The Student Newspaper of DePaul University

The DePaulia

The Student Newspaper of DePaul University

The DePaulia

The Student Newspaper of DePaul University

The DePaulia

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DePaul’s president expresses discontent following Yiannopoulos controversy


Following a heated day on campus marked by a controversial speaker, protests and markings containing an anti-Mexican slur, DePaul President Rev. Dennis Holtschneider responded to concerns both within and outside the DePaul community.

In an email statement sent to students, faculty and staff Wednesday morning, Holtschneider expressed his disagreement with speaker and journalist Milo Yiannopoulos, worries about the “inflammatory language” and apologies to College Republicans, who hosted the event.

“Generally, I do not respond to speakers of Mr. Yiannopoulos’ ilk, as I believe they are more entertainers and self-serving provocateurs than the public intellectuals they purport to be,” wrote Holtschneider, who is currently in Normandy, France. “Their shtick is to shock and incite a strong emotional response they can then use to discredit the moral high ground claimed by their opponents. This is unworthy of university discourse, but not unfamiliar across American higher education. There will always be speakers who exploit the differences within our human community to their own benefit, blissfully unconcerned with the damage they leave behind.”

Yiannopoulos was invited to speak at an event hosted by College Republicans Tuesday evening, attended by more than 500 guests from within and outside the university. The Breitbart journalist is notable for saying that “feminism is cancer,” that Black Lives Matter protesters are sensitive and that there is no wage gap between men and women. In his statement, Holtschneider disagreed with all of these views.

“(Yiannopoulos) argues that there is no wage gap for women, a difficult position to maintain in light of government data,” he wrote “As a gay man, he has claimed that sexual preference is entirely a choice, something few if any LGTBQ individuals would claim as their own experience. He claims that white men have fewer privileges than women or people of color, whom he believes are unfairly privileged in modern society — a statement that is immediately suspect when white men continue to occupy the vast majority of top positions in nearly every major industry.”

Still, Holtschneider expressed his discontent at protesters who interrupted the speech, the focus of which College Republicans said was free speech, a hot topic issue both on campus and in a difficult political climate.

“Yesterday’s speaker was invited to speak at DePaul, and those who interrupted the speech were wrong to do so. Universities welcome speakers, give their ideas a respectful hearing, and then respond with additional speech countering the ideas. I was ashamed for DePaul University when I saw a student rip the microphone from the hands of the conference moderator and wave it in the face of our speaker,” he wrote.

He also apologized to College Republicans, writing that, “they deserved an opportunity to hear their speaker uninterrupted, and were denied it.”

Holtschneider also touched on the campus divide made evident following a day wrought with campus issues, controversy and divisive rhetoric. Earlier Tuesday, markings with the phrase “F— Mexico” were painted on the Quad, which he condemned as hate speech.

Prior to Yiannopoulos’ appearance, about 100 students took to the Quad to discuss their grievances about how the university has handled this tension. Several said DePaul had failed to address ongoing hate speech on campus, especially following April’s chalking in which “Build a Wall” and “Blue Lives Matter” were written.

Holtschneider praised protesters who were “working to calm each other, and at times, even hold people back from hasty decisions,” and “understood that protests only work when people conduct themselves honorably.”

Going forward, he said, Student Affairs will be reaching out to students on all sides of the issue.

“We at DePaul have some reflecting and sorting out to do,” he wrote. “I’ve asked (Student Affairs) to reflect on how future events should be staffed so that they proceed without interruption; how protests are to be more effectively assisted and enabled; and how the underlying differences around race, gender and orientation that were made evident in yesterday’s events can be explored in depth in the coming academic year.”

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  • E

    Educated GentlemanJun 2, 2016 at 2:43 pm


  • A

    Anton SpirinMay 30, 2016 at 10:12 pm

    “He also apologized to College Republicans, writing that, “they deserved an opportunity to hear their speaker uninterrupted, and were denied it.”

    Hello? Depaul?
    I’m on the other side of the world and have nothing to do with the university, BUT this shit with Milo is going viral 🙂

    The internet is a magical thing, you should try it sometimes.
    “Too much tension among different student groups. A very uncomfortable learning environment. I will NOT apply to their law school next year. S…”

    I can totally see the tension in the video and how the university’s authorities are fueling it 🙂

  • E

    Educated GentlemanMay 30, 2016 at 5:06 pm

    The left worships 1984 as their bible. Like the Ministry of Truth, they claim power by changing the definitions of words to fit their agenda, distorting them till they work only for themselves.

