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The Student Newspaper of DePaul University

The DePaulia

The Student Newspaper of DePaul University

The DePaulia

The Student Newspaper of DePaul University

The DePaulia

The study abroad program will have students visit Harry Potter-related sites like Platform 9 3/4. (Ally Zacek/The DePaulia)

English department creates “Harry Potter” study abroad program

Ben Conboy and Dirce Toca October 23, 2017

DePaul students, all aboard the Hogwarts Express! DePaul’s English department recently announced the creation of a new study abroad program for Harry Potter fans. The program curriculum will include...

Interest in study abroad unchanged in light of attacks

Interest in study abroad unchanged in light of attacks

Sabrina Miresse September 25, 2017

On Sept. 17, four Boston College students studying abroad in Paris had hydrochloric acid thrown at their faces by a woman with a history of psychiatric issues. In light of such terrorist attacks that...

DePaul study abroad: London Calling

DePaul study abroad: London Calling

Carolyn Duff October 11, 2015

I’m about three and a half weeks into my study abroad trip, and the “honeymoon phase” is over. While I’m still absolutely thrilled to be here, I now realize that I’m not living in a sparkling,...

The main street in Oxford, Broad Street, which joins St. Catherine’s College with the City Centre. (Charlotte Pence / The DePaulia)

An American in Oxford: Where the magic lies

Charli Rose January 18, 2015

I am not the first person to go abroad. Should you ever choose to do the same, there are times when you will feel a grand connection with all the people who have gone before you. Sometimes this will...

Traveling makes the world seem a little bit smaller. But after picking a destination, the next step is to figure how how to get there. (Megan Deppen / The DePaulia)

Bonn-voyage: Trains, planes and automobiles – 4 tips for traveling abroad

Megan Deppen November 9, 2014

After almost three months, I’ve flown, bused, driven (or rather, been driven) and stayed in various accommodations across Europe. Studying abroad brings the world to your fingertips; all you have to...

(Megan Deppen / The DePaulia)

Bonn-voyage: Trier time machine

Megan Deppen September 28, 2014

My racing heartbeat was the only sound in the cool stone passageway. I flew past shadowy corridors, turning one corner then another. My eyes strained in the faint light trickling through the bricks...

The University of Bonn draws more than 4,000 international students a year to its campus. They are split between a number of different programs, and of the three that I'm paired with, there are 26 from Taiwan, 17 from America, and others from Australia, Spain, Japan, Korea, China, Bulgaria, Italy, Poland and France. (Megan Deppen / The DePaulia)

Bonn-Voyage: The ups and downs of travel abroad

Megan Deppen September 14, 2014

[hr] [dropcap]I[/dropcap] had to stop in my tracks on the early morning run if not just simply to laugh. What could be a more blatant reminder that I was far from my home in Chicago than the legitimate...

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