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The DePaulia

The Student Newspaper of DePaul University

The DePaulia

The Student Newspaper of DePaul University

The DePaulia


A sign saying ‘Abolish TIF’ is displayed on the window of Pilsen organizer, Leonardo Quintero on Nov. 12, 2024. Quintero has been living on Clipperton St his whole life.

Pilsen residents fight against TIF expansion, citing gentrification and rising costs in the neighborhood

Rodolfo Zagal, La DePaulia Contributing Writer February 4, 2025

Leonardo Quintero, a district councilor for the city of Chicago, has lived in Pilsen all his life. He is also a community activist against Tax Increment Financing (TIF), considering himself a “TIF Abolitionist.”    Signs...

Andrés Guzmán posa el 6 de noviembre de 2024. Guzmán es un residente de Pilsen y activista comunitario que trabaja con Pilsen Alliance. Guzmán cree que los TIF aceleran la gentrificación en Pilsen.

Residentes de Pilsen luchan contra la expansión del TIF, citando gentrificación

Rodolfo Zagal, La DePaulia Contributing Writer February 4, 2025

Leonardo Quintero, concejal del distrito de la ciudad de Chicago, ha vivido toda su vida en Pilsen. También es un activista comunitario en contra del financiamiento por incremento de impuestos (TIF),...

La Alteña workers (left to right): Anthony Antequera, Genovevo Sanchez, Francisco Espinoza, Alonzo Ochoa, Jaime Canchola, Santiago Espinosa, and Omar Valdivia pose for a picture together on May 16, 2024.

La Alteña, a carniceria in South Chicago, celebrates 40 years of business

Ariana Vargas, Multimedia Editor February 3, 2025

Walking from 88th Street onto Escanaba Avenue in South Chicago, La Alteña, a carniceria or butcher shop, is in the middle of the block on the first floor of a house.  More than 40 years ago, Francisco...

Francisco Espinoza, también conocido como “Don Pancho”, posa frente a su tienda, La Alteña, el 16 de mayo de 2024. La Alteña está en el primer piso de la casa 8827 S. Escanaba Ave. en Chicago.

La Alteña, una carnicería en el sur de Chicago, celebra 40 años

Ariana Vargas, Multimedia Editor February 3, 2025

Caminando desde la calle 88th St.,  hasta la Escanaba Ave., en el sur de Chicago, La Alteña, una carnicería y tienda de productos mexicanos, se encuentra en medio de la cuadra, en el primer piso de...

El edificio del Servicio de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas (ICE) de los Estados Unidos se puede ver el martes 21 de enero de 2025, en el centro de Chicago.

Funcionarios de Chicago anuncian compromiso para proteger a los inmigrantes en ‘espacios santuario a pesar de las nuevas políticas de la administración Trump

Alyssa N. Salcedo, La DePaulia Contributing Writer January 24, 2025

Con deportaciones masivas planificadas en ciudades santuario como Chicago, la administración Trump ahora ha autorizado a agentes federales de inmigración a ingresar a áreas previamente consideradas...

The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement building can be seen Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2025, in downtown Chicago.

Chicago officials announce commitment to protecting immigrants in ‘sensitive spaces’ despite new Trump administration policies

Alyssa N. Salcedo, La DePaulia Contributing Writer January 24, 2025

With mass deportations planned to target sanctuary cities like Chicago, the Trump administration has now authorized federal immigration agents to enter areas previously deemed as “sensitive.”  Immigration...

Protestors march down State St. holding signs against the newly inaugurated President Donald Trump. The demonstrators marched in Downtown Chicago towards Trump Tower.

‘People are going to stand up’: Hundreds protest against Trump in downtown Chicago

Sofia Joseph, La DePaulia News Editor January 20, 2025

Despite freezing temperatures, hundreds of demonstrators gathered at Federal Plaza downtown Chicago on Monday morning to protest President Donald Trump’s inauguration.  The U.S. Palestinian Community...

Los manifestantes marchan hacia el norte por State St. en el centro de Chicago durante una protesta contra la segunda presidencia de Donald Trump el lunes 20 de enero de 2025. Los manifestantes portaban carteles, banderas y matracas.

‘La gente se va a levantar’: Cientos protestan contra Trump en centro de Chicago

Sofia Joseph, La DePaulia News Editor January 20, 2025

A pesar de las temperaturas gélidas, cientos de manifestantes se reunieron en la Plaza Federal, en el centro de Chicago, la mañana del lunes para protestar por la inauguración del presidente Donald...

Chabela Rodríguez se sienta en un banco mirando la ruta del desfile de vehículos en la Avenida Pensilvania el 20 de enero de 2025. Votó por el presidente Trump debido a sus políticas sobre inmigración, seguridad fronteriza y economía.

Latinos que apoyan a Trump comparten sus esperanzas de cambios en los próximos cuatro años

Mariela Gonzales, una inmigrante peruana que vive en Maryland, estaba preparando comida para un evento para celebrar la transmisión de la inauguración presidencial en la embajada de Canadá en Washington,...

From L-R: Sandra Cabrea, Chabela Rodriguez and Roxany Perez pose for the camera in front of the motorcade fence going down Pennsylvania Avenue on January 20, 2025. They all travelled from Miami to attend President Trump's inauguration

Latines who backed Trump share their hopes for the next four years at the Inauguration

Mariela Gonzales, a Peruvian immigrant living in Maryland, was preparing catered food for the tailgate party and viewing of the inauguration at the Canadian embassy in Washington, D.C. on Monday morning.  With...

Juan Raya serenades the protestors at Plaza Tenochtitlán on January 12, 2025. Protestors sang, danced and chanted as they raised awareness about the amendment to the Welcoming City Ordinance.

City Council votes to keep Welcoming City Ordinance in Chicago

Nupur Bosmiya, La DePaulia Managing Editor January 19, 2025

Last week, the City Council voted against the amendment to the Welcoming City Ordinance, 39-11. That means, the city will keep its sanctuary city status as is to protect undocumented residents. Introduced...

Reina Marcelle, owner of Reina's Cakes, frosts a cake during a cake decorating class at her shop in Chicago's Humboldt Park neighborhood on September. 28, 2024. Marcelle teaches cake decorating classes to kids and adults in addition to selling cakes.

Humboldt Park woman turned her cake shop into a community gathering place

Sofia Joseph, La DePaulia News Editor January 19, 2025

There is nothing more important than community to Reina Marcelle, known as the “Cake Lady” of Humboldt Park.  Marcelle, 52,  began selling cakes from a cart in the spring of 2021, but is now the...

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