    It’s the same way, according to the left, one cannot be racist against whites because *their* definition of racism specifically includes a separate paragraph on white privilege.

    “Our hate is speech; your speech is hate.”

    • P

      Paul JohnsonMay 31, 2016 at 11:17 pm

      The dictionary is fine when it comes to “feminism,” though.

  • G

    garyfouseMay 30, 2016 at 11:18 am

    Your president is not only a weenie, but he took the occasion of his visit to Normandie to actually compare the disruptors to those who died on D-Day. What a disgrace.

    The issue is freedom of speech. Are universities going to allow conservative voices to speak on campus or not? It appears DePaul will not. This incident should give you all pause.

  • B

    barney rubbleMay 28, 2016 at 10:15 am

    You guys might want to closely moderate the comments, since their glorious gay leader has egged them on to cry about this situation in droves as witnessed below.

    • J

      JohnMay 30, 2016 at 10:42 pm

      You should read those comments more carefully, you might learn something.

    • S

      Sneed StankoniaJun 3, 2016 at 5:30 pm

      You are the lone, single supporter of the university in all of the comments I have read so far and you are asking for censorship.


  • M

    mycattitude .May 28, 2016 at 5:55 am

    You are absolutely catching on. You either become a brainwashed, violent and entitled SJW and/or feminist and or/ BLM. Or if you are a sensible conservative or rare libertarian liberal you get bullied and marginalized, and probably assaulted along the way.

  • M

    mycattitude .May 28, 2016 at 5:42 am

    Get out of dePaul fast if you value you or your parents hard earned money and you want a degree that means anything. These fine young black folk have once again ruined the place like they did Mizzou. DePaul is a sinking ship and I’ll enjoy watching it go down as much as I enjoyed seeing Mizzou. They deserve everything they have coming and more. You want to pick free speech rights just for blacks, you deserve whatever you have coming. We’re damn sick of only black lives matter.

  • T

    The Right is the wrong wayMay 27, 2016 at 11:26 pm

    So many salty manbabies getting triggered over their savior Milo being called out as nothing more than a provocateur with nothing substantial to say.

    Please continue talking about “censorship” and first amendment rights. You morons continue to have no clue what it actually means.

  • A

    Andrew CarterMay 27, 2016 at 9:43 pm

    The President and administrators at DePaul should be ashamed of allowing a bunch of thugs to interrupt an event organized for campus. You may disagree with everything these speakers say but allowing this behaviour to shut down FREE SPEACH is not appropriate. These students should be censured at least and more appropriately expelled for such behaviour. I ask you if a bunk of white protesters did the same thing at a rally for black rights would you have just let it go?

    This is racism of the worst type. Every member of our community should be held to the same standard of decent society whether they are black white or purple. Male, Female or of any other bizarre gender they choose.

  • D

    dont_bring_me_downMay 27, 2016 at 4:44 pm

    i hope depaul’s de-funded back into obscurity.

  • G

    gushMay 27, 2016 at 2:12 pm

    Can you hear, DePaulia?
    The crowd is speaking.

  • D

    DavidMay 27, 2016 at 12:09 am

    Unfortunately it’ll be anti-Mizzou. He’ll keep his job for knuckling under to the thugs. The president of Mizzou tried to stand up to them a bit and got canned.

    Mizzou is now clearly a better school than DePaul.

    • B

      BobMay 27, 2016 at 3:25 pm

      Naw, he just has to respond unequivocally like the president of Ohio State. A group of students started a sit-in his office and he (backed by campus police) told them they had to vacate by a certain time or be arrested for trespass and face charges on campus that may lead to expulsion. The students left without a peep.

    • R

      Russell SmithMay 28, 2016 at 12:38 am

      I’m not sure how it’s going to turn out. But I’ve got the feeling it’s not going to be pleasant for him.

  • D

    DavidMay 27, 2016 at 12:07 am

    Besides this is irrelevant. A speaker was threatened yesterday. It’s not OK because you don’t think his facts are quite right.

    For this colossal error of judgment, for even thinking this analysis an debate is relevant, Holtschneider should be removed from his position. Whoever has the power to do that should act quickly to show they do not approve or tolerate such garbage.

  • O

    One___And_DoneMay 26, 2016 at 8:58 pm

    A generation ago I served on my student’s union programming board where we struggled to protect free speech from right-wing nut cases. They would even phone in bomb threats as a tactic to interrupt classes and protest events – including debates. Now the paradigm has shifted, and the nut cases are gathering in numbers on the left. If DePaul turns into a debacle, similar to the University of Missouri protests that disrupted campus operations, then President Rev. Dennis Holtschneider can certainly be replaced by someone competent.

