BREAKING: Faculty Council to vote on resolution condemning Jason Hill
Danaka Katovich | DePaul College Democrats
Protestors in Arts & Letters Hall on April 24 calling for DePaul to censure Professor Jason Hill for his article in The Federalist.
The DePaul University Faculty Council is expected to vote on a resolution condemning professor Jason Hill’s article on the “moral right of Israel” to annex Palestine during its May 1 meeting.
According to Faculty Council President Scott Paeth, the resolution is “not in any formal sense a motion of censure.”
“It’s intended to express our support for the principle of academic freedom generally speaking and particularly in the case of Jason Hill,” Paeth told The DePaulia. “On the other hand, it is intended to express our condemnation of the content of what was written in that article.”
The resolution itself, scheduled to be debated and voted on during the council’s meeting at 4:10 p.m., states that “Faculty Council nevertheless affirms that Professor Hill’s article failed to exercise adequate concern for accuracy, restraint, or respect for the opinions of others[…]As such, this article represents an abuse of his academic freedom.”
“I have no idea whether or not this will pass tomorrow,” Paeth said. As president, Paeth will only vote in the event of a tie.
The resolution was in part inspired by the reaction of the DePaul community to Hill’s article. A petition asking DePaul University to censure Hill, started by a student coalition made up of organizations such as Students for Justice in Palestine and DePaul Democrats, has reached over 3,300 signatures as of Tuesday.
“As I read it, the resolution is not about limiting academic freedom — or stifling debate,” said DePaul political science professor Scott Hibbard. “[B]ut, rather, calling out a faculty member for shoddy research and for not living up to his responsibilities as [a] member of the academic community.”
According to Paeth, members of faculty council saw “the fact that students felt strongly about this and that for many of them this was not an abstract moral principle, but how they as Muslims, Arabs, Palestinians felt about this.”
“We needed to do these two things: say, ‘yes he has a right to say this, no we don’t agree with it,’” said Paeth. “And we wanted to express our solidarity with the student perspective recognizing the fact this is a complex issue and that they justifiably felt personally attacked.”
The vote will be occurring at the same time as a rally in Arts and Letters Hall advocating for the condemnation of both Hill and hate speech. The rally is organized by the same student coalition responsible for the original petition.
The text of the resolution also reads that “Faculty Council urges Professor Hill to seriously reconsider his positions on these issues, to take cognizance of the perspectives of other scholars on these issues, as well as the real harm his words have caused to students and other members of our community, and to refrain from abusing his freedom as a scholar in writing on controversial issues in the future.”
“I was surprised at the language in the resolution, and the strong condemnation it contained,” said Hibbard in an email. “The resolution offers a fair assessment of the flaws in the article, and why so many find it inflammatory.”
The full text of the resolution is available on the Faculty Council website behind a DePaul-affiliated Campus Connect login.
Paeth also said that if a tie does occur and he has to act as the tie-breaking vote, he intends to vote in favor of the resolution.
The full text of the resolution is also available here:
Agenda 9 – Faculty Council Resolution on Academic Freedom and Responsibility
This article has been updated with additional quotes from Dr. Scott Hibbard since first being published.
UCC Funds Terrorism • Jun 9, 2019 at 8:45 am
Anna M • May 5, 2019 at 6:38 pm
In point of fact, Hill’s piece in Federalist called for the Arabs of Israel to be stripped of political rights.
That this is utterly incompatible with his vague hand-waving towards democratic forms of rule is not indicated anywhere in these comments, which represent a virtual septic tank of ignorance and reaction.
Floridian • May 3, 2019 at 1:12 pm
Shame on De Paul! As well as on all other American institutions of “higher education”. They teach nothing but useless “social studies” and milk the students for brainwashing them. And suck in my taxpayer’ money too.
Rian Bryans • May 3, 2019 at 11:05 am
DePaul profs! You are taking a cowardly action. And one that does not even understand the truth and reality of the situation they are critical of. Who’s running this “educational” institution???
Shmilfke • May 3, 2019 at 10:36 am
Yet still in all this, nobody has even offered an opposing view point.
Why are Hill’s points bad? What about it is so wrong?
Why do Muslims have greater claim to Judea and Samaria than Jews do? Why was it Ok when Jordan annexed it but not Israel? They just whine but don’t offer any value
Timothy D'Arcy • May 3, 2019 at 10:23 am
It seems that if the litmus test is to “exercise adequate concern for accuracy, restraint, or respect for the opinions of others,” then there should be no legitimization of BDS because BDS does exactly this… it reduces the necessarily nuanced conversation about Israel and Palestine into a simple Good Guy/Bad Guy scenario. It ignores history. It overlooks the failings of the PA to advocate for its people and the evils of the Hamas government. And, it denies the indigenous rights of Jews. If you’re going to call out Professor Hill, let’s be consistent in how we apply standards to the University community.
