Chicago Police throw maskless gathering in DePaul classroom
Chicago Police officers held a gathering in the DePaul Center Concourse on Sunday, Sept. 6, with many in attendance not wearing masks.
With six boxes of Giordano’s pizza in tow, Chicago Police Department personnel filed into the DePaul Center Concourse on Sunday, Sept. 6 for what shaped up to be a surprise party.
At first, The DePaulia staff saw small groups of uniformed officers coming down the stairs, mostly unmasked and heading into a recently disinfected classroom set aside for the start of the school year three days later. Soon, another officer carrying two large bags of ice joined them, followed then by even more officers chatting happily as they walked toward their coworkers.
Entering the building earlier that day, Public Safety officers warned DePaulia staff “not to be surprised” if reporters encountered cops while working downstairs. They didn’t specify that there would be more than 10 individuals in a cramped room across the hall from The DePaulia’s office.
A few civilians and their children soon joined them, bringing red star-shaped balloons to accompany the pizza and soft drinks. Before long, a loud “Surprise!” rang out from the classroom as DePaulia staff sat across the hall putting the week’s newspaper together.
The gathering was not illegal. But each aspect of the event explicitly broke the rules DePaul has set forth for its students, faculty and staff to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Nearly two hours after police first started trickling in, the party ended and everyone involved headed back outside, leaving only piles of ice in the men’s restroom sinks.
The building was officially closed for Labor Day weekend. The DePaulia was required to submit a list of its staffers that would be in its concourse-level office, or staff would not have been allowed in the building. The officers were not required to abide by those rules.
Kristin Mathews, a spokesperson for DePaul, told The DePaulia that the university has a longstanding practice of allowing on-duty police officer patrols to access the lower level of the DePaul Center to “get out of the heat, cold and inclement weather.”
“We have done this as a courtesy and have asked the officers to check in with DePaul Public Safety when they arrive,” Mathews said. “With regards to COVID precautions, we have asked the officers to wear masks, to maintain appropriate social distancing and we supplement our regular cleaning protocols as necessary to ensure that all spaces that are used are rigorously cleaned.”
DePaul’s Health and Safety plan for students’ return requires face coverings be worn at all times on campus and mandates proper social distancing — which was not observed by CPD on the day of the incident. Across campus, blue signs litter the walls in nearly every direction reminding everyone to follow the proper protocols, including at least six in the direct path from the entrance on State Street to the classroom they were occupying — one of which is directly above the hand sanitizer station outside the door of the classroom.

All members of the university community are also required to complete a 20-minute online training session about the guidelines, whether they intend to return to campus or not.
“We understand everyone’s desire to be with people again, but if we want to have some sense of normalcy we have to be committed to this,” said Donna Voight, assistant director of Loop facility operations, previously told The DePaulia.
Mathews added that officers are given access to rooms where no classes are scheduled for the day. The event in question occurred on a Sunday.
Both the university’s public relations team and Public Safety declined to comment further on a number of questions asked by The DePaulia, including whether the university was aware the room would be used for a party breaking city and campus guidelines and if CPD paid to occupy the space. Mathews also declined to comment on whether that classroom was used for social-distance learning the following week, when classes started.
The DePaulia requested comment from Chicago Police spokespeople, who said to refer to the university’s administration. But CPD rules found in the Chicago Police Department’s directives system may indicate the police were breaking their own rules, too.
According to an official directive published by the Chicago Police Department, effective March 11, officers are not to wear official or identifiable police garments while off duty.
“Members will not wear the prescribed star, identification card, cap shield, or any identifiable uniform garment while off duty unless authorized by the Superintendent of Police,” it reads.
In a statement made to WBEZ on June 5, a spokesperson for CPD confirmed that “all on-duty personnel are required to wear Department issued surgical masks and gloves except for when members are inside of a police facility or department vehicle.”
According to the statement, the mandate went into effect May 1 beginning at midnight.
James Esparza is the director of the Chicago Department of Public Health’s COVID-19 hotline. When speaking to The DePaulia about the incident, he specified that those in attendance would have to abide by guidelines set by the university.
“[DePaul] might have created a policy that says, you know, you can have 10 people in a setting without masks,” he said. “That could be something they could have created on their own. And we wouldn’t be able to sort of comment on that.”