    • M

      MuzzlehatchMay 27, 2016 at 10:00 pm

      I dont think so. He is keeping a bandaid of a festering sore. What is needed is some strong sunlight.

  • M

    MancheezeMay 26, 2016 at 7:40 pm

    Milo’s ‘speech’ belongs in a nightclub, not a serious academic setting. The rhetoric he spews is inaccurate, racist, misogynist and deeply offensive. I’m glad the President recognizes Milo for what he is. I hope more Universities set stricter guidelines so that students can get an education, not be subjected to illogical and hateful campus provocateurs like Milo even though he shamefully calls himself a Republican. He’s not even an American citizen.

    • B

      bakamonosanMay 27, 2016 at 5:31 am

      The “stricter guidelines” might be consolidated into a single tome, and shared widely so that all students can adopt the same beliefs. To ensure consistency, students might read from the book daily. To signal the “in group” from the the “out group” the guidelines might be bound in a way that fellow supporters recognise, perhaps black or… red, to preserve the guidelines.

      Out group members like gays, moral degenerates and Jews (like Yiannapolis) will be isolated so that the purity of people like Mancheeze can be preserved. Now go quickly to your shelters.

    • S

      sandyMay 27, 2016 at 7:52 am

      How is challenging the wage gap myth and safe space idiocy with facts, “illogical and hateful”?

      Maybe some day you’ll grow up and be ashamed of your participation in this left-wing variety of fascism, which blanket labels all ideologically inconvenient speech and truth as “illogical and hateful” as a pretext for violently suppressing it.

    • B

      Brioxl BbMay 27, 2016 at 2:56 pm

      finally I saw someone talking with some logic.
      MaybeThis reaction is Milo want.

    • C

      Comrade PootieMay 27, 2016 at 5:16 pm

      You seem to forget that because of aggressive and violent activists trying to silence the opinions of others, you never got a chance to hear him out. No matter the rhetoric of a person voicing his opinion, those who use violence, threats and aggression to silence him are the extremists.

      When you get out in the real world, nobody is protecting you from the opinions of others.

    • M

      MuzzlehatchMay 27, 2016 at 10:02 pm

      In a night club …. would be less likely to be punched in the face.

  • P

    plasmacutterMay 26, 2016 at 7:08 pm

    As a person with 2 degrees and a high paying tech job, I’m telling you in all seriousness to have them learn a trade like electrician, metal fabrication, carpentry, or plumbing, and leverage that into a business. The only post-secondary ed I could see meshing with this is a technical school (NO LIBERAL ARTS) for courses in structural or electrical engineering.

    My grandfather did that without anything but high school and made millions. His kids became doctors but didn’t do much better when adjusted for inflation. My best friend’s grandfather did the same, and paired it with structural engineering to launch an elevator company.

    DO NOT put your kid into any non-technical school, and don’t train them to be rats in the race.

  • J

    jdmac4May 26, 2016 at 5:34 pm

    DePaul invited Milo to speak and then the administration told security to stand down when he was being assaulted. This was after they charged Milo and the campus Republicans close to 3000 dollars. Until that money is returned DePaul stole from them. Until all parties involved are forced to publicly apologize and then resign, DePaul should not be looked at as an institution of higher learning and should rather be seen as a Brownshirt training camp for leftist authoritarians.

  • C

    chromecommandoMay 26, 2016 at 12:28 pm

    An article from 2 moths ago:

    Look, I don’t agree with a lot of what Milo Yinnapolous says personally, but seems like the lessons just 3 months ago were forgotten.

  • R

    realraven2000May 26, 2016 at 11:27 am

    “blissfully unconcerned with the damage they leave behind.” Way to the pot calling the kettle black.He is the president who created this culture of thugs who shut down events by shouting and switching their brains off. This is exactly the kind of blase, self-serving, biased culture that needs to be shocked into thinking.

  • E

    EndtheMadnessMay 26, 2016 at 8:44 am

    Holtschneider’s statement was pathetic. He should have stopped at “I was ashamed for DePaul.” This is the event that will do for DePaul next year what BLM did for University of Missouri applications for admission this year. Congratulations on the national impression DePaul has made. Not a word about the complete lack of security/police taking any action to protect the rights and safety of all students. ALL students. Once again, liberals and typical academic types are in favor of free speech as long as you don’t disagree with them. I wouldn’t send my kid to DePaul. DePlorable.

  • A

    audubon crosbyMay 26, 2016 at 7:00 am

    All I can say Father; buffoonery is acceptable on your campus.

