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The Student Newspaper of DePaul University

The DePaulia

The Student Newspaper of DePaul University

The DePaulia

The Student Newspaper of DePaul University

The DePaulia

(Graphic by Max Kleiner / The DePaulia)

St.Vincent’s DeJamz

Yazmin Dominguez, Online Editor March 5, 2018

If you are a 90s Latinx baby, chances are you grew up listening to iconic early 2000 Latin hits that still influence you to this day.  In the late ‘90s and early 2000s there was what can be called the...

(Graphic by Max Kleiner / The DePaulia)

St. Vincent’s DeJamz

Carina Smith, Nation & World Editor February 26, 2018

Winter usually keeps people stuck inside, staying near the heating vent and praying for warm summer days. But every once in a while people break away and venture into the great outdoors to trek through...

Alicia Maciel in the crowd during Beach Bunny's headlining set t HVAC Pub on Dec. 22. Maciel has booked Beach Bunny at Dimo's and a Fifty50 show in the past.  (Photo by Fun house Entertainment)

Fifty50 Shows

Nikki Roberts, Copy Editor February 26, 2018

When Alicia Maciel enters DePaul University’s John T. Richardson Library, the only signal she sends to confirm she’s seen me waiting for her is a slight nod. She picks the worn blue armchair across...

Graphic by Ally Zacek

2018 Lollapalooza predictions

Cailey Gleeson, News Editor February 19, 2018

Coincidental gaps in touring schedules, new albums to promote and other festival lineups, oh my!  With little over a month left before Lollapalooza tickets go on sale, fans are scrambling to decode the...

NY-based artist Bianca Muñiz is on the rise after beating cancer for the second time. (Photo courtesy of Daphne Youree)

The resilient Bianca Muñiz

Zoey Barnes, Focus Editor February 12, 2018

A career based on songs of resilience and crafted by a woman whose love for music surpasses all the challenges she’s endured in her lifetime, brings vocalist Bianca Muñiz to Chicago for the first time....

(Graphic by Max Kleiner / The DePaulia)

St.Vincent’s DeJamz

Mackenzie Murtaugh, News Editor February 12, 2018

Valentine’s Day is hard for singles. Couples everywhere you look, holding hands, exchanging glances of love - it seems like they’re mocking your empty heart. For those going through a breakup, it’s...

(Graphic by Max Kleiner / The DePaulia)

St. Vincent’s DeJamz

Rachel Fernandez, Managing Editor February 5, 2018

Midterms at DePaul seem to last an eternity and leave everyone feeling discombobulated. You know that feeling of when you’ve been looking at a computer screen for seven hours straight and then you have...

Photo by Naj Jamai

Mikky Ekko Brings Passion and Love to The Riviera

Sabrina Miresse, Contributing Writer February 1, 2018

“This is love,” Mikky Ekko (born John Sudduth) said to the crowd after asking them to applaud for the night’s acts. The Louisiana born indie pop artist had a roughly thirty-minute set at The Riviera...

Lili Trifulio went from a solo artist to part of a successful band with Beach Bunny. (Photo by Alicia Maciel)

Beach Bunny

Nicole Roberts, Contributing Writer January 22, 2018

I was first introduced to Beach Bunny, or should I say DePaul junior, Lili Trifilio, at a mutual friend’s house in the spring of 2017. Our friend Alicia Maciel, also a DePaul junior and now the manager...

Artist Cut Worm plays his set to a small crowd as part of the Tomorrow Never Knows festival in Schubas Tavern on Thursday night.  (Zoey Barnes | The DePaulia)

Festival highlights local indie bands

Zoey Barnes, Focus Editor January 22, 2018

A local bar and concert hall decorated with poinsettias and garland, turns January into a month of showcasing local and rising indie bands. Tomorrow Never Knows (TNK), a five-day music festival hosted...

St.Vincent’s DeJamz

Sabrina Miresse, Staff Writer January 22, 2018

Week three of winter quarter is down, only seven more to go! Did you read that with enthusiasm? I thought not. Winter quarter can leave students feeling drab and ready to curl into bed to take a nap. It’s...

St. Vincent’s DeJamz

Sabrina Miresse, Staff Writer January 16, 2018

Females have been uniting now more than ever, as recently seen at the Golden Globes last week. Women came together to raise awareness and promote change through the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements. Another...

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