Music is a love language. It may have been one I have used too many times with too many people to the point where many of my favorite songs are tainted by some pretty traumatic and embarrassing memories. I’ve shelled out one too many personalized playlists and put too many subpar men onto some of the most amazing music ever. I sleep peacefully knowing those who have wronged me probably haven’t listened to a good song since my departure. So, in the spirit of love, or maybe anti-love, I have decided to compile some songs to represent each of those who have done me dirty. With love this Valentine’s season, xoxo, Lucia. I’m not sure what Nadine has in store for you, but it probably will be a little more lovey-dovey, so don’t stress if that’s the vibe you’re going for.
A very lovely DeJamz
“Everything is embarrassing” by Sky Fierra (Lucia)
Everything is indeed embarrassing. I don’t think a day passes where I don’t feel some sort of deep-rooted embarrassment about the most minuscule interaction. If I’m lucky enough to make it through the day, something from the past will come and remind me while I’m falling asleep at night. I have even started running a tally in my mind for how many times a day I feel embarrassed. Fierra’s tune reminds the girlies that everything is so painfully embarrassing. But, with enough listens and a distraction or two, you can dance instead of being embarrassed about the interaction you had with a man from Hinge last week!
“Angel” by Little Simz (Lucia)
This song painfully transports me back to a very specific time in my life when I was newly single as an “adult” in Chicago. I made a slew of painfully terrible decisions and I often had to listen to Little Simz to calm me down on the Brown Line trip home from wherever I had gotten myself into. You can find more of my ramblings about this amazing song in the first DeJamz I wrote for the DePaulia as a tiny little News Editor. Unfortunately enough, I think my love life has come full circle since then.
“Chickenscratch!” by Kaicrewsade (Lucia)
“Her favorite artist Noname.” Damn right, Kaicrewsade! I hope whatever man listens to this song thinks of me and all the Noname songs I have put them on to. That’s all I have to say. I’m not particularly happy this Valentine’s Day. I’m good.
“Wonderful Tonight” by Eric Clapton (Nadine)
Rarely do I listen to a song and the narrative plays out in my head as if I were watching a movie like it does when I listen to “Wonderful Tonight.” In fact, I find myself directing the music video in my head everytime I listen to it; not because Clapton is excessively descriptive, but the words alone speak volumes to how much love Clapton feels for his partner. Little is left to do but add some rhythm guitar and you got yourself a love song.
“Try and Love Again” by The Eagles (Nadine)
Look, I can’t sit here and lie to you, DeJamz reader. I haven’t always been the self-proclaimed “lover girl” I now call myself. I’ve had my fair share of crushes that didn’t amount to anything, failed situationships, and a couple other experiences that changed the trajectory of my life – nothing serious, just don’t ever bring them up to me. Ever. But how would I ever know what else was out there if I never tried to love again after those minor heartbreaks? If The Eagles are telling you to do it, you must do it because, “right or wrong, what’s done is done.”
“Thirteen” by Big Star (Nadine)
I rediscovered this song when I was going through my old playlists and came across “Thirteen” in my 2018 playlist. I was 15 years old at the time and didn’t have a clue what love was, and I still really can’t put it into words, but I am lucky enough to say I know what love looks and feels like, and it sounds a lot like this song. There’s an youthfulness and innocence in this Big Star track that modern artists cannot, or choose not to, put in their music. If it wasn’t obvious already, I think the best love songs come from the 1970s. No Snapchat, no Tinder, just a feeling… and maybe some psychedelics.
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