Sara B • May 3, 2019 at 9:00 am
Shame on DePaul University! This is antisemitism, the same hate that fueled the shooters in Pittsburgh and Poway, and the horrific cartoons published in the NYT. Let’s all write to the powers that be in this disgusting place. They need to do some soul searching, hopefully after they’ve been fired.
Desirus • May 2, 2019 at 9:15 pm
DePaul is a third tier trash school for rich kids who couldn’t get accepted at Northwestern or Loyola. Professors there are near the bottom rung of academia. It’s a garage overpriced school and no one should care about the trash produced at that low intelligence school.
Mara Nasland • May 2, 2019 at 6:40 pm
You want free speech, but you want to condemn what he said. “We don’t want to censure him, but we don’t want him to write what he does.” You, the faculty of DePaul, are behaving just as totalitarians do. It starts with condemnation, and moves to censure and preventing free speech. Because YOU lack the ability for civil debate, this is the only way you can silence others who have different opinions. You are shameful. .
Harry • May 2, 2019 at 11:34 am
“’It’s intended to express our support for the principle of academic freedom generally speaking and particularly in the case of Jason Hill,’ Paeth told The DePaulia.”
Right, because shutting down Professor Hill’s right to speak freely is the height of academic freedom. You are forbidden to say anything positive about Israel on campus. The fact that it’s the only state in Middle East that offers equal rights to all of its citizens doesn’t matter. It’s Jewish, so it must be attacked. Meanwhile, the surrounding dictatorships are given a pass. Their real sins are ignored in order to focus on Israel’s imagined sins.
Todd Heusner • May 2, 2019 at 10:57 am
Another pathetic display of administration of a US university. First of course is the handling of the children who are encouraged to behave as such. Second for showing once again that American academia holds Israel to a far higher standard than their middle east neighbors. Where is the condemnation of the backward countries in that region that stifle basic human rights, particularly for women?
Jack Klompus • May 2, 2019 at 10:37 am
Spineless fascistic miscreants.
Edward Devotion • May 2, 2019 at 10:21 am
Looks like another university helping to set loose another set of facists that, as usual, pretend they are moral.
Bruce Weingart • May 2, 2019 at 8:39 am
So what the Faculty Council is saying to Professor Hill is we are indeed trying to censor and quiet you. We don’t like what you wrote and want you to change it. Note that there is no mention of the concerns of Jewish students by the faculty President. That too is telling. And does not cast Depaul in a very positive light.
depaul • May 2, 2019 at 7:04 am
depaul showing itself to be full of idiots. with a very few exceptions.
Sam McCord • May 2, 2019 at 1:27 am
Well we know where our kids will not be applying for college. Censure a professor for having a mind, a brain? Almost 25,000 students and 3,000 complain, always give in to the minority, that makes alot of sense. Colleges are there to expand the minds of young people not just agree with whatever they say and want. This is a cowards college, those who partake of censure in the administration, and the 3,000 students who wish to ban free speech. We are so ashamed of them.
Ahmed Khatib • May 2, 2019 at 1:27 am
Unfortunately we all know that the point of this vote is scare any future potential support of Israel. McCarthyism at its best.
The only good thing about this is that we found out about the original article by Jason Hill at
Go read it. Excellent article
Vince • May 1, 2019 at 9:48 pm
I am increasingly ashamed to be a graduate of DePaul University.
Ira Machefsky • May 1, 2019 at 9:32 pm
This is pure antisemitism instigated by organizations whose goal is to destroy Israel. Go ahead with your vote. Expect to lose your Federal funding. ?
Leslie • May 1, 2019 at 9:26 pm
This story is extremely depressing, especially because it is real. How unfortunate that an American professor should be condemned for penning an op-Ed espousing ideas with which not everyone agrees. Universities should encourage freedom of expression and thoughtful debate, not attempt to stifle it. Is the real reason for protesting Professor Hill’s words a call for justice, or just disguised intolerance for another’s perspective? We are all one race, human. We all are descended from our own challenging histories. All sides to a situation have merit worth considering. Please remember that.
Zach • May 1, 2019 at 8:54 pm
Zach • May 1, 2019 at 8:48 pm
Dear President:
I am writing to commend you on the courage to invite virulent Jew haters to your campus to speak. Rather than provide a platform for rigorous, boring and sober academia, you thumb your nose at such nonsense and lead the way in having absolutely not a shred of any evidence based, rigorously debated issues….. how boring that would be, huh?
