DeJammin in the spring

Spring quarter may have only started, but do not fear, the finish line is in sight! Although there are still 10 weeks between us and summer – or being adults for all of my graduating folks – the air is getting warmer, and the sun is setting just a little later. While life is far from perfect for many of us, I invite you to stand in the sun and embrace the little things in life, like opening your window and getting an extra hour of daylight while listening to this flowery springtime mix.

“Belinda Says” – Alvvays 

A nostalgic blend of chords and upbeat lyrics, “Belinda Says,” oozes comfort. While I honestly couldn’t tell you what this song is about, I’ve been obsessed with Alvvays’ unique indie sound since high school and am convinced they cannot release a bad song. 

“The Bug Collector” – Haley Heynderickx

While this isn’t the happiest of songs, Heynderickx’s imagery of nefarious bugs is one of my favorite things. Despite moving to Chicago to escape bugs, their springtime return is inevitable. As an avid bug hater, I commend Heynderickx – and my mom – for always prioritizing the bug’s life over their own fear and emotions because, by god, I do not. If I ever see a millipede staring with a vengeance, it’s on sight. 

“Hospital Beach” – Cottonwood Firing Squad 

Emulating the warmth and humidity of the West Coast, “Hospital Beach” is the perfect song to listen to on your evening walk from the train or lazy day by the lakefront. Can you feel the stress melting away? No? Try harder. Anyways, I cannot wait until I am no longer bogged down by discussion posts or 100 pages of textbook reading, but until then, I will listen to this song and pretend I have no responsibilities. 

“South” – Hippo Campus 

Recently over spring break, on the way back from a long country ski in Bozeman, Montana, this song came on shuffle and let me tell you, the vibes were unbeatable. A summery mix of escapism and finding life and opportunities elsewhere, I have always loved to listen to this song with the windows down, even if it’s only 30 degrees out.

“Tek It” – Cafuné

Although released in 2019, this was truly my song of the spring last year. Did I find it through an Instagram edit? Yes. Anyways, last year’s springtime nostalgia has forced me to add it to this year’s spring playlist. Here is to another spring quarter of seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.