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The Student Newspaper of DePaul University

The DePaulia

The Student Newspaper of DePaul University

The DePaulia

The Student Newspaper of DePaul University

The DePaulia

A mockup of the proposed basketball practice facility to be housed on the Lincoln Park Campus, projected to begin construction in summer 2025 and be completed by fall 2026. Provided by DePaul University.

DePaul unveils $60 million basketball practice complex plan through philanthropic campaign

Jake Cox and Lilly Keller August 31, 2023

President Robert Manuel announced this year's academic convocation plans for the construction of a new basketball practice complex in Lincoln Park.  The $60 million project was announced in coordination...

Miembros del Kichwa Community of Chicago lanzan el logotipo oficial de su organización.

Las comunidades indígenas Kichwa en Chicago preservan su cultura a pesar de la distancia de Ecuador

Erick Quezada, Contributing Writer May 14, 2023

Con más de 65 mil grupos étnicos diferentes en Chicago, muchos miembros de las comunidades indígenas Kichwa Runa están comprometidos con un mismo objetivo: mantener su cultura viva a pesar de estar...

Los estudiantes latines de DePaul se presentan durante la primera reunión general de MESA.

La organización latine ‘MESA’ brinda un sentido de comunidad a los estudiantes de DePaul 

Jacqueline Cardenas, La DePaulia Editor-in-Chief January 15, 2023

"¡Soy de Perú!" un estudiante dijo, “¡Mi familia es de México!” dijo otro con orgullo. Rondas de aplausos y gritos de apoyo resonaron dentro del salón 305 del Centro Cultural Latinx cuando...

DePaul is currently one of only 23 percent of private American universities that does not offer its students health insurance.

University leadership accepts recommendation for DePaul student health insurance plan

Kiersten Riedford, News Editor July 23, 2022

DePaul leadership accepted a recommendation from the DePaul Student Health Insurance Task Force to offer a health insurance plan to its students, according to Eugene Zdziarski, DePaul’s vice president...

Former DePaul President John T. Richardson died on March 29

Former DePaul President John T. Richardson dies at 98

Lawrence Kreymer, Editor in Chief March 30, 2022

Former DePaul President Rev. John T. Richardson died on March 29, according to a release from the university.  Richardson was 98 years old. “Fr. Richardson’s leadership of DePaul resulted in...

Eugene Jarvis and his wife, Sasha Gerritson, have given DePaul University its largest donation in school history to benefit the College of Computing and Digital Media.

Largest donation in DePaul’s history to rename the College of Computing and Digital Media

Erik Uebelacker March 29, 2022

DePaul University received the largest donation in school history to benefit the College of Computing and Digital Media (CDM). The donors, Eugene Jarvis and his wife Sasha Gerritson, have rich ties...

A mix of masked and unmasked students sit in the Schmitt Academic Center. With the new mandate, this space would be mask optional for everyone.

DePaul to loosen mask requirements in classrooms and labs following second week of spring quarter

Lawrence Kreymer, Editor in Chief March 18, 2022

DePaul is planning to loosen mask requirements in classrooms and labs after the second week of spring quarter.  The university is requiring people to wear a mask in classrooms and labs during the first...

DePaul updated its mask mandate for the winter quarter, requiring students to either wear an N95 mask or double-up with a cloth mask and a surgical mask underneath.

DePaul announces Covid-19 booster, updated mask mandate

Corey Schmidt, Copy Editor January 13, 2022

Earlier today, DePaul University announced they will require students, faculty and staff to get a Covid-19 vaccine booster by March 1, alongside new mask requirements prohibiting single cloth masks. Students...

In person classes will resume Jan. 18, 2022; however, students will not have to show any proof of a negative Covid-19 test or require a booster shot

DePaul is planning to return to in-person classes next week

Lawrence Kreymer, Editor in Chief January 10, 2022

DePaul is still planning to return to in-person classes Jan. 18, a university spokesperson confirmed to The DePaulia Monday night.  The university will share an update with everyone later this week,...

Art by Alicia Goluszka

Former DePaul professor who sued university regarding tenure files for summary judgment

Nika Schoonover, Print Managing Editor January 10, 2022

Lisa Calvente, former DePaul communications professor who sued the university regarding her tenure denial, filed for partial summary judgment on Dec. 23.  Calvente’s motion comes after DePaul filed...

In person classes will resume Jan. 18, 2022; however, students will not have to show any proof of a negative Covid-19 test or require a booster shot

DePaul planning to return to in-person classes without added protocols on testing and boosters

Nadia Hernandez & Lawrence Kreymer January 10, 2022

DePaul has only been in session for one week to begin the winter quarter, and the university is already experiencing its second-largest Covid-19 outbreak of the 2021-22 school year.  Since classes...

Students walk on the Quad, located on DePaul's Lincoln Park campus.

Administration having ‘on-going discussions’ on booster shot requirement

Lawrence Kreymer, Editor in Chief January 5, 2022

DePaul is having internal discussions on requiring the booster shot, a university spokesperson confirmed to The DePaulia on Wednesday.  DePaul is currently holding classes virtually for the first two...

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