Esparza elaborated on general guidelines for the city in regards to gathering.
“If they are [in] a setting where there’s more, you know, a lot of people there, they should be wearing masks,” he said. “They should be, you know, trying to avoid any actual contact with people who are six feet apart as much as possible, which, you know, those are general, basic public health guidelines for coronavirus.”
He later clarified that precautions established by the city’s Department of Public Health function more as guidelines rather than mandated rules. Still, the university says it requires stricter rules than the city for those utilizing its facilities — presumably including police invited to take breaks on campus.
“If everybody behaves and takes responsibility for themselves and cares about the next person with them, hopefully we stay as healthy a campus as we can,” Voight told The DePaulia for a previous story.
Howard • Sep 17, 2020 at 11:12 pm
JJ Jameson –
I didn’t read everything you said but what I did read is pure nonsense. The police do not give many people in our community the benefit of the doubt and quite often people who have done nothing wrong are targeted and brutalized by them. Just as one example out of a million, what did Laquan McDonald do that justified his vicious murder in a hail of bullets? Have a mental illness resulting from 17 years of severe trauma? If you really believe that the police are the good guys I recommend you investigate the stories of those exonerated from prison. The lengths police go to to frame and smear the people they arrest are jaw-dropping. They have no conscience. Not sure about that, look up the story of Jon Burge. He conducted a 30-year campaign of police torture aimed at coercing false confessions out of innocent people in order to garner convictions. He was aided and protected by almost everyone in CPD. When we talk about good cops, we have to ask, where were all the good cops during Burge’s reign of terror? The answer is that good cops don’t exist. It’s a contradiction in terms. The institution of policing destroys individual moral agency and requires obedience to an illegal code of silence meant to cover up criminal activity committed by police. The worst criminals in Chicago wear badges. That’s the simple truth. The sooner CPD is dismantled the better. We all deserve better than a gang of violent sociopaths with legal authority to murder anyone without consequence. I hope they’re reading this too.
Ferlin Grobengeiser IV • Sep 17, 2020 at 9:13 pm
Meanwhile, at the corner of Fullerton and Sheffield, the cadre of Birkenstock wearing, gender confused and/or transitioned, green teethed. pierced nipple homosexuals with tattoos of Elizabeth Warren adorning their endomorphic corpulance gather in the street, sans mask, spreading venereal and other diseases to anybody and everybody within a twelve mile radius. My best friend is a commander in the 10th district and after hearing about the crap through which he suffers on a daily basis, thanks to the above demographic, it bothers me not at all that his colleagues and he enjoy some R&R. That it bothers this hack job journalist who deemed this “hard news” is what should indeed truly trouble us.
J. Jonah Jameson • Sep 17, 2020 at 8:49 am
Howard –
I am sorry that you have had bad experiences with law enforcement. That tends to paint the picture of someone who was subjected to harassment which is not good. I always look at interactions with law enforcement as being a kind of “a come to jesus meeting” if you have done something wrong. My view point is that if you haven’t done anything wrong why worry? If you didn’t break the law you should not be stressed out”. Police have probable cause if they see something suspicious (car is damaged, temp tags fake, erratic driving, impaired by drugs or alcohol and the list goes on and on) to pull you over. In my experience, CPD is always lenient. They may pull you over or may not. Sometimes they berate you and shame you and if you have enough humility you say you were wrong respectfully and usually get off without a ticket. Suburban police, State Police, Federal usually have no tolerance for disrespect and in many cases are prior service military. I am prior service military so I always mention that. I am also always respectful. I never have an attitude or personal problem. They have a job to do and I know that. CPD usually doesn’t tolerate out of control behavior or total disrespect. Are they are all perfect? Not even close. Can they be trained better and be screened better when hired? Absolutely. If an individual is stupid and shoots their mouth off, has a gun in the car, knife on them, what good can happen with that?
I think that the hate and the defund the police movement will backfire. Reasons being, who is going to protect ordinary citizens , businesses, children in schools, and who do we all call when we have an emergency? 911 is who we call.
The federal government is not going to do that. The state government is only going to do what is in their scope of responsibility. It falls to local government to do that. This includes people from all walks of life. Can you blame police who refuse to go into a shooting gallery every night? Lots of ignorant comments on this post. Need to be able to articulate and think for yourself. Stop being angry and blaming, screaming, yelling, what good can come from that?
