 6:58 pm
At least she isn’t hiding behind a screen name and is not afraid to let people know her thoughts without knowing who she is when giving them.
evelyn johnson • Jun 16, 2018 at 9:15 pm
if you truly knew me youd know my relationship with eugene has nothing to do with frank. my tales are not slanted due to who i am dating but rather who was my classmate, friend, and then coach & mentor way long before i started dating his brother.
Gena Lenti • Jun 15, 2018 at 12:11 am
After reading through these comments, I cannot express how thankful I am to have literally been raised by this DePaul softball program and all the women and families who came through it. My former teammates will tell you, similar to my dad, I am not an emotional person, but have been crying for the last hour reading these posts. I am sure he would be as well. For my sisters and I, DePaul has been our second home, a staple in our worlds since we were born. Seeing all these alumni share their experience and their love for my dad just brings back so many good memories from our lives, memories my family will always cherish.
To the people who have commented some not so nice stuff about my father, my coach: I am not responding here because I want to start an argument by any means. I could not have been more upset by some of the comments in this post, and the last thing I want to do is relive or battle those arguments, which I would consider already to be so negated by the clear outpouring of love and support shown by alumni. I realize there are many people in my family who are public figures, and in that, the “Lenti” name must be prepared to receive commentary and criticism with grace. But criticism these days often comes from behind a screen, often based on little background knowledge, with little thought into how one’s words could have implications for a person and their livelihood. I think we often forget that these public figures are too people; people with emotions, people whose lives must go on beyond the banter in the comment section of the article, and people who deal with personal factors that most people know nothing about.
Words these days can be very powerful. Please consider what might be going on in a person’s life and how your words might affect their lives before writing that next article, making that next comment. Respect for privacy is not something we often get in this world anymore, but if there is a time for it, please give that respect now.
I want to reiterate again how thankful I am to see the outpouring of support for my dad, someone who loved each and every one of his players from day one. In helping my dad clean out his office the other day, we found stacks of letters from players, parents, and fellow coaches saying thank you for making them/their daughters strong women and for being such a positive example for the sport of softball. I say this not to justify how well-loved or how great of a coach my dad was (I think the above comments speak for themselves), but rather to point out the fact that for 38 years he did not get rid of ONE letter— and out of all of the plaques, all of the trophies left in his office, those letters are the only things he decided to take with him. If that is not a sign of how much he loved his players, loved his program, and simply loved to teach the game of softball, I don’t know what is. His legacy is in every single one of his players and the people they became, and in each of us, his lessons will certainly live on.
Thanks dad for being an amazing coach, and an even more amazing father. Like so many others have echoed, I would not be the strong woman I am today without you.
Julie • Jun 15, 2018 at 11:35 am
Gena, this brought me to tears. So beautifully written.
Kevin • Jun 15, 2018 at 6:55 pm
Gena, you wrote an extremely articulate, mature, and heartfelt response to all of the posts previous. I can’t echo all of your sentiments enough. Clearly he and Kandace have done an amazing job parenting to have such a daughter.
There is clearly a sense from some that is devious happening and it is unfounded. They are in search of something that isn’t there to simply cause pain to those they write about and those that care about them. Unfortunately, society today accepts this type of behavior and encourages it. As an alumni, I’m embarrassed at the level of pure incompetence the DePaulia has displayed in regards to the Lenti family. Listening to individuals who clearly have a personal vendetta against the them without any form of evidence is poor journalism at best.
Brittany Boesel • Jun 14, 2018 at 8:48 pm
So sad to hear that DePaul softball won’t include Eug anymore, but no one is more deserving of being able to spend more time with his girls. I had the privilege of playing for Eug and I don’t have enough words to describe my experience playing at DePaul. He made me the best player and person I could be, and for that I am grateful. Being from California, he was like my second dad and always took care of me whenever I needed it. Eug, you’ll always hold a special place in my heart. Can’t wait to see you at my wedding in a couple of months!
Cherelle Chambers • Jun 14, 2018 at 8:11 pm
So sad to hear about Eug’s retirement. But as someone who always preached the importance of family over everything it comes as no surprise that he chose now to retire with Cate graduating. Playing for Eug at DePaul was one of the best and most treasured expirences of my life because not only did I learn so much about the game but life lessons as well. Eug and the entire athletic program at DePaul opened their arms to me and mad me feel nothing but welcomed and supported to and through graduation. Eug you will be missed and enjoy retirement!
Morgan • Jun 14, 2018 at 3:20 pm
Clearly there is so much love and appreciation for Eug. He has had a positive influence on many peoples’ lives and this shows by just reading everyone’s comments on here. Women’s softball players from all different generations have a story and even focusing on the most recent year in which we won BOTH Big East regular season and tournament. He cultivated an atmosphere for women to thrive both in school and softball. You don’t win as much as he has without influencing chemistry and love among one another. He is DePaul softball.
Doug Steiner • Jun 14, 2018 at 2:57 pm
As far as I can tell, Coach Lenti knew a lot about softball and how to teach the game. Ok, great. DePaul won a lot of softball games. Then there’s this – why did he leave with no notice to his players or recruits (please don’t insult us with ‘retirement”), who else is involved, is the university damaged by something he did, who else knew and when, and has there been an effort to hide all this? If the university doesn’t start publicly explaining, we are all free to draw our own conclusions, just like they did at Penn State.
