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The DePaulia

The Student Newspaper of DePaul University

The DePaulia

The Student Newspaper of DePaul University

The DePaulia

La DePaulia

Los miembros de Morbidity, Héctor Santos, Jake Atut, Esteban "Stebs" Teneval y Jack N. rockean la escena en Work26 Skate Shop el 22 de febrero de 2025. El espacio esta abierto para que los jóvenes locales y los artistas trabajen, se reúnan, patinen, exhiban su arte y practiquen su música.

‘Metal Matinee’: un evento musical en La Villita crea espacio seguro para bandas locales de rock latine

Riley Sommers, La DePaulia Contributing Writer March 4, 2025

Rubén Garza, quien se considera un metalero certificado, lidera a una multitud de fanáticos del rock y músicos compañeros en un canto unificador: ¡“Abolir ICE”! La canción de su banda, “I.C.E....

Through N Through guitarist Romario Gutierrez plays alongside vocalist Ruben L. Garza at the Metal Matinee at Work26 Skate Shop on Feb. 22, 2025. The space is open for local teens and artists to hang out, skate, and practice their music.

Little Village ‘Metal Matinee’ creates a safe space for local Latine rock bands

Riley Sommers, La DePaulia Contributing Writer March 4, 2025

Rubén Garza, who considers himself a certified metalhead, leads a crowd of rock fans and fellow musicians in a unifying chant: “Abolish ICE!” His band’s song, “I.C.E. Breaker,” which  aims...

Illinois Rep. Jesus “Chuy” Garcia speaks at a press conference during a Day of Love and Resistance in the Little Village neighborhood of Chicago on Saturday, Feb. 8, 2025. Protestors gathered at the Little Village Arch to distribute signs that educate people about their rights.

‘These kids have dreams too’: Educators resist fear, despite ICE orders

Immigrant communities in Chicago are facing fear and uncertainty as President Trump’s administration ramps up mass deportations across the nation. On Jan. 26, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement...

Cástulo García sells a panda bear to a customer on Feb. 15 in the Brighton Park neighborhood. He said he is motivated to sell flowers because his parents' advice rings in his mind.

Brighton Park Mexican street vendors share how they keep hope despite times of uncertainty

Alondra M. Castañeda and Nupur Bosmiya March 3, 2025

The dark Chicago skies and bitter windchill on Valentine’s Day weekend inspired a cozy night celebration of love for many, but not for the Brighton Park neighborhood’s flower and teddy bear vendors....

Cástulo García muestra su colección a un cliente el 15 de febrero en el barrio de Brighton Park. Dijo que lo que lo motiva a vender flores es que los consejos de sus padres resuenan en su mente.

Vendedores ambulantes mexicanos en Brighton Park comparten cómo mantienen la esperanza a pesar de la incertidumbre

Alondra M. Castañeda and Nupur Bosmiya March 3, 2025

El cielo nublado de Chicago y el frío cortante del viento durante el fin de semana del Día de San Valentín inspiraron una acogedora celebración del amor y la amistad para muchos. Más no  para los...

Andrew Lewis pours a drink at the bar at Mahari restaurant in Chicago’s Hyde Park neighborhood on Wednesday, February 19. Mahari offers dishes and drinks from the African diaspora, including Creole, Caribbean and soul food cuisines.

Mahari restaurant in Hyde Park showcases vibrant flavors of the African diaspora

Khadija Mujahid, Contributing Writer February 28, 2025

Born and raised in Chicago’s Hyde Park neighborhood, Rahim Muhammad loved traveling the world with his mother, Shawn Muhammad. He enjoyed experiencing new places through their diverse cuisines and valued...

Shawn Muhammad se encuentra junto a las obras de arte en la barra de Mahari el sábado 22 de febrero. Mahari ofrece platos y bebidas de la diáspora africana, incluyendo cocinas criolla, caribeña y de comida soul.

El restaurante Mahari en Hyde Park muestra los sabores vibrantes de la diáspora africana

Khadija Mujahid, Contributing Writer February 28, 2025

Nacido y criado en el vecindario de Hyde Park en Chicago, Rahim Muhammad disfrutaba viajar por el mundo con su madre, Shawn Muhammad. Le encantaba experimentar nuevos lugares a través de sus diversas...

Gabrielle Christiansen, curator of the art exhibit "We Will Have Our Spring", delivers a speech detailing the process of curating the gallery at community art center Walls Turned Sideways on Feb. 15. The exhibit features mixed media art from incarcerated people advocating for better living conditions in Illinois state prisons.

“We Will Have Our Spring”: Art exhibit explores environmental toxicity in the Illinois prison system

Emily Diaz, La DePaulia Arts and Life Editor February 24, 2025

There are nearly 29,000 people incarcerated in Illinois state prisons.  Marshall Stewart and Luis Trevino are just two of several people who are incarcerated advocating for prison abolishment through...

El visitante Mike Galdamez observa las obras de arte en exhibición en una nueva exposición llamada "We Will Have Our Spring" (Tendremos nuestra primavera) en Walls Turned Sideways el 15 de febrero. La exposición muestra piezas de técnica mixta de reclusos estatales de Illinois y miembros de la comunidad.

“Tendremos Nuestra Primavera”: Exposición de arte explora la toxicidad ambiental en el sistema penitenciario de Illinois

Emily Diaz, La DePaulia Arts and Life Editor February 24, 2025

Actualmente, hay casi 29,000 personas encarceladas en las prisiones estatales de Illinois. Marshall Stewart y Luis Trevino son dos de varias personas encarceladas que abogan por la abolición de las...

Chicago’s undocumented community and immigrant organizations work together to curb fear of Trump’s mass deportation plans

Chicago’s undocumented community and immigrant organizations work together to curb fear of Trump’s mass deportation plans

Nupur Bosmiya, La DePaulia Managing Editor February 24, 2025

Since President Donald Trump’s inauguration earlier this year, people from communities of color and those who are undocumented have been on edge.  The Department of Homeland Security released a statement...

Indocumentados y organizaciones comunitarias en Chicago trabajan juntos para reducir miedo a deportaciones masivas

Indocumentados y organizaciones comunitarias en Chicago trabajan juntos para reducir miedo a deportaciones masivas

Nupur Bosmiya, La DePaulia Managing Editor February 24, 2025

Desde la toma de posesión del presidente Donald Trump a principios de este año, muchas personas de comunidades de color y aquellas que son indocumentadas se han sentido inquietas. El Departamento...

The Little Village arch located on Chicago’s Southwest side pictured on Monday, Feb. 17, 2025. Tensions are high as the community faces worry for immigration raids.

Chicago’s Little Village on edge amid deportation concerns

Agustin Alamo, La DePaulia Contributing Writer February 19, 2025

In Little Village, a predominantly Latine neighborhood on Chicago’s Southwest side, the fear of President Donald Trump’s mass deportations has reshaped the daily life of the immigrant community. A...

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