Society is started to see these groups for who they are. Anarchists and Domestic Terrorists……I am not trying to change minds here. Just focusing on reality. Elections have consequences. Chicago and Illinois is swirling down the drain. Not sure there is anyone with anything between their ears to make it come back.
Anonymous • Sep 16, 2020 at 11:35 am
Thank you DePaul for giving these officers a safe place to gather. Exactly what a catholic university should be doing is providing room for our first responders to feel welcome. Shame on the authors of this article who are looking for an issue where there is none. It’s awful to begin the academic year by publishing this garbage.
John • Sep 16, 2020 at 2:03 am
You want a real Covid violation story that even the local news is not reporting on look at the downtown hotels. They are full of people having parties and NO ONE has a mask. This is putting all the workers in the hotel at risk especially the cleaning staff because the rooms are disgusting.
Jillian Hill • Sep 16, 2020 at 12:31 am
What was surprising about this article was that not one of the writers held the name Karen. Terrible article. Next time I see a member of CPD I will be purchasing their lunch in hopes I can counter the nonsense of this hit piece. Really hope your 1st year students, cause you all have much to learn.
Arlene • Sep 15, 2020 at 10:13 pm
WOW, that’s a big scoop you got there KAREN. In your next article maybe you should go tour the West and South sides and do a hard-hitting article on black on black crime and how CPD does it best to quell the violence. Nah, you’ll just keep being an entitled bish. After weeks and weeks of days off canceled because of idiots like you rioting and tearing our city apart, they are actually ENJOYING themselves? How dare they????? How do you suggest they eat their pizza through a mask, or do you think they shouldn’t be eating pizza at all, maybe hot pockets? I see a bright future for you as a cashier at Target
Eric P. • Sep 15, 2020 at 8:26 pm
Oh my gosh! People are congregating across the hall…. while you literally do the same thing in the DePaulia office across the hall. You really seem to be concerned about the spread of Covid, but it’s okay for the Depaulia staff to congregate in their office I guess. That’s perfectly safe. Give me a break.
It’s also a pipe dream to think students are going to wear masks at all times within university buildings and university property. Even if they did, it’s doubtful that would really have meaningful impact given the amount of students, faculty, and staff which will pass through University property on a daily basis.
If DePaul and DePaulia reporters really cared about students they’d close their doors this year and move all learning online for the year. That’s the real story. Good job casting the stone at others whilst sitting in your glass house.
Christian King • Sep 15, 2020 at 2:15 pm
Hey Howard listen to this A**wipe Illinois State Police commander telling me that his troopers can do whatever they want to me after I called in a complaint for an unjust traffic stop:
Ron J. • Sep 15, 2020 at 2:13 pm
Yawn. Things must be slow in the journalism office. Complete waste of time here. Keep up the hatred.
Bill • Sep 15, 2020 at 2:00 pm
You think this is really news? What a waste of everyone’s time.
Besides, one of your damn photos clearly show members in masks.
Howard • Sep 15, 2020 at 10:55 am
Police don’t protect anyone, William P. Barlow, aside of course from each other when they’ve done something wrong or murdered unarmed civilians. They’re a corrupt little mafia with a code of silence and a history of torture and abuse. I don’t know if you’ve ever been a victim of violent crime, but I have and the police only made it Infinitely worse. I would call a Domino’s for help in a dangerous situation before I’d call police.
redacted • Sep 15, 2020 at 10:49 am
Wooooe. Look at all these bootlicking snowflakes in the comments.
And the article was so tame too.
It was literally like “so there was a party… There were no masks…. We spoke to both administration’s and they said idk maybe masks”
And you’re all in the comments like POLICE ARE GETTING HUNTED FOR SPORT
Grow up guys.
William P. Barlow • Sep 15, 2020 at 10:28 am
As an alumnus of DePaul, I am troubled by such hatred and disgust of the police. You mentioned “cancer”. Who will protect the lives of ordinary citizens in Chicago then? After you have “de-funded the police” what is your plan for safety and security of the citizens and business owners of the city?
Yasmin • Sep 15, 2020 at 10:24 am
This is the worst article I’ve read in a while. Now I know never to click on any article written from the DePaulia.