  • P

    Publius72May 26, 2016 at 6:41 am

    Holtschneider’s remarks are simply disgraceful.

    •“We at DePaul have some reflecting and sorting out to do,” he wrote.
    Indeed, sir, you have. For example, how could security allow violent disruption of an event they were supposed to protect from being disrupted? Security the university it would seem instructed to allow the disruption while letting the victims of this shameful farce pay for the pseudo-security the university foisted on them?

    • “I’ve asked (Student Affairs) to reflect on how future events should be staffed so that they proceed without interruption;
    Unless staff is not instructed to allow any attacks no amount of reflection will help. No amount of staff will help. Probably the real aim of this is to force conservative groups to pay prohibitive amounts for pseudo security that does nothing to protect the actual event.

    • “how protests are to be more effectively assisted and enabled;
    There is certainly no need to enable criminals any more. You did just fine, as anyone can witness in the videos of the event you shamefully allowed to be attacked by those thugs.

    •”and how the underlying differences around race, gender and orientation that were made evident in yesterday’s events can be explored in depth in the coming academic year.””
    How about addressing the real problem? And now, not a few years from now? Fr Holtschneider is obviously not in the least concerned with violence done at his university as long as it is directed against conservatives, libertarians or anyone not delivering the prescribed leftist talking points.

  • R

    roccoloreMay 25, 2016 at 10:39 pm

    Liberal fascists prove their hatred of free speech and make excuses for the snowflakes.

  • N

    NemMay 25, 2016 at 10:36 pm

    ““understood that protests only work when people conduct themselves honorably.””

    Like calling a black girl who disagrees with you a white supremacist, blowing a whistle into a microphone like a child, and having your two main protesters threaten people with physical violence? Holtschneider is a racist, hateful clown who wanted this to happen.

  • K

    KaffirMay 25, 2016 at 10:11 pm

    He should resign or be replaced,

  • K

    KaffirMay 25, 2016 at 10:09 pm

    Are you heavily censoring these posts too?

  • L

    little_perturbed_are_weMay 25, 2016 at 9:27 pm

    There is no discontent. DePaul allows the animals to run the zoo! As such, no need for the Ring Master President Rev. Dennis Holtschneider. He can be relinquished to the clown car!

  • S

    StevenMay 25, 2016 at 9:04 pm

    I’m terribly sorry that this trivial little incident interrupted your European vacation. Fortunately, to paraphrase your statement, the speaker “had it coming” and the near riot on campus only required a quick email to be fully resolved. I’m sure the day of “reflection” you prescribed for staff members will be more than sufficient to prevent any further incidents in the future. Once again, thank you for taking the time to pontificate to all us poor plebeians and by all means, Your Holiness, go back to storming the beaches of Normandy.

  • S

    SGT TedMay 25, 2016 at 9:03 pm

    Get in the back of the bus, GOP! We don’t serve your kind here!

  • A

    alexia_sfMay 25, 2016 at 8:38 pm

    Milo has every reason to file a police report against the female who took a swing at him last night. I hope he does.

  • A

    alexia_sfMay 25, 2016 at 8:35 pm

    I suspect DePaul will go the way of Mizzou and it will be well deserved. You’re very lucky no one was hurt by your stand down order to the supposed “security”. You should be ashamed of yourself and your so called “university”.

  • C

    Chico FuentesMay 25, 2016 at 8:02 pm

    One big question: Did DePaul’s administration tell the security guards to stand down? If so, talk about a knife in the back.

    • S

      Sven Åke SvenssonMay 26, 2016 at 7:05 am

      Yes. One of DePaulia’s own people uncovered that.

    • E

      Educated GentlemanMay 30, 2016 at 5:09 pm

      Security was ordered to stand down, and the police did not respond because the black female agitator’s mother has a position on the police force.

      Infiltrate, assume power, and destroy. It’s how these people work.

  • C

    Chico FuentesMay 25, 2016 at 7:47 pm

    A published reports the name of the violent thug who grabbed the microphone is Kayla Johnson. I can’t confirm the report, but it should be easy enough for people who were on the scene or have seen the video to fact check.

  • T

    thesheeplewillhavetheirsayMay 25, 2016 at 7:42 pm

    Mr. Dilbert, I’d like you to meet Mr. Kafka…..

  • C

    Chico FuentesMay 25, 2016 at 7:38 pm

    Ripping a microphone out of someone’s hands is a battery, and has got to be a violation of one or more provisions of DePaul’s code of conduct. So what is the university going to do about Kayla Johnson (assuming this report is correct about her identity)?

