Petition calls for DePaul to cut ties with Chicago Police Department
Chicago Police officers cross the street in downtown Chicago, Wednesday, April 22, 2020.
Editor’s note: This story has been updated to include a response from Interim Provost Salma Ghanem.
An online petition created by students and faculty at DePaul is calling for the university to end their relationship with the Chicago Police Department. The request is directly in response to DePaul’s statement published on Monday, June 1.
The statement, written by President A. Gabriel Esteban, wrote to stand in solidarity against racism and hate due to recent events that unfolded across the country and in Chicago.
“As you undoubtedly know, the death of George Floyd at the hands of police in Minneapolis last week has set off days of protests across the United States,” the statement reads. “Unfortunately, the justifiable outrage felt by so many at the death of another unarmed black man, has been overshadowed by acts of violence and destruction.”
The statement goes on to describe property damage that occurred – that has now been boarded up – of graffiti and broken windows at the DePaul Center, the Lewis Center and the CDM Center in the Loop. It is unclear when the damage occurred.
Eric Aldieri, Greg Convertito and Aurora Laybourn-Candlish, all graduate students at DePaul, and Gil Morejón, an adjunct professor of Philosophy at DePaul, responded to Esteban’s statement by creating the online petition to condemn Esteban’s remarks.
“Esteban’s comments on June 1 were particularly worrisome insofar as he reaffirmed the university’s plan to work with CPD in an explicit prioritization of university property over and against the now global movement for racial justice,” the group wrote in an email. “His comments thus served as a catalyst for our demand for DePaul to divest from CPD and sever its relations with the police.”
The day after Esteban’s statement was released, the group wrote up the petition, which quickly spread across social media. As of Monday, June 8, the petition has gathered over 2,100 signatures from students, faculty and alumni, calling for DePaul’s relationship with the CPD to end.
“We believe [Esteban] seriously erred in his decision to prioritize the university’s property relations and financial interests when he affirmed his commitment to working with CPD in his second statement on June 1,” the group said.
Esteban’s statement comes three days after his initial response was published on May 29, acknowledging the anger and frustration caused by the country’s history dealing with racism. Not long after the initial statement was published, Esteban misnamed Eric Garner for Eric Ferguson, which immediately resulted in backlash from students.
Marina Blough, a senior at DePaul, was one of the 2,100 people who signed the petition.
“I was very excited when I read it, because I remember feeling genuine anger when I received the email spoken about in the letter,” Blough said. “I thought President Esteban’s willingness to basically brush aside police brutality and extrajudicial murder in order to focus on what he seemingly considers the ‘real’ problem – which is the damage/destruction of property owned by people with extraordinary wealth – demonstrated his complete ignorance of the actual purpose of the protests.”
According to Aldieri, DePaul has not disclosed information regarding the university’s relationship with the CPD.
A protest occurred on June 10 to demand DePaul cut ties with the police and reallocate funds elsewhere, like to Chartwells employees and students in Statesville Correctional Center and Cook County Jail.
“One officer’s actions or even that of some of my own department members do not speak to the person I am and the values that I am instilling in my children,” Interim Provost Salma Ghanem said. “Our university is dedicated to providing students an education that is imbued with Vincentian values of social justice and transforming society to serve the most vulnerable. We are called to provide access to high-quality education to all.
“Black Lives Matter. We know that George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Laquan McDonald and so many others should still be alive. We also know education can be part of making the change we all want to see in police departments. We support all who are working to make police reform a reality,” Ghanem said.
Public Safety did not respond to a request for comment.
Back on Tuesday, June 2, Minneapolis Public Schools unanimously voted to terminate their contract with the Minneapolis Police Department, exactly eight days after George Floyd was killed. MPS had contracted the MPD since 1964, and was paying them roughly $1.1 million per year for their services.
Yesterday, it was announced that Minneapolis would be disbanding the police department and investing in community-led public safety, a drastic change or reform in the wake of Floyd’s death.