J. Jonah Jameson • Sep 15, 2020 at 10:16 am
Pride. Integrity. Guts. I agree please continue to promote the narrative so that more people leave Chicago and leave Illinois. With shootings nearly every weekend, you are tone deaf. Drugs and drug cartels are enjoying what Chicago gives them. Access to open markets across the world and a willing group of gangs who have no concerns about life itself killing everything and everyone in their wake including children. Wake up and grow up.
You antifa types are cry babies. You are also a CANCER to everything that is based on a free and open society. Without law and order there is chaos. Comments about illiterate cops are unfounded, many have multiple college degrees and are committed to a life of public service. Absolutely we are all about our families, what else is there in life? Toxic rhetoric like this only helps to promote lawlessness and chaos. You are a willing participant and hopefully you will lose. God forbid our country is handed to a person like yourself. Selfish, blinded by hate, and ignorant.
A fine DePaul student is now part of our wonderful Cook County “Affordable Bail program”.
Multiple offenses and bail issues mentioned. Sounds like DePaul admissions is shooting for the stars. He will be yet another statistic.
You just want total control to remake America into something it is not. If we implement everything you cry babies want, will you stop crying? You want to destroy the country. You are the enemy and need to be absolutely defeated.
JR • Sep 15, 2020 at 10:04 am
Wow. I hope you never need the police. There are other things to write about and you write some b.s. article. Why don’t you write about all the black on black killings. By all the loving blm supporters
Howard • Sep 15, 2020 at 9:34 am
Please continue this great work. You’ve clearly triggered a bunch of illiterate cops and their families, judging by the comments. This is very typical police behavior. The laws they supposedly uphold don’t apply to them, nor do the basic standards of community or responsibility to each other. They move through the world like a separate privileged class and destroy the lives of anyone who they view being below them. Defund, dismantle and destroy policing in Chicago and beyond. It’s a cancer on society and consuming all of the resources the rest of society needs to survive and thrive. These awful pigs have a $1.7 billion budget but they solve some sub 10% of crimes and usually only get convictions of anyone by lying about what happened and smearing the people they arrest and charge. An absolute blight on the city.
J. Jonah Jameson • Sep 15, 2020 at 9:33 am
Are the students at DePaul this stupid to actually put something like this in print? It is troubling that the very thing between anarchy and chaos, stands the police. Not very smart when crime in and around the campus is sky-rocketing. Violent strong armed robberies and physical assaults occur on students and faculty. Now you want to play victim and vilify the police? Once the CPD pulls back, who is there to protect students and faculty? A social worker? A psychologist? You guaranteed his re-election when you refused to call out looting, violence, and rioting. He will win states where republicans haven’t won since the 1980s. Back the Blue!
Greg • Sep 15, 2020 at 8:56 am
Are You mentally unstable? Or just love to write
nonsense like that. Who even approves this article to go on website ? Is Beetlejuice informed ? So many questions
Back the Blue • Sep 15, 2020 at 8:37 am
Go pound sand with this nonsense article. These officers have been working forced 12hr shifts with days off cancelled ALL summer and you want to give them crap about this? They have been forced to be in close presence of rioters and looters who never “follow the rules” as they are breaking the law not wearing masks in these officers faces for hours. Typical hypocrisy, let’s condemn the police but no one else. GTFOH, I hope you never need the police! Shame on this article and all those who negatively comment in support of it.
Jan • Sep 15, 2020 at 8:23 am
As a DePaul alumnus, why in the world would anyone stop supporting the university because of this article? And why would you not want CPD officer who were having a party, they were not just on a break, not follow tge rules posted if for no other reason than to keep everybody safe? As a lifelong Healthcare worker(40 years) it is the responsibility of us all and should not be dismissed. Oh, and police have been known to have a mentality where they make their own rules, especually when off duty. Ever hang out at a cop bar? There used to be one blocks from the Lincoln Park campus. Eye opening that’s for sure!
Bernie Doe • Sep 15, 2020 at 8:14 am
So you speak of officers violating rules by wearing their uniforms off duty? He crack special investigative reporter….those officers we not wearing their uniforms off duty. Go back to your parents basement and wait until the “Covid Apocalypse” is over and it’s safe for you to play with your friends again. Garbage reporting…. but you do have a great shot at being employed by CNN or at MSNBC with this quality of work.