  • Y

    Ynad SekeoMay 25, 2016 at 7:31 pm

    “As a gay man, he has claimed that sexual preference is entirely a choice.” Actually, Milo never said that in any speech or in any print. How inconvenient for President Rev. Dennis Holtschneider the liar, the besmurcher, and the defamer.

    • R

      Rajorshi BhattacharyyaMay 26, 2016 at 7:15 pm

      • G

        Greg FecteauMay 27, 2016 at 10:48 am

        No where in that article is he talk about all gay people. He was referring to himself and his choice of sexual preference. Try again.

  • P

    Paul ElamMay 25, 2016 at 6:42 pm

    Pathetic non apology.

  • J

    JonaMay 25, 2016 at 6:18 pm

    Dude believes in the wage gap. That’s a funny one.

  • T

    TenebraeMay 25, 2016 at 6:00 pm

    It’s nice to know that the Ministry of Truth was kind enough to issue a statement which explains to us that the blatant disregard for the safety of others and denial of free speech was, in all actuality, the victim’s fault. Not only should Milo be refunded the costs of his “security,” but DePaul “University” should be sued on behalf of the American public. I’ve seen a lot of Orwellian behavior in “higher education” lately, but this truly takes the cake.

    Dennis Holtschneider, you pseudo intellectual douchebag, anyone who fears ideas that could invalidate their own are not proponents of higher education, nor should they be perceived as speaking on behalf of such. It absolutely disgusts me that you have such a place of prominence within our education system…and I truly hope that this changes, as a result of your actions.

  • A

    Ann InquirerMay 25, 2016 at 5:56 pm

    Why am I the only one pending approval? You have much much stronger comments than mine. Your explanation as to reason for censorship is appreciated. Thank you.

  • A

    Ann InquirerMay 25, 2016 at 5:51 pm

    Code words for, Take a back seat, College Republicans. But it’s OK. Breitbart will rip this to shreds, and the DePaul alums won’t come to the rescue with money against their suit either, like alums did with the Citadel.

  • R

    RU_SeriousMay 25, 2016 at 5:45 pm

    I wonder if there’s a gender pay gap in the Catholic Church? We already know women need not apply to be a priest, and certainly not Bishop, Cardinal, or Pope. And has there ever been a Pope who wasn’t white?

  • T

    TheSuitIsNOTBlackMay 25, 2016 at 5:43 pm

    He’s basically just giving his own personal and liberally biased opinion of the event. Who cares? lol Conservatives are allowed to invite people to speak at events, just as liberals are. How can he possibly think this is a good way to respond to the ridiculous behavior of these protesters?

  • F

    FlameCCTMay 25, 2016 at 5:41 pm

    Hey Holtschneider,
    You’re supposed to be running a university not a Progressive indoctrination center. I also noticed that the only person arrested was a journalist not the SJW and BLM hooligans. So much for 1st Amendment Rights at DePaul. Congratulations on running the Progressive Plantation – De Paul where only Progressive lies and propaganda are acceptable.

  • S

    SGT TedMay 25, 2016 at 5:39 pm

    The “Reverend” takes the side of the thugs violating other peoples free speech rights. Pathetic.

  • S

    seth_bishopMay 25, 2016 at 5:31 pm

    Wow that just made me sick. This is what our forefathers fought for? Just to end up giving it all away to foreigners who don’t have out values? America is officially run by Fascists. Time to give the wheel back to the working class salt of the Earth realists who aren’t spending every waking second complaining about the first world. The people who actually care for and about what America is and will be.

  • B

    Bobby ObviousMay 25, 2016 at 5:21 pm

    Biased article by biased writer (check her Twitter). For a better researched article, go here:

  • R

    Race HochdorfMay 25, 2016 at 5:12 pm

    “I’ve asked (Student Affairs) to reflect on how future events should be staffed so that they proceed without interruption; how protests are to be more effectively assisted and enabled…”

    Um… no. I don’t think protesters need any more “enabling”. It appears they were plenty enabled by the looks of their god-awful behavior. But then again, you’re on their side aren’t you?

  • S

    Siriuss BlackkMay 25, 2016 at 4:48 pm

    of course the comments section is moderated, can’t have the wrong opinion being expressed eh? how are your school’s ratings doing by the way? how do you expect this affaire to affect enrollment for next year? because you can be damn sure people will not forget about this for quite some time…

  • B

    Brandon EdgeMay 25, 2016 at 4:43 pm

    What a tool! This guy needs some tar feathering.