“I have disapproved of DePaul’s relationship with CPD since the moment I became aware that the relationship existed,” Blough said. “DePaul’s entire mission and philosophy is to stand with the less fortunate, to offer help and solidarity to those that need it most. The police do not need our solidarity – our community needs our solidarity.”
Deryk King • Aug 11, 2020 at 12:41 pm
Yes, it seems many at DePaul have gone off the rails. I, too, am an embarrassed alum, and have no intentions of ever giving this university a nickel.
Jim Ritz • Jul 19, 2020 at 3:00 pm
DePaul University:
I have served in the law enforcement profession with dignity, integrity, and honorably for over 30 years with the last 10 years as a Chief of Police. I earned two (2) graduate degrees with one being from DePaul University in Public Service Management. At one-time I was very proud to say that I graduated from DePaul, but after being sent and reading a recent news article in the Tribune, I am genuinely regretful for being an alumni from this university.
Reading that DePaul tutors, teachers, and staff are refusing to work with or want police officers in their program because they have “racist and white supremacist values” is absolutely disgusting! The article also states, how they feel “unsafe” and circulated a petition with over 2100 students, faculty, and alumni supporting to “cut ties with police departments.” Are you kidding me? This is absolutely appalling and so disrespectful to the men and women of law enforcement who so admirably serve this profession and, who are also graduates of and currently attending DePaul University. I wish I could express my true feelings on what I would really like to tell these people and where they can go, but I will refrain and stay somewhat composed.
I have had the honor of working with three (3) different police departments and working with and knowing hundreds of police officers who have served their communities with dedication and professionalism. To read what I read in this article about the perceptions of what teachers, alumni, and students think about police officers is pathetic. For your thoughtless and ill-advised students, faculty, and alumni who call us “racists and white supremacists,” myself and the many officers I have had the pleasure of working with during my career have never taken any actions or inactions in this job based on someone’s race, gender, nationality, age, religion, or sexual orientation.
Also, during my career I have never been accused of, or have had any civil lawsuits or litigation filed against me, or for that matter any officer I have worked with, for any type of discrimination or biased based complaints, or for being racist towards anyone. NO, and I repeat, NO lawsuits or complaints against me, and I have dealt with thousands of people of all races, nationalities, and genders over my career.
Maybe your students and teachers who are so anti-police should do their homework and research some of the many scientific studies that have taken place where the findings confirm there is no epidemic of racist police officers or should I say white police officers shooting or killing black Americans – this is a total fabrication. For example, in 2019 police officers involved in deadly force shootings shot and killed 1003 people which 250 were black and just to inform you — 405 that were shot were white — which totally contradicts the narrative of police officers being racist. This study along with others have shown the same results that there is absolutely no racial disparity with police involved shootings – FACT. So, take that to your left wing/Marxist/liberal students, teachers, and alumni and let’s see if their ridiculous opinions will ever change – I seriously doubt they will take proven facts and scientific studies into consideration of their false narratives.
What is also a proven fact through the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting system is that African Americans are involved in higher crime rates than white Americans – is this a police officer’s fault? No, It is not. All of society’s problematic issues are not the fault of police officers. I would also like to know, since I don’t know the answer to this question, what exactly is systemic racism that these individuals also believe is taking place?
If we were to explore what exactly systemic racism is let us begin by taking a look at some of the most violent cities in our country. Once again, based on FACTS, the most crime ridden and violent cities include; St. Louis, Baltimore, Detroit, Memphis, Oakland, Birmingham, Cleveland, and of course the cesspool called the City of Chicago. What common denominator do these violent cities all have in common? They are run, and have been in control for a number of years by minority leftist democrats who love to blame the police for their own incompetent lack of leadership and city administration, and to having zero respect for our Rules of Law and Justice to their citizens or communities. So where is the systemic racism uproar on this fact? I’m sure we won’t hear a word about the facts presented here either, but according to your students, teachers, and alumni it’s the police who are racist and to blame.