Evelyn Johnson • Jun 14, 2018 at 3:07 pm
Doug Steiner, Penn State really? Defamation is a serious charge and I know many lawyers to recommend to Eugene.
Doug Steiner • Jun 14, 2018 at 3:12 pm
Ms. Johnson – Yes, Penn State. I like how you jumped to the worst possible interpretation of that phrase. That’s your mind, not mine. Anyway, “defamation” requires that the plaintiff proves damages. But you wouldn’t know that, because you’re not a lawyer, just someone who “knows” lawyers. Laughable. Penn State.
Michael Ciepierski • Jun 14, 2018 at 4:04 pm
Evelyn – this will continue to happen until DePaul officially addresses this. When things happen with no explanation, people start to wonder. If this was addressed from the get-go, then no one would be really talking like this. Nothing has come from the Athletic Department on this matter, rather the DePaulia had to pry to get this information. Just seems odd to most.
This also happens because Eugene is a public figure. He’s not only a college coach, but a GREAT one. When things happen happen, good or bad, they get talked about, especially due to social media. The worst thing about being known is being known.
I hope this isn’t health related, and I hope there was no foul play, rather I hope that DePaul was just weird about everything going on here. But again, just seems odd how things went down.
Evelyn Johnson • Jun 14, 2018 at 8:14 pm
I was merely quoting your morbid words. Fake News has been outlawed by our President, haven’t you heard?
Daniel Heise • Jun 14, 2018 at 2:09 pm
One of the top softball coaches of all time retires and still not even a blurb on depaulbluedemons.com. I’m not suggesting anything nefarious is going on, but jeez, between this and not releasing the disclosure in regards to the Wintrust negotiations, Jeannie’s athletic department is really, really good at making it look like there is.
Matt Reinhardt • Jun 14, 2018 at 1:48 pm
He was a great teacher both on and off the field. So grateful to have been able to work with him during my time at Depaul. The lessons I learned from watching him coach were invauable. He is a Depaul university legend and will always be remembered. I wish him the best of luck with his retirement. Thanks Eug!
Cara • Jun 14, 2018 at 12:56 pm
No one knows the game of softball better than Eugene Lenti!! He showed me how much I can achieve by expecting the most from myself on and off the field. Coach Lenti believed in his players and worked to better them everyday. He has dedicated his life to helping motivate, encourage, and strengthen his players’ characters and skills. I will be forever grateful for what he taught me and how much time he devoted to the game. Congrats on retirement Mr. Lenti!!!
Lindsay Platt • Jun 14, 2018 at 12:33 pm
Just to set the record straight, my departure from depaul had nothing to do with Eugene’s retirement. I resigned in May and moved back to California to be closer to family.
I’m grateful for the time I was able to play for and coach with Eug. He made me a better person and coach. Glad I was able to be part of his staff and to finish on top!!
Susan Labovic • Jun 14, 2018 at 1:03 pm
Lindsay – you all made a great team – great coaching! Thank you for continuing the DePaul Softball tradition!
Debbie • Jun 14, 2018 at 4:49 pm
Thank you for clarifying that Lindsay! Enjoy your life in California!
Jonathan Norman • Jun 14, 2018 at 12:14 pm
Eugene Lenti is DePaul. He has represented the university well for nearly 40 years. In addition, he is among the most successful NCAA Division I coaches of all time. With his youngest child graduating from DePaul, this is a great time to celebrate a wonderful career and enjoy the next chapter of his life. What an incredible legacy he leaves. There is a popular saying that a coach touches as many lives in a single season as most people do in a lifetime. This man should be celebrated. Congrats Coach Lenti!
Susan Labovic • Jun 14, 2018 at 1:01 pm
Jonathan Norman – I totally agree with you!
Susan Labovic • Jun 14, 2018 at 10:58 am
Congratulations to Eugene for a ridiculously successful career and turning the DePaul softball program into a national powerhouse. I can say that this is a huge loss for DePaul softball and the university. People make up a program. We can talk about how great our softball program was and all that we accomplished but let’s face it – Eug was our program. He was at the helm for about 38 years. Every year we get together and go back to DePaul. We are a group of players ranging from the initial years of the program, to brand new alumnae. DePaul softball is able to boast this unique reunion because Eug is the glue that bonds us all together. I have immense love and respect for Eugene. I played for him and coached side-by-side with him, and I can tell you that he loved and treated all of his players as though we were his daughters. He treated his fellow coaches with respect. I will forever be grateful for the opportunities and experiences that Eugene provided me. I think it says a lot about who Eugene is as a man and as a coach, that parents sent their daughters AND granddaughters to play for him. He wasn’t just a coach, he was our mentor, for some of us he was a father-figure; and for all of us, he was one of our biggest supporters. I can’t even begin to imagine how the university will replace him. This man has put DePaul University softball on the map and brought so much positive recognition to the school. He is admired and held with the highest regard amongst his peers nationwide. It will be difficult to find another person who will be willing to dedicate their entire life to DePaul. I feel very fortunate and proud to have been part of the DePaul softball family under Eugene’s leadership. I will forever be indebted to Eugene for the vital role he played in my development into a strong, independent woman. His legacy will be remembered as a man who not only taught his players the skills and strategies of the game we love; but a man who taught us about life – about making your priorities God, family, school, then softball – a man who made sure we strove to live a Vincentian life. Thank you for your tireless and unselfish service to all of us and the university. Enjoy your much-deserved retirement!
Evelyn Johnson • Jun 14, 2018 at 2:52 pm
your reply really sums it up…awesome!
HHS • Jun 14, 2018 at 10:48 am
Hold on, just read a detail that needs to be explained. The players were notified by EMAIL?!?!?!?!
Since WHEN does THAT happen?
Whenever a coach leaves, fired whatever… the AD and assistants are there to tell the TEAM in person!
WAY more to this story than anything possible. And even if the players were gone for the Summer… EMAIL? Not a phone call?
Debbie • Jun 14, 2018 at 5:17 pm
My daughter played on a previous school her Freshman and sophomore year and they received emails when both coaches were let go. It happens at other places.
Michael Ciepierski • Jun 14, 2018 at 5:43 pm
Agreed. It’s during the summer, so you want to get them all at one time. Otherwise it’s 1:1 calls, and in between they start to talk among eachother, and you don’t want that. Email, and then set up meetings or a team call. I don’t see this as an issue, unless it was done this way while everyone was still on campus.
Evelyn Johnson • Jun 14, 2018 at 10:32 am
Here’s what Eug taught me since Spring 1977 when the women’s AD, Tina Brown, asked Eug to teach us how to play softball in the first year of the program (and Eugene was a sophomore at DPU):
1. Fear no opponent but respect them
2. The details in the process can make big things happen
3. Hustle can fix mistakes
4. Every decision you make will affect the team positively or negatively
5. A successful team is buy-in by coaches + players + administrators + student body + coaches family (thank you Kandace, Ali, Gena, and Cate) + players family
6. Self-analysis is a critical component of improvement
7. The harder you work, the more luck you have
8. Character is more important than talent and reputation
9. Success with a young team is bred differently than with an experienced team
10. Continued success is a product of 1 – 9
Having been at your side beginning in 1977 and each 40 additional seasons since then, I can attest that is has been an absolute privilege to have you as a coach and mentor. Your resilient coaching style was just as beloved in the second generation of players that I coached. Your retirement is earned and deserved.
Michael • Jun 16, 2018 at 6:35 pm
Ms. Johnson — thank you so much for sharing these words of wisdom and inspirations. These are keepers!
Thanks again —
Much Respect,
HHS • Jun 14, 2018 at 10:28 am
This seems very odd. HC suddenly ‘retires’. Two assistant coaches no longer with the team. ZERO press release for such a successful head coach?
There’s something definitely more to this story. I wonder what the wall flower Dr. Esteban has to say about this situation? I’m sure it wasn’t sister’s call to demand a removal if this was the case. Did it leap frog the AD and did Dr. Esteban have to actually make a hard decision for a change?
Jenna C. • Jun 14, 2018 at 10:26 am
Our team had great times and great coaching. Coach Lenti taught us so much about not only softball but life in general, and it was an honor to play for him! His coaching days might be over, but the legacy he’s left behind is going to follow him forever. Congratulations on a great career Coach Lenti and enjoy retirement, you deserve it!
Sofia Romano • Jun 14, 2018 at 10:23 am
POST THE TRUTH !!! He is retiring because of the way he mistreated his players, a formal complaint was filed and now he has no choice but to retire.
Michael Ciepierski • Jun 14, 2018 at 10:27 am
Talk more about the formal complaint Sofia. Have details?
Sofia Romano • Jun 14, 2018 at 11:55 am
a formal complaint was filed with the NCAA for mistreating players … only one player filed the complaint and when they came in to investigate all the girls finally had the guts to stand up for themselves and speak the truth
Mary • Jun 14, 2018 at 12:44 pm
Sofia, where are you getting this information? Clearly, from the other comments, many players and their families loved Eug and appreciated everything that he did for them. I played for Eug and have several friends still on the team, while he was tough, he always cared for his players like they were his family. He even would go out of his way to say that during a game he was critiquing the play, not the player themselves. Let the man retire in peace, it is well-deserved!
Sofia Romano • Jun 14, 2018 at 12:50 pm
My niece is still part of the Depaul Softball program … the truth will soon be out
Carol • Jun 14, 2018 at 3:20 pm
If this is true, that Eugene was forced out and not allowed to retire on this own, it almost saddens me more. Eug was an amazing coach who loved each and every one of his players as if they were his own daughters, and would do literally anything to help them to succeed in life. Was he tough? Absolutely! But that tough love is what helped mold each and every one of his players into the strong women they are today AND what has made the program so successful. It is that tough love that makes him stand out in the world of softball as one of the top coaches in the business, and that same tough love that makes alumni want to send their daughters and granddaughters to play for the same man. It would sadden me to hear that after 38 years of doing what he loves in a way that we all know and love him for, that some one on the team would look at his style of coaching as mistreatment and report him for it. I would be saddened because I know Eug would NEVER mistreat his players, and even though he is tough, he always has their best interests at heart. I would be saddened because I would hope that collegiate athletics has not come to the point where the coaches who hold great legacies are let go because their athletes can no longer tolerate a tough love style like Eug’s, can no longer be held accountable for not playing their best. I would be saddened because this is the end of an era, and a man who has dedicated his whole life to a program and the people who have passed through it should be able to celebrate this ending with pride!
Again, I hope college athletics has not changed so much in the last 10 years that we fire one of our best because he was “too tough” on players. All of the players that went through Eug’s program know that this man, a father to three daughters, would never mistreat his players in such a way that required him to be fired. If someone did put in a complaint that led to this, I would be sad for those players, who would look back and see that the way Eug coached was making them stronger women for the future, I would be sad for the future of female college athletics, and I would especially be sad for Eug and his family. Again, I just reiterate, I hope this is not the case.
Evelyn Johnson • Jun 14, 2018 at 10:43 am
Eug’s beloved authoritarian style coaching is well-known nationwide. Many players who thought he was tough on them realized when they entered the real world that it was tough love not mistreatment. I can attest as a coach that kids who are used to getting participant accolades don’t understand this coaching style.
Michael Ciepierski • Jun 14, 2018 at 10:54 am
Evelyn – only takes one time to cross the line. I know Coach Mike Rice…talked to him many times. I thought he was a great coach, and I actually was pushing for him to get the DePaul job (loved what he did at Robert Morris). His old players loved him. But he was then exposed, and others thought he was too harsh. There was one video. Only took once. If he went too far just once, that’s more than enough to get rid of him.
Again, no clue what happened here, but you are the one that brought up his “tough coaching style”.
Evelyn Johnson • Jun 14, 2018 at 3:02 pm
tough love is NOT mistreatment. He ‘exposed’ his tough love so often throughout his career…it was not a one time instance. I know because he taught me how it hurt the team when I tried being the authoritarian in one game! I was not kicked off the team, but we bonded as a team even more because of Eug’s response.
Sofia Romano • Jun 14, 2018 at 4:19 pm
Evelyn, you cant call what he did “TOUGH LOVE” I been coaching for years and Im tough but I dont degrade my players or put my hands on them. This man has messed up girls so bad that they now seek therapy to deal with it… they are afraid to speak up cause they dont want to loose their scholarships.
Sofia Romano • Jun 14, 2018 at 4:14 pm
Well Carol, I have no issues with coaches being tough …. BUT no coach has the RIGHT TO PUT HIS HANDS ON THE PLAYERS!!! Then you have what is called VERBAL ABUSE !! How would you feel if everyday you were told YOU SUCK !! YOU ARE TRASH!! PATHETIC !! YOU AINT SHIT!!! I can go on and on …. VERBAL ABUSE can be even worse than a slap on the face for some … Yes Coach Eug outside of softball can be a cool guy, but what he did is totally foul and the one player that finally had the courage to speak up for herself and for those that didn’t have the courage should get a medal and will forever have my respect.
Mary • Jun 14, 2018 at 4:41 pm
Sofia, so are all of these people who have positively commented lying about having good experiences? These are women who played in various generations for Coach Lenti. In addition to the players, there are also parents and relatives thanking this man for his service and the experiences that they had. How do you explain that?
Debbie • Jun 14, 2018 at 5:47 pm
I would like to say that not all the girls on this team felt this way about Coach Lenti. It’s unfortunate that their voices were not heard as loudly.
Stephen Parmesan • Jun 14, 2018 at 11:10 pm
Sofia Romano you are throwing around some serious allegations. You have just committed libel. You are not a former player, current player or parent. Hearsay needs to be backed up with concrete evidence. You could be damaging someone’s reputation.
Michael Ciepierski • Jun 14, 2018 at 10:15 am
I am truthfully asking this to everyone on here – is everyone blind? DePaul communications comes out with a statement stating that he retired, and everyone here just goes “DePaul says he retired, then he must have retired.” DePaul is lying to us, AGAIN. This is athletic’s M.O…..covering up the truth. Here are a few facts, and any of you please tell me how this is a legit “retirement”, and not a force out because of something bigger behind the scenes.
1) The second or third best coach of all-time in school history calls it quits, and everything is silent? It happened on Sunday, and it took me, a school alum, to post about this on Twitter to get people talking about it? If Ray Meyer would have retired, would we go silent for days about it? If Doug Bruno would have retired, would we go silent for days about it? Absolutely not. Instead, it was kept “hush hush”, players apparently have been told to keep quiet about it, and again, it took me to start the swirl on social media. If I didn’t, when would it have been announced? When they came up with a spin?
2) This is Jeanne Lenti-Ponsetto’s brother, and she has not had one single comment about his retirement? That is very odd. Someone can say she is too emotional about it, but anyone that knows her knows she shows very few emotions, or has very few…whichever it is. The website has nothing about his retirement, no thank you, no nothing. He is still listed as a coach, still on the directory, however their voicemails have been changed. And the only messaging comes from DePaul’s Communications Team….not even Greg Greenwell? Very, very odd. They had a “Eugene Lenti Day” in Chicago in 2009, and Jeannie made sure everyone knew about that.
3) Everyone on here keeps saying “Eugene always said he was going to retire after his daughter graduated”. If that’s the case, did he fail to mention this to his own sister, who is his boss? There is no contingency plan for this, and if this was the plan all along, there would have been. Rather, we are told they are doing a national search…..you had the perfect candidate in Platt, who I was always told was the next in line. Any top level coach that has a planned retirement has a contingency/succession plan….there was none, which means this was spur-of-the-moment.
4) When you retire, your employees don’t get fired. He “retired” on Sunday, and their two paid assistants get the axe on Tuesday? What the hell is that about? Even when a coach gets fired at DePaul, they keep the assistants around to help with the players. So this happens when a coach gets fired, however when a coach retires, his assistants get the axe. Very fishy.
I used to play “noon ball” with Gene years ago 2x a week. He was a nice guy. He was also an amazing coach…not good, but great. I’m not disputing either of these things. But something happened here, whether it be by accident, or foul play, and the real story isn’t be told. You don’t retire with no plan of succession, leaving your sister out to dry, and fire all your assistants thereafter. Thank you DePaulia for digging into this, and thank you DePaul for lying yet again to all the fans and alums.
Debbie Landwehrmiet • Jun 14, 2018 at 9:40 am
Why does the DePaulia have to try to sensationalize EVERYTHING! Geez! Thank you Coach Lenti for everything you have done for softball! You are a wonderful coach and human being! You were there for my daughter countless times as a person when she needed that and I thank you from the bottom of my heart! DePaul softball will have a hard time replacing you and my family wishes you the very best!
Michael Ciepierski • Jun 14, 2018 at 10:43 am
Debbie – the DePaulia isn’t sensationalizing anything. What they are doing is reporting the facts, and the facts are odd. You don’t retire and fire the entire staff right after. And then keep it quiet for days. Yes, if the head coach of golf left, I can see that as being quiet. However, this is the second or third best coach in the history of the school, and this is the AD’s brother. And nothing?
Something happened. Just another cover-up at DePaul.
Debbie • Jun 14, 2018 at 4:39 pm
What a crock! Most sport oriented news has a definite bias to it. In this case the bias is against anything with ‘Lenti’ in it. I do have insight I will not share but I am totally behind Coach on this one. Have you had a daughter in softball? If not, you are just guessing.
Blue Demon fan • Jun 14, 2018 at 8:35 am
He was an absolute legend. So sad to see him go. I wish him the best of luck and I hope he enjoys his retirement!
Tracie Adix-Zins • Jun 14, 2018 at 8:28 am
When you play for someone who brings out the best in you and helps you achieve more then you ever thought imaginable you never really think the day they are done will come. I can’t however think of anyone more deserving of a great retirement than Eug. I cannot thank him enough and I know I would never be where I am now as a coach and as a person if I wasn’t given the opportunity to play at DePaul. I will forever be grateful to him and to the DePaul softball family for the friendships I have and the lessons I learned along the way. Thank you Eug and enjoy your retirement!
Nicole Terpstra-Wondaal • Jun 14, 2018 at 3:32 am
Words cannot adequately express my appreciation, gratitude and love for Eug and DePaul softball. I had the privilege of playing for Eug and coaching alongside him. The lessons I learned extend far beyond the softball field. Being a DePaul softball player meant you were/are more than a student athlete; you became part of a family and Eug created that family many, many years ago. Congratulations, Eug, on your retirement!! I’m so happy for you to enjoy your family after sacrificing time with them for all of us!
Karen Kanupke (Stew) • Jun 13, 2018 at 11:57 pm
Eug will be missed at DePaul. He was truly an amazing coach and person. He welcomed all his athletes in as family. He is the reason I chose to attend DePaul. I learned so much from Eug about softball and life. DePaul is going to miss you. Good luck in retirement.
Christy Roode Johnson • Jun 13, 2018 at 10:53 pm
I played for Eug from 1990-1994 and I cannot say enough about this man! Not only an amazing coach, but an amazing human being Such as sad day as my oldest is a senior in high school and was set to play for him and we were beyond excited as we knew she would be well taken care of! I know he had talked about retiring soon but was hoping it wouldn’t be quite so soon. DePaul softball will forever have a huge hole and will never ever be the same! As Julie Luna said, Eug is DePaul softball and always will be! I can’t say enough about what this man has done for me and I will forever be grateful! Enjoy retirement Eug! You deserve it! Know that you will truly be missed!
Lynn Braden • Jun 13, 2018 at 10:30 pm
I begin by thanking you Eugene for the opportunities that was bestowed upon us when my daughter played for you and then again when you brought her on as a grad assistant. It was one of the best decision she made when signing and becoming a part of the DePaul softball family. We will always look up to you and the skills that you brought out in her on and off the field. What you taught her, she will carry with her throughout her life. Thank you again for allowing her and us as well to be apart of this softball family. Wishing you the best, and hope to see you when we visit
Mary Connolly • Jun 13, 2018 at 10:22 pm
I can’t believe the day has come!!! I can’t thank Eug enough for the opportunity he afforded me, the amount of pride I have in being apart of his legacy is indescribable. This program was one of a kind and these are enormous shoes to fill. As a now division one coach, we work to give kids a one of a kind experience as a student-athlete to represent an elite institution as eug did for me. I left DePaul a better player and person. I wish nothing but the best for Eug and his family, you will be missed greatly!
Saskia • Jun 13, 2018 at 10:04 pm
I’m so stuck on stupid right now. I guess some people you just never associate with retirement. What the heck is DePaul Softball without my Spooge? I’ve always loved and respected this man. I ended up at DePaul simply because of what the program stands for. The family-like atmosphere aided this California girl in taking a leap of faith to play ball in Chicago. I will forever be grateful for the opportunity and never forget all the memories. I love you Eug and maybe I’ll actually get married one day so I can invite you to the courthouse! ???♀️
Cheryl (O’Dekirk) Katalinic • Jun 13, 2018 at 10:00 pm
NONE BETTER EUG! DePaul Softball is a FAMILY that only a privileged few were able to be a part of and you are responsible for creating quite an awesome family & program! Yes, there were lots of wins and championships but more importantly there are remarkable relationships, huge academic accomplishments, and women who are making this world a better place because of their remarkable experience with DePaul softball and Eugene Lenti. We are blessed to have played for you! Congratulations on your retirement…God Bless you always. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, I love you❣️
Yvette Healy • Jun 13, 2018 at 9:54 pm
I can’t begin to thank Eug for all the coaching, teaching and mentoring. He’s an amazing coach and an even better person. I learned so much from him about softball, competing, and life. It was an honor to play for him and work on his staff.
Morgan Maize • Jun 13, 2018 at 9:34 pm
After playing for eug for 4 years and now coaching alongside him, we can officially celebrate the impact he has had on DePaul softball. His goal for this year was to retire as a Big East regular season and tournament champs and we did it!! We were able to celebrate it further as coaching staff of the year! So honored to learn from Eug and wish him the best as he focuses on family. Love you Eug!
Ashley Ivey-Atkins • Jun 13, 2018 at 9:31 pm
I played for Eug in 2000. A clueless southern gal from little ole Lake Charles, LA, Eug was a mentor and one of the best coaches I’ve ever played for. He treated his team as family and when we needed to talk he listened. I’m so proud to have been apart of the generation of players who had the pleasure to be apart of a team that was coached by Eugene Lenti. To quote one of my teammates (Julie Luna), “He is DePaul softball”.
Wishing Eug and his family a happy retirement and lots of wonderful memories ahead.
Lots of Love – Ashley
Lynsey Ciezki • Jun 13, 2018 at 9:28 pm
We went out as coaching staff of the year and Big East champs! Happy retirement, Eug! You deserve it!
Susan Labovic • Jun 14, 2018 at 10:51 am
Yes! You guys did an amazing job! Coaching staff of the year! Big East Champs and another NCAA appearance! Thank you for all you guys did for the program!
Jenni "lacz" Daigle • Jun 17, 2018 at 12:08 pm
Congrats to all of you on some wonderful seasons! Going out after big east champs….. why not?!!! ❤️???
Kelly ChristensenEe we feel so blessed we • Jun 13, 2018 at 9:21 pm
We feel so blessed that both our daughters had the opportunity to play for Coach Lenti. They not only became better softball players but are now better prepared for life’s challenges! We will miss seeing Coach Lenti on DePaul’ s softball field and wish him all the best in his retirement! Thank you for all you did for our family Coach Lenti!
Amy Ernst • Jun 13, 2018 at 9:12 pm
I knew this day would come and I’m so sorry to see his career end. He’s a good man who helped make me the person I am today. I will always be grateful to him. I’m also so happy I was able to play for him let him retire in peace.
Kelly Kavanaugh • Jun 13, 2018 at 9:36 pm
I have always remained very close to Eug my whole life he confided in me that when Care graduated he would retire ! If you know anything about Eug he motto is always been God Family n Softball he is a man of his word ! Words cannot describe what a special person he is in my life . What he is done for me personally as a person and a student athlete he truly has left his stamp on DePaul university women’s softball program it is an unbelievable loss to the school . The so many lives that he and Jeanne have touched n mentored and taught will never be forgotten . Jeanne is the best in the business n Eug accomplishments speak for it self . People always say people are replaceable n life moves on in my eyes Eug cannot be replaced I wish him happiness with his family and I’ll never forget the lesson he has taught me . I’ll always be thankful for him as a coach , teacher and friend ! Lowe him always n Jeanne your the best !
Michael Ciepierski • Jun 14, 2018 at 10:20 am
Great that he confided in you that this was the plan all along. Funny how he must have left these details from his sister, because there is no succession plan in place…they are coachless right now.
And Jeanne is the best in the business? If this was a pure “retirement”, why then fire all his assistants? From a few people I talk to, they are going around saying they were fired. Very loose lips thus far, and I’m sure will get more loose as time goes by.
Glad that The DePaulia can share all this information with us, as Jeanne “The Best In The Business” Lenti-Ponsetto has yet to acknowledge this publicly, either something through the press, or even on the website.
Either something has been covered up, or DePaul is classless when a legend retires, and to add to that, from his own sister.
MR • Jun 14, 2018 at 12:47 pm
people like you and the fact you believe that is whats wrong with depaul athletics and why programs like mens basketball continue to remain status quo after decades of failure. if you think he retired on his own, then, well i cant help you. a 30 year legend coach retires with no recognition. please
Jeff and Michele Douglas • Jun 13, 2018 at 9:02 pm
We Wish you the Best of Retirement Eug, you are a wonderful well respected man as well as a coach! Thank you so much for the Wonderful Memories when our Twins played for you. God Bless you and Enjoy your well deserved Retirement.
Jeff and Michele Douglas
Ashley (Parker) Perry • Jun 13, 2018 at 8:38 pm
The 4 years I had the privilege of playing for Eug were some of the best years of my life. I learned more life-lessons from him than any other single person I’ve ever encountered. Those of us who know him are both saddened, yet happy for him! Yet, in reading some of these comments I’m shocked that anyone is questioning “why suddenly?!” “what happened?!?” “keep digging!”…give the man a break!! This man gave everything he had to this program and University. We knew 15 years ago that he was going to retire when Cate finished school…she did! I suppose I should not be surprised though, as Aristotle once said; “There is only one way to avoid criticism: do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing”. Well, here’s to the man who chose NOT to avoid criticism, and the man who made all of us better people by teaching us that by saying and doing nothing, we’d always be nothing. Here’s to the man who pushed us to be our best selves and persevere. While I am sad that my daughter won’t have the privilege of playing for you, Eug, I’m happy for you!! Enjoy your beautiful family, travel the world, eat fabulous cuisine, and enjoy your much-deserved retirement! I love you my friend!! Carpe diem!
Allie Braden • Jun 13, 2018 at 7:49 pm
Such a sad sad day to hear about the retirement of EUG! DePaul Softball will not be the same! He has had so many great accomplishments and I am lucky enough to have played and be beside him for 6 years. He was a such a family oriented man and thats one of the things that I loved the most about his program. I wish him and his family the best in his next endeavors!
ChangeAtDPU • Jun 13, 2018 at 7:34 pm
“Lenti changed part of his approach when the Blue Demons hit mid-April with a 21-14 record, and (REDACTED) left the team, which she was leading in home runs and RBI. The coach called in his four seniors and said he was turning over the role of motivating the team to them.”
Hmmmm. Why does your leader in home runs and RBIs just abruptly quit? Seems weird.
Jenni "Lacz" Daigle • Jun 17, 2018 at 12:02 pm
Maybe some people can’t handle someone that can raise his voice? Maybe she is homesick? Maybe she changed her mind like I did with my first college & softball coach? It’s not as uncommon as you are making it.
Bottom line is, for 30+ years of his softball teams , I bet you get over 90% of his players telling you if they were to do it again they would play for him again!!!!
So let the man, whose done more for all his players as PEOPLE not just softball players , enjoy his family and retirement as he deserves!!!! I don’t care what you claim or say….. he’s an awesome man and I stand by him 100% strong and just pray god blesses him in this next chapter of life as he’s blessed us with Eug! # ?Eugstrong??❤️
Kelly Hogan Lenti • Jun 13, 2018 at 7:26 pm
Just got back from a 6 hour drive, and heard the sad news about Eug. You will be missed, and I agree with all the comments, however this is first time I’m writing. Maybe someone thinks it’s easy to hide behind my name to stir the pot, but I’m not a computer person. I’m not on Facebook, Twitter, not one site. I don’t even check emails, so please stop using my name. You just want a reaction to the Lenti name. I don’t want to participate in what was a very personal decision for Eugene. I respect and love him too much.
Frank & Easter Luna • Jun 13, 2018 at 7:06 pm
I have known Eugene for over 25 years and he coached two of my daughters during that time. I feel it is a great loss for the program for him to retire but all good things must come to an end. He is a gentleman and a very honorable person. He was a tough coach when he needed to be but you don’t have the success he did without focus and being a good leader. My wife and I truly appreciate the life skills he imparted to my daughters along with great athletic success they had while being DePaul Blue Demons. May he and his beautiful family enjoy his retirement and the future.
Abbie W. • Jun 13, 2018 at 6:51 pm
Coach Lenti is a legend! Thank you coach for your dedication to DePaul and being such a mentor and friendly face to student athletes and student workers throughout your 30+ years. You will definitely be missed.
Megan Coronado • Jun 13, 2018 at 6:47 pm
Thank you to a man who gave his everything to a program I had a chance to be apart of. Eugene has done so much for so many people on and off the field, I couldn’t have asked to be apart of a better program nor would I have wanted to. He always talked about getting to travel and retire after his youngest graduated from DePaul, and Cate was apart of the 2018 graduating class from DePaul University so his timing is perfect. He is very big on family and I commend him on taking the time to retire and spend the next chapter of his life with his family because that is so well deserved for the amount of time he has spent on a softball field. Being from Texas, Chicago and DePaul is where my family and I consider our second home because of Eugene and DePaul University. I am proud to say I got the opportunity to play for such a well known name in softball, and I wish him and his family nothing but the best!
Demon2009 • Jun 13, 2018 at 6:33 pm
Sudden, why sudden? Keep digging Shane. This smells funny, in so many ways. Transparency please Athletics.
Julie • Jun 13, 2018 at 7:11 pm
Lol, I was thinking the same thing. Just let the man retire in peace.
Julie Luna Henriquez • Jun 13, 2018 at 8:23 pm
Demon2009, I read your message wrong. I’m saying this respectfully, It may seem sudden to people who actually didn’t know him, but he always told us he would retire after Cate graduated and she did this year. Words of wisdom I teach my daughters as they pursue softball and soccer that Eug taught me. Family comes first, then school, the softball. He just wants to spend more tine with his family.