DePaul alum • Sep 15, 2020 at 8:06 am
Ok Karen,
Let’s call the police on the police. ‘Hello 911, yes we have officers on a lunch break eating lunch. Yes and they are eating with no masks… yes and enjoying themselves while working 12hrs on canceled days off … yes I will hold…’ The only thing right about this story is that DePaul allows officers some rest and sanctuary from the elements when working. That’s the foundation of a good catholic organization. Thank you DePaul
Anonymous • Sep 15, 2020 at 7:47 am
Who cares
Oscar Lebiño • Sep 15, 2020 at 7:43 am
One of the worst articles I’ve read. Three Karen’s just trying to be relevant. Not only are the officers isolated to themselves but they are also wearing face masks. Awful journalism, just a bunch of privileged women trying to be noticed.
Jack Doughgan • Sep 15, 2020 at 7:34 am
Maybe after having been spit on, having rocks thrown at them, urine feces, etc. Covid is just not such a big deal to them. Get over it.
Jon Jones • Sep 15, 2020 at 7:32 am
Wow, an article putting police officers down… real original and creative!
Cinny • Sep 15, 2020 at 7:32 am
Wow! Someone really hates the police.
It must be nice to come from such a privileged background that you have never needed the police to defend you from anyone/anything. Those who are truly the most underserved in our world would be happy to have the police around in any circumstance. If, God forbid, some danger arose any one of those officers would have risked their own safety and welfare to help you.
You are obviously too young, but remember 9/11? We just had an anniversary.
Your opinions are naive and shameful. You are too privileged and sheltered to even realize it.
Charles Vancella • Sep 15, 2020 at 6:56 am
Erik C. Highfill is another hater. And, he too apparently enjoys the Gotcha Style of journalism. The DePaulia wasted a load of time, money and effort to report about a legal gathering and what was the result? It brought out the haters and nothing else. Good work there DePaulia. You sure made the Anon person, Gonzalez, Mitchell and Highfill very happy.
D cerr • Sep 15, 2020 at 6:48 am
I hope you say the same for the hypocrisy that the governor has pulled with his “science” based restrictions and the mayor as well. Cops are working non-stop without a days and are being hunted daily. I’d be more concerned with the governor and his travel plans, or the mayor and her rooftop parties or attending graduation ceremonies or any one it the other countless hypocrisies these so called leaders are doing that’s sets the examples. I understand your frustrations but it should start at the top..
Charles Vancella • Sep 15, 2020 at 6:36 am
Lauren Gonzalez is a real hater. How did Lauren become such a lovely person? Hannah Mitchell is a real sweetheart, too.
E • Sep 15, 2020 at 3:04 am
Crap. I’m a DePaul alumni and I’m done with the university. They will not see another dime from me. Morons.
Joe Kelly • Sep 14, 2020 at 8:55 pm
Terrible article…I’ll make sure to stop donating now to your fake news.
Alison O’Keefe Wechman • Sep 14, 2020 at 8:10 pm
Bravo DePaulia on the fact-based journalism.
DePaul is a private university and the buildings should be closed to those who are not students, faculty, or staff during this pandemic. Keep your students as safe as you can, DePaul!
James • Sep 14, 2020 at 7:53 pm
This is disgusting and DePauliana need to seriously rethink their primary objective. The comments also show complete ignorance of the foundation of fascism in society. Why do any of you think that this tripe differs from Nazi sympathizers ratting out their neighbors, French collaboration or the neighbors of Anne Frank diligently reporting their observations as good citizens of the State? What do you care whether cops wear masks at a private gathering ? Take a look at the CDC factual reporting of the SarsCoV2 statistics and try to think for yourselves instead of swallowing everything you hear in 30 second sound bites on TV news.
You only expose yourselves as mindless sheep , myopic and foolishly led to slaughter
DePaul Alum • Sep 14, 2020 at 6:12 pm
Nice work, Depaulia Staff! Glad to know that my donations are no longer needed by DePaul University.
erik c highfill • Sep 14, 2020 at 4:38 pm
Actually only one of the 2 cops in the first pic have a mask on properly but nice try and much of this came from witnesses, maybe instead of attacking the one who caught them hold the police to the standard they are supposed to be instead of just sucking up. Especially Chicago PD.
Lauