Wake n’ Bakery offers delicious baked goods—and might get you baked, too

Jocelyn Soto

Wake n’ Bakery, located in Lakeview, offers CBD and THC-infused coffee, baked goods and other classic treats.

We all have dreams, some of which we are able to accomplish and others that sometimes, unfortunately, need to be put on hold. During the Covid -19 pandemic, many people lost their jobs and hobbies that they were most passionate about, leaving  them dazed and confused of what could be in store next. 

Although, I do believe that the most amazing things come out of the unexpected. In this case, single mother of two, Brianna Banks, had lost her job after a medical leave earlier in the year. Thinking of how she would support both  herself and her family, she was forced to make a decision. 

“I decided to work for myself and do something I was passionate about,” she said. 

Tucked away on the corner of North Broadway Street and West Cornelia Avenue, an explosion of colors paint over the outside walls of a coffee shop reading in bright red letters, “Wake n’ Bakery,” with their tagline, “Get Sconed.” Now, I know a million thoughts are going through your mind after reading that name. And yes, it is exactly what it sounds like. 

With the rise of CBD infused cafes and restaurants, people have been getting creative with how they can use this single ingredient. Restaurants in Chicago such as Kuma’s Corner, TrueNorth, Young American and Fairgrounds Coffee & Tea are known for their CBD-infused cocktails and other types of beverages. Wake n’ Bakery is the new addition to this trend with the special twist of adding THC onto their menu. 

Wake n’ Bakery has garnered the interest of Lakeview residents. (Jocelyn Soto)

 Wake n’ Bakery is a full-service coffee shop and bakery located in Lakeview,  allowing their customers to have the option of adding CBD or Delta 8 THC into their chosen beverage, as well as having CBD and THC infused goods. 

Now some of you might be wondering, what is the difference between CBD and Delta 8 THC? When it comes down to the comparison, according to High Times Magazine, the differences between the two is Delta 8 THC is a unique and natural chemical compound that is found within the cannabis plant that delivers the same benefits and effect of getting high. As for CBD, it doesn’t give you the same effect as actual THC but rather used for relief of anxiety, depression or any stress. 

One of the biggest perks of city-living is being able to explore stores, restaurants, bars and pop-up shops all year round. Whether you find it on your own or get recommendations from a friend, discovering new places feels like you just found gold, and thanks to Banks, I just struck my own goldmine. Since opening 11 months ago, their small crowd is now gaining a larger following, and I’m sure you can guess why.

“I want people to feel at home when you walk through the door,”  Banks  said. “We love our space. It is a quaint coffee house in the middle of Lakeview.” 

Without having that in mind, I won’t lie when I say that before I walked into the coffee shop, I was feeling a little intimidated and nervous about what I was about to experience, but boy did it prove me wrong. And Banks was right. 

The second I stepped foot into Wake n’ Bakery, I instantly forgot of all the bad things that were once clouding my mind. With the smell of coffee roasting and fresh baked goods, and a little bit of THC, how could anyone feel anything else but pure bliss and excitement? 

Speaking of THC, on January 1, 2020, Chicago legalized recreational use of marijuana for those who are over the age of 21. As the legal uses of CBD and THC have expanded throughout the years, people have been getting creative with how they can put these two small ingredients to use. Wake n’ Bakery is just one of those creative thoughts that was put to the test. 

Right off the bat, my first and most important question for Banks was how they went about incorporating THC into the menu; I assumed it wasn’t like the typical process of getting their inventory of ingredients and staying in touch with a local grocer. 

“When adding THC to our menu, we had to meet with lawyers and get the right licensing,” Banks said. “It was and still is a gray area. Delta 8 THC is federally and state legal for another year. With that, we hope that it is renewed and stays legal. Delta 8 THC is hemp-driven, but still gives you the psychoactive effects that Delta 9 THC has.” 

“CBD and THC are already booming,” she added. “It has been a stressful year for everyone, and many are looking for ways to relieve stress, anxiety and pain. The cannabis industry isn’t going anywhere.” 

With finals creeping up and the weather still allowing for outdoor activities, consider going out for a walk and visiting Wake n’ Bakery. You can get your daily dose of tea or coffee with a special twist that could brighten your day. And if you need a drink recommendation, try the lavender vanilla latte — it tastes just as good as it sounds.