A guide to last-minute voting in Chicago
Voting for local races ends on Feb. 28. The Lincoln Park Branch of the Chicago Public Library is the closest voting location to the DePaul Lincoln Park campus.
The Chicago consolidated election is upon us. Tuesday is voters’ last chance to do their civic duty and cast a ballot. Here is a comprehensive guide to voting in Chicago.
How do I register to vote?
Same-day registration is available at every voting site in the state. To register and vote on the same day you will need to bring two forms of identification. One of which must include your proof of residency.
These forms of ID include: Passport or Military ID, Driver’s License or State ID card, College/University/School/Work ID, vehicle registration card, lease, mortgage or deed to your home, credit or debit card, Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid card, insurance card, civic, union or professional membership card, LINK/Public Aid/Department of Human Services card, Illinois FOID card.

The form of ID with proof of residency include: a Bill, Transcript or Report Card from School, Bank Statement, Pay Stub or Pension Statement, Utility, Medical, or Insurance Bill, Official mail from any government agency.
If you cannot provide two forms of ID at the time of voting, you are entitled to fill out a provisional ballot. In this case, you have seven days to provide your ID to the Chicago Election Board located at 69 W. Washington St., Suite 600, Chicago IL 60602.

I’m registered to vote in my home state, can I vote here?
As long as you have lived in Chicago for at least 30 days before election day, you are entitled to vote in the city. Remember if you voted at home, you cannot vote in Chicago or vice versa. Voting in two places in one election is considered election fraud.
Where can I vote?
To find your voting site, enter your address on the Chicago elections website. There are also universal voting sites that anyone can vote at regardless of where in the city you live. The full list of sites can be found here. For DePaul students, the closest voting site to the Lincoln Park campus is the Lincoln Park Public Library located at 1150 W Fullerton Ave.
What do I need to bring to vote?
If you are already registered to vote in Illinois you do not need to bring any forms of identification. However, election judges have the right to challenge anyone’s attempt to vote, and if they are successful, you will have to present one form of ID, so it is recommended that you bring a form of identification just in case.
If your vote is challenged, you still have the right to vote. You will be asked to fill out a provisional ballot. In that case, you will have to provide ID to the Chicago Election Board, 69 W. Washington St., Suite 600, Chicago IL 60602.
You are also able to bring in printed or written notes into the polling booth.
What should I not bring?
You cannot enter a polling site wearing any campaign related clothing or material. You will be asked to leave and remove or cover the material before you are able to vote. Any pamphlets/ candidate materials must also be concealed. Polling sites are intended to be nonpartisan. Bringing campaign materials infringes on voters’ access to a free and fair election.
You may not have your phone or any other electronic devices out in the polling site. If you wish to bring notes they need to be printed or written out.
What are the hours of polling sites?
All polling sites are open from 6 a.m. and close at 7 p.m. However, if it is 7 p.m. and you have not voted but are still in line, you are legally entitled to vote. Stay in line. It is illegal for election judges to not allow you to vote if you are already in line.
What if I already voted by mail?
If you have already decided to vote by mail, you have a few options if you decided to vote in person after all. If you have already received your mail ballot, take it with you to the polling place and surrender it to an election judge. They will void the ballot and allow you to vote as usual.
If you have not yet received the ballot, you will be asked to sign an affidavit certifying that you have not received the ballot. The judge will then issue a ballot, and you will be able to vote as usual.
If you have received your ballot but lost it, you may sign an affidavit certifying that you have not voted in the election. You will then be able to vote with a provisional ballot. A provisional ballot will be counted as usual as long as they do not also receive the mail-in ballot.
Where can I find information about the candidates?
On the My Voter Information page, you can find a sample ballot that lists all the candidates you will be able to vote for.
Block Club Chicago has a tool to compare candidates.
What do I do if I experience voter suppression?
If you feel you are experiencing voter suppression, you can contact the Chicago election central at 312-269-7870.
Another option is to call the Election Protection Hotline at 1-866-OUR-VOTE, via ACLU.