The Student Newspaper of DePaul University

The DePaulia

The Student Newspaper of DePaul University

The DePaulia

The Student Newspaper of DePaul University

The DePaulia

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What’s Fresh: ‘Captain America,’ Meghan Trainor


What’s Fresh is The DePaulia’s weekly rundown of the latest in arts and entertainment. This week: “Captain America: Civil War” and Meghan Trainor.

“Captain America: Civil War”

Walt Disney Studios

May 6

Having grossed $942.9 million so far, “Captain America: Civil War” is currently the biggest hit of 2016. The film feels like 10 movies all in one, though most of them are fun and elevate the film to Marvel’s top post. Trailers sold the installment as a tale of two sides (Team Captain America and Team Iron Man) as the government demands that Captain America (Chris Evans) allow the arrest of his good friend Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan), an assassin whose moral sense has been compromised by brainwashing. And that is exactly what it is. No tricks up the director’s sleeves, it’s just a fun-filled action movie.

More than a dozen characters are lumped into the war. These are heroes running, jumping, and flying in and out of stories as contradictory and complex as the country that released them. The characters claim they must destroy certain parts of the world to save a greater amount of people, but in reality they do not know why they are doing things. They are mysteries onto themselves and the further Marvel goes into uncovering these mysteries, the more creative and distinct these films will become. — Marissa de la Cerda

Meghan Trainor

“Thank You”

May 13

Moving past her insufferable first album, “Title,” Meghan Trainor released her second studio album “Thank You,” which was shockingly enjoyable. In her second release, Trainor has moved past her doo-wop vocals, and moved into a more mature pop sound that still manages to sound youthful and exciting. Trainor seems to not only have created better music but grown as a woman. Compared to her previous album, whose songs held messages that the approval of men was paramount, Trainor embraces her independence in her extremely catchy songs “NO” and “Better.” — Erin Yarnall