Maybe the leftist and Marxist individuals who want to comment on topics they have zero clue about should start researching the facts and actual reality of what is really occurring in today’s society. I know of no one taking a knee, protesting, or violently protesting for the 6 and 7 month old babies, and the 1 and 3 year old’s having been murdered along with numerous other teenagers who have been shot and or killed over the past several weeks.
Where is the outcry please tell me? Where’s all the political activists who are only out for personal profit, or the poverty pimps out protesting for the 84 shot and killed and for the 542 people shot in the month of June? Where are the protests for the 360 people shot and 73 murdered just in the month of July already? Where is the outcry? And let us not forget year to date numbers which are both sad and horrible; 372 shot and killed, 414 total homicides, and 2078 people who have been shot. I guess these pitiful numbers are the fault of the “racist and white supremacist” police officers causing all of the crime in the pathetic and corrupt City of Chicago.
These political activists and groups, along with and including DePaul University individuals involved with this nonsense are only speaking to profit for themselves and could care less about the citizens who are victimized by rising crime rates because of this political garbage. This false narrative being promoted by left wing politicians and activists to blame, defund, and abolish police departments are only compromising the overall safety of certain communities where violent crimes are on the rise such as shootings and murders – do I need to say City of Chicago again, but we can also include the City of New York with all the violence taking place and their certain political party and lawless views that are running another great city into the ground also.
As they say, “crickets” when proven facts are presented. At least a large number of prominent and respected African Americans and groups are speaking out for the police and against the purpose and distorted messages being expressed by activist groups such as Black Lives Matter and Antifa that are severely harming minorities. But, in this case, the DePaul University Administration is not out there taking a stand for police officers or those who take pride in being Americans and for standing up and respecting the Rule of Law and the history of this great country – what a shame.
Such opinions by narrow-minded and inane individuals are a total insult to my profession and for the men and woman who risk their lives every day for their communities. For your student body, teaching staff, and alumni that promote this offensive false narrative, and for the school Administration not to take a stand and support police officers and federal agents who have graduated or are currently enrolled at DePaul is absolutely disgusting.
Also, I have been teaching in college classrooms for over twenty-five (25) years and never once have I ever expressed my own personal political views during classroom instruction, nor will I ever. Unfortunately, far too many teachers disgustingly do. There is absolutely no justification for any teacher to discuss or try to push and influence students based on their own personal political beliefs and warped agendas. This is not the reason students enroll in classes to be taught about an individual teacher’s political views or opinions. This is obviously another deplorable sham taking place in DePaul University classrooms and sadly, other school campuses across this country. This type of dialogue taking place today is absolutely terrible.
These current events are so sickening that I am truly regretful for ever having attended this university. As a result of this article and horrendous views that are supported by DePaul University staff and administration, myself and my friends who have supported the men’s basketball program by having season tickets for the past 25 plus years will be cancelling and not renewing our season ticket package – we wouldn’t want your student body, alumni, or staff to have any “racist or white supremacists” in the crowd supporting DePaul athletic programs. With that, I will never again recommend DePaul University to any police officer or future college students.
Absolutely Embarrassed Public Service Management Alumni,
Class of 2004
DIBS Mascot • Jun 23, 2020 at 6:46 pm
The 2,100 who signed the petition have completed the easiest part of their assignment. Sign a petition. Maybe some of those who signed marched with protestors or stood in a field listening to people talk about injustice. How about becoming agents of change and work with the communities of Englewood, Austin, West Garfield Park and those that are disenfranchised? Those that are offended that DePaul is working with CPD and so moved by police brutality you should walk or take a bike ride through these areas and let the community know you stand with them. Offer to tutor that young person standing on the street corner, enlightening them on how education is the key to a better life. Words are meaningless without action. Volunteer your time, not your money, to these communities. Encourage everyone to love and respect everyone. Whatsoever You Do to the Least of My Brothers You Do unto Me – Matthew 25:31-46
Off the 104 shot, 14 fatally over the weekend, not one was at the hands of a CPD officer. One has to wonder if those pulling the trigger would stop, would that have a direct affect on policing in those areas?
