Spring breakers travel to Florida despite COVID-19
People gather on the shoreline in Destin, Fla., Wednesday, March 18, 2020.
Spring Breakers continue with their travel vacation plans despite COVID-19 outbreaks.
Lauren Stamatopoulos, 19, a University of Kentucky student whose family resides in Addison, Illinois, said her family trip to Florida had been planned for about three months. She said her and her family never considered the possibility of cancelling the trip but on the contrary extended the trip an extra week.
“Other than Covid-19 we did not have any concerns or fears of traveling, as this is something we do often,” Stamatopoulos said.
Stamatopoulos who vacationed in Marco Island and Orlando said her family has taken precautions while traveling.
“My mom wore a mask at the airport, and we disinfected all of our tray tables and seats. Every time we enter a new location, we wipe down the surfaces, and use hand sanitizer or wash our hands as frequently as possible,” Stamatopoulos said. “We have only been leaving the house to get food or go to the grocery store, which we have been trying to limit our trips as much as possible.”
Like Stamatopoulos, Amy Rogozinski, 22, from Cleveland, Ohio said she flew to Florida despite COVID-19 concerns as retails weren’t closed down yet and wasn’t as severe as it is now.
“They didn’t start closing anything or shutting things down until after we got here and at that point we couldn’t get our money back for anything,” Rogozinski said.
Rogozinski said she had been on vacation in Miami for about two and a half weeks when shops began to close down.
“Closing of businesses definitely affected my spring break because this was our first time being in Miami and we didn’t really get to experience any of it as they closed all the major clubs and a lot of restaurants,” said Rogozinsk. “We still had fun and made the most of our trip but it definitely wasn’t the experience we were expecting since they had since closed all the beaches and pools.”
Due to her travels, Rogozinski made sure to take precautions and quarantine herself at a friends house in Miami instead of traveling back to Ohio and spreading anything in case she had it and showed no symptoms.
“I may be stuck in Florida and can’t travel home right now but I guess it’s better being quarantined here than in Ohio,” Rogozinski said.
While some spring breakers continued with their vacation plans, others had a last minute change of travel plans.
Cuba Jimenez, 20, a student at DePaul University, said she had been planning her spring break trip to the Florida Keys since January.
“I was going to the Florida Keys to visit my dad for spring break. The plan was to stay in his sailboat Key West and plan for our trip in July to sail to Guatemala,” Jimenez said. “Neither trip will happen.”
Jimenez canceled her spring break travel plans after DePaul announced the closure of dorms and suspension of in-person classes.
“It was necessary to cancel the trip for financial and logistical reasons as I had to move back to Seattle,” Jimenez said. “When I arrived home a few days later it became clear that travel to Florida would be ill-advised as well as complicated so I decided not to reschedule flights.”
Jimenez, who was disappointed at first, said she knew the situation was serious and knew continuing with her spring break plan could risk others’ health.
“I understand the desire to try to continue to act like everything is normal. Especially if you spent a lot of money and time planning a trip, but at this point I think it’s selfish to act like everything is fine,” Jimenez said.
Joy Lahaye • Mar 31, 2020 at 8:43 pm
No one should be traveling on an airplane unless they are considered an essential worker! You are making pilots and flight attendants sick, so you can go to the beach, very selfish! Stay home, save lives!
Rob Starrett • Mar 31, 2020 at 8:44 am
I agree with those above who quoted that our governor is spineless. As a conservative I am about ten degrees to the right of Rush Limbaugh. However the spring breakers should be told they have 24 hours to leave the state and go home. Just talked to a friend in Ohio that was in a beachfront condo in the Carolinas and that was what he was told. They emptied all condos that were rentals and sent them home. I expect governor “Spineless” to lock down Florida about the middle of April when spring break is traditionally over. Residents of Florida and the rest of our country are paying for his quest of the almighty tourist dollar. Come on DeSantis, shut our state down to outsiders and that includes cruise ships coming in with sick people on them. They knew about the seriousness of the virus before they ever got on the ship.
Nancy Wills • Mar 31, 2020 at 8:38 am
We should not place blame, this does not change the current situation. Every single one of us knows what we need to do. We need to stay home. Wherever that home is is where you stay. If you have to leave that home comply with social distancing. Do not be selfish this is not about you it is about everyone. It is okay if we have to stay in for a while that is not the end of the world. I actually very simple. Follow the professional scientists and doctors request. We will be blessed and we will be healthy again. In God We trust…
Donna • Mar 31, 2020 at 8:29 am
Do people have to be told what to do like little children? I had my vacation planned for three months. Poor little baby! You don’t want to miss that. Some people need to be in a dictator government because they can’t think for themselves.
This virus is spread by people! It doesn’t spread itself. Stay home!
Behjat Henderson • Mar 31, 2020 at 8:27 am
Why do airlines keep bringing New Yorkers
to Florida daily? We know we have a spineless useless
Governor who is allowing 190 flights arriving to
Florida daily . Shame on governor knowing
we have the largest elderly population and
he doesn’t care.
Becki McCarthy • Mar 31, 2020 at 8:04 am
Governor DeSantis you are spineless! You are not protecting the people you represent, those that voted for you! Florida should have been SHUT DOWN PRIOR TO ANY SPRING BREAKS! We are a state of senior citizens those most susceptible to COVID-19. Quite apparent from your lack of protecting individuals, you are protecting businesses. PEOPLE ARE DYING! Outsiders are taking the virus back home with them! YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE!
Marybelle • Mar 31, 2020 at 7:43 am
Shame on you for posting an old picture of loads of people on a beach. You seem to want to anger people. Just stop.
Linda Desrosiers • Mar 31, 2020 at 7:06 am
I believe everyone should stay in their own state . Moving from state to state will continue to spread the virus.
A lot of people do not think this is serious.I was in WalMart they have the floor markings that say – stand here 6 feet apart and a younger couple .behind me would not ( I am 77 ) when I asked them to do it and even the cashier – they did not comply.
I have not been going to the store very often – but I will go even less now for sure –
Please everyone stay safe and help others to stay safe too!!
Lucille Rotundo • Mar 31, 2020 at 6:59 am
What the hell is going on. Things keep getting out that people are still on beaches How come there is only snippets of news about the c Holland American cruise ship that is begging to come ashore. Apparently people are very sick and many are dying. Florida won’t allow them to come adore. Why are they not getting any help. Why is this not news worthy. Someone needs to help this stranded ship. They are giving very little info on what is going on. Where is the governor You hear nothing from him. NY seems to get all the help they need. But we are letting a cruise ship with very sick patients to just sit off shore. Why doesn’t our governor get them help. Trump sends cavalcade to NY but no one can help a ship in terrible conditions We are Americans Get these people some help. No one is covering this news where is our governor. We hear next to nothing from him. He has a responsibility to get this ship some help. Why doesn’t the president know. How many are on this stranded ship. Why is this not making news seems to me theses people are in a terrible situation Get them some help
Carl lewis • Mar 31, 2020 at 6:58 am
We have one idiot as a governor of Florida
He’s a trump and thinks the virus is a hoax and won’t give a stay at home order
Shame on him
Should be held responsible for mall these people firing here