MR • Jun 14, 2018 at 12:45 pm
so you expect me to believe that a man who has been in a position for 30 years and amassed over 1300 wins “retires” suddenly with no type of recognition from the school, or heck even a comment. If you believe her retired on hi sown, i have some land next to wintrust arena to sell you
ChangeAtDPU • Jun 13, 2018 at 7:37 pm
Yeah – keep on this, DePaulia. Seems weird. You would think the Athletic Department would have issued a press release or something. Heck, even a tweet!
Julie Luna Henriquez • Jun 13, 2018 at 7:45 pm
He ALWAYS said he’s retiring when his youngest graduates and she did this year. It was no secret to us softball alumni who played for him. Just super sad he actually did it.
Michael Ciepierski • Jun 14, 2018 at 10:40 am
Julie – there are two possibilities here.
The first, he truly did retire, whether it be time, health, etc. After he did, his own sister fired his entire staff left. Would you agree that this behavior should not be tolerated, and we should get a new AD?
The second would be that something happened, and he was forced out. Yet, another failure under JLP’s watch. She hung her hat on the successes of this program, as well as women’s basketball. This program most certainly will go down now that Gene is gone. Would you agree, maybe it’s time for some fresh blood, and time for a new AD?
No matter which way it is (however I can guess), it’s time for a change in leadership. Too much smoke and mirrors for me with this Athletic Department.
Bobby Smith • Jun 14, 2018 at 10:32 pm
If a man hit/punched/assaulted a woman he normally goes to jail, if he is a famous coach he gets to retire. Shame on this school and AD for covering up what this man has done.
Debbie • Jun 15, 2018 at 7:36 am
Who said any of that happened? How can you even put that out there without absolute proof? Wouldn’t the team know about it? I know for a fact that the girls went as a team to talk to Dr. Esteban about keeping their coach. He refused to see them. Hmmm…….there is something fishy going on. Coach Lenti would never hurt a player. He loved this team and university too much. If what you think happened did actually occur then somehow it was blown WAY OUT of proportion or misconstrued in some way. It happens all the time. Interesting the president would not even talk with the girls, don’t you think?
Jessica • Aug 24, 2018 at 8:45 pm
Agreed. Totally disgusting. He’s been preying on girls for years. His gross family is under some delusional assumption that they are above reproach. DePaul should really clean house. Will never send my girls there.
Kaitlin • Jun 13, 2018 at 6:33 pm
Mr. Lenti was one of the greatest coaches I’ve ever had. He was so full of passion and love for the game. No man is more deserving of retirement! He dedicated so much time to so many athletes no matter the level of skill. He treated everyone with respect and pushed to be the best they could be. Coach Lenti you are an absolute legend and you will be missed!
Ariana • Jun 13, 2018 at 6:13 pm
Coach Lenti is an amazing man, and I hope he enjoys this retirement! I feel like this is an extreme loss for the school and the sport of softball. Coach Lenti helped change the look of softball in the Midwest, and helped over 200 athletes achieve their dream of playing college softball over the course of almost 40 years. He literally was DePaul softball! After 4 WCWS appearances, 20 NCAA tourney appearances, and over 1,300 wins I hope he savors his retirement because he truly deserves it!
Go depaul • Jun 13, 2018 at 6:03 pm
One hell of a coach. Sad to see this… He created such a stellar program. #godepaul #goeugene
Kelly Hogan Lenti • Jun 13, 2018 at 5:49 pm
DePaul should be in mourning. Other than Ray Meyer, no coach has done more for our school than Eugene. I’ve never heard of a retirement where you take your assistant coaches with you. A travesty has been committed, and the program will suffer greatly. It is an absolute certainty that softball will go straight downhill. He competed with the best schools in the nation, and made the tourney more times than a small Midwest school should. Softball belongs to the warm weather states, Eug changed that. His passion was contagious, and that brought recruits from all over the nation. DePaul I’d advise you to choose wisely, I’m not betting on you after this bizarre stunt, but here’s hoping I’m wrong. Countless women have played for Eug, and had the experience of a lifetime. Thank you Eug, you’ve gone above and beyond, and we will never forget that.
Julie Luna Henriquez • Jun 13, 2018 at 6:47 pm
I played for Eug from 96-00. By far, Coach Eug was THE best coach I ever had. I’m sad my own children weren’t old enough to play for him. When they play out in California and Vegas we always come watch them (because of Eug). My oldest who is 10 always tells me she’s playing for Eug and I tell her every time, honey, he’s going to retire before you get there and today I found out he did and I’m sad but knew it was coming. I have talked to him and asked him why he couldn’t stay for 8 more years for my baby. He laughed but I understand. Sadly, I think DePaul softball will suffer from this. He is DePaul softball.
Need a New AD • Jun 14, 2018 at 7:19 pm
So . . . he didn’t retire? Your last name makes me think you might know the full story?
Kevin J • Jun 15, 2018 at 8:32 pm
This clearly isn’t Kelly. This post should be removed as someone is posing as her. Interesting that even in the comments below- Kelly stated it is not her but someone writing as her. It is even more interesting that the post was made over 48 hours ago, as was the real Kelly’s response but the DePaulia has done nothing to remove the post or even address that it was made by someone other than Kelly.