James Q. Wilson XCII • Jun 22, 2020 at 12:30 am
Another watershed weekend in Chicago with multiple shootings on Father’s Day, including the death of a 3 year old African American child, at Ohio and Central Avenues in Austin, by the last name of “James”, likely unrelated to LeBron who adamently supports, as well he should, the “Black Lives Matters” movement which many well informed DePaul students have also done.
One wonders how much “Black Lives Matter”, though, when the alleged perpretrator was himself black who subsequently targeted this innocent child’s father and had horrifically poor aim. Nothing sensational here, and although we did not hear from the left leaning media that has made “piling on” against the Chicago Police Department and others nationwide specifically notate that a man of color, ostensibly a street thug with no education, meaningful employment, legitimate means to support himself or productively provide for his child, indeed was behind all of this carnage. Yep, Black Lives Matter alright, as long as we identify, castigate, tar, feather and banish forever the 2% or so of white law enforcement officers wreaking havoc on those for whom the Black Lives Matter rallying cry and agenda provide a raison d’etre.
By banishing statues of Jefferson Davis, retiring Aunt Jemima and vowing to revise and rewrite history we, the unconsionably corrupt, corrupt, racist and atavistic white people of privilege can undo all that we, pre-enlightment, protests and looting, directly caused. While there is no denying centuries of inhumane treatment that got us to this place at this time, who amoung us recalls Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s 1965 study identifying clear cultural patterns in the black community having noting to do with racism or discrimination. Depending on who you ask, that landmark work is as salient today as it was in 1965 if not more so. What then, is the solution? More social programs that, like the “bridge to nowhere” that miss the mark time and again and cost billons of dollars? More political correctness taken to a hard to fathom extreme such as wholesale dismantling of our criminal justice system rather than, say, rooting out the small percentage of bad apples and in so doing NOT throw the baby away with the bathwater? One also wonders if these liberal screwballs advocating DePaul’s separation from the CPD (what does this even entail, exactly) thought for two seconds about the pragmatic implication when, say, a student is assulted at the perimeter of campus and her parents contact Robert Clifford, Esq. to instigate a cause of action against the school for failure to create and maintain a safe environment for its students, employees, etc. Rely on DePaul campus security as an alternative? Who here cannot wait to see the headlines when a white, brown, yellow or indigo staff member so much as threatens an “upstanding person of color just minding his own business ” when said officer makes a snap judgment to take reasonable means to protect his/others lives in danger?
Better yet, why doesn’t DePaul agree to open its bucolic campus to these protestors and simply let them take up residence on campus by approving and promoting their presence on campus. Sure, open up the buildings, sprawling acerage and restrooms to these people to do whatever they wish to peacefully pursue? After all, we know how much DePaul respects the First Amendment and if you’ve forgotten, perhaps Ben Shapiro can help remind you.
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Earl Jones • Jun 10, 2020 at 8:20 pm
Esteban’s comments on June 1 were particularly worrisome insofar as he reaffirmed the university’s plan to work with CPD in an explicit prioritization of university property over and against the now global movement for racial justice,” the group wrote in an email. “His comments thus served as a catalyst for our demand for DePaul to divest from CPD and sever its relations with the police.”
…hmm, the so called “explicit priortitization of university property” over the global movement for racial justice. I think the quasi intellectuals, many of whom ended up at DePaul when real universities like Northwestern and the U of C laughed them away, seems to me a “false dichotomy”. Without said “university property” being intact, unlooted, damaged beyond repair, etc., would the privileged white parents from Naperville continue throwing $55K a year down the drain to buy Junior a diploma that qualifies her/him/ it/binary/none of the above/all of the above a diploma that prepares them for a Goodwill Industries Thrift Store management track? What does “diverting from CPD look like, precisely, and how long will it be before the Birkenstock wearing, Prius driving girlie man advociate of this “policy” autonomically removes his/he/its/none of the above/all of the above IPhone 10 and call upon the very CPD scorned (above) when his lover’s man bun is set aflame?
End times are upon us and here is the proof.