……. you, on the other hand, provide a platform for any deranged Jew hater to fabricate, lie and demonize this despicable race of people as many before you have tried but failed!
For this courageous accomplishment, Sir (or Madame) you must be congratulated!
Gosh, you know how pesky those Jews can be and it is about time that we stomped out this horrible race of Rothschilds and vermin.
Too bad Hitler is dead, he was an amazing orator, also basing his fiery speech on absolutely nothing but pure unadulterated hatred. No doubt sir (or madam) should Hitler be alive, it is certain your courage to have him speak out would have prevailed.
The world needs more courageous and ignorant people like yourself.
Hail ______________________!
Very truly yours,
Becky • May 1, 2019 at 8:37 pm
Jason is not Islamophobic. How absurd. It’s like saying God is Islamophobia!! Supporting Israel is the same thing as supporting America. If you don’t support Israel then you don’t support America. Period. Anti-semeticism is taught at this school and so is the accepting of bribes from parents. This school teaches fascism and socialism. Hating Jews or hating people that support Israel includes ALL Christians! How ignorant this school is!
Vic Nee • May 1, 2019 at 7:53 pm
Administrators and faculty need to encourage diversity of ideas and free speach. Teaching our next generation to be narrow minded and so easily offended will create a world of bigots and an anxiety ridden society.
Elbert • May 1, 2019 at 7:40 pm
The students who organized this temper tantrum that they call a protest need to be taken out onto the quad and spanked. Then sent to bed without their cell phones.
N • May 1, 2019 at 7:16 pm
I’m disappointed in both the students involved, and the administration for the same reason. THEY DON”T WANNA TALK ABOUT THE ISSUES. Some students shouted and threw papers around, and the administration reacted by pretending to do something about it in hopes that the controversy would die down (without resolution). The students don’t intend to have an open dialogue about it… the administration doesn’t intend on having an open dialogue about it… and we NEED to have an open dialogue about it.
I fear that we are forgetting how to resolve such issues within our own community, because we are allowed to throw ideological temper tantrums to get the university’s attention. There are plenty of things that Professor hill and I disagree on, but i’m willing to engage with him directly instead of using an intermediary to demand his compliance on my terms.
Joe Deen • May 1, 2019 at 6:28 pm
What’s wrong with a BDS of the 51 Islamic APARTHEID nations that oppress Christians, Atheists, Women and Gays?
Bill Bender • May 1, 2019 at 5:55 pm
Shame on them
Stella Bender • May 1, 2019 at 5:54 pm
Your students should learn love and peace not hate and ignorant antisemitism
Jimmy Crapcorn • May 1, 2019 at 4:55 pm
It is clear that the poorly educated masses are forcing the professors to do this and that a bullied faculty rolled over because they fear the snowflake driven student body’s wrath.
College is supposed to challenge your views and your thoughts, not wrap you inside a bubble or echo chamber.
Mark McIntire • May 1, 2019 at 3:05 pm
Happy Commie-May-Day. Americans demand that every professor at DePaul be examined for cultural Marxists views. If they teach or profess those Marxist views, the legal citizens of America demand that the Faculty Council condemn those professors while respecting their right to hold and preach those views protected by the American Constitution. America is declaring war on cultural Marxist professors of commie multiculturalism. Legal citizens of America will hunt down every commie professor and demand their condemnation. Non-citizen commie students will be deported. Tax-paying citizens of America demand the immediate termination of all tax-monies given to any school that employs cultural Marxist running-dogs *** The phrase running dog has been used in the 20th century by Chinese communists to refer to client states of the United States and other capitalist powers.*** #FreeProfessorJasonHill
JimInNashville • May 1, 2019 at 2:11 pm
What seems clear is that a segment of DePaul’s student body cannot tolerate the expression of an alternate opinion. This is sad, especially when the students attempt to buttress their arguments by (a) argument by name-calling (anyone they disagree with is a “xenophobe”), (b) argument by redefinition (arguments on behalf of Israel are “bigoted”). Truth is not determined by a popularity contest, and Hill’s popularity (or non-popularity) among faculty who, in general, haven’t enough expertise in history, politics, or economics to fill a thimble is irrelevant.
The students supporting this attack on Hill’s freedom of speech are an embarrassment to themselves and to DePaul.
Mossdale • May 1, 2019 at 1:34 pm
It is unfortunate that nowadays students think it appropriate to cry and whine about feeling unsafe when anyone expresses an opinion they disagree with. It is truly saddening when faculty encourage and support this childish behavior. The resolution is nothing but a list of tendentious accusations to justify stifling an unpopular opinion. No thinking person is fooled by this. But I guess that isn’t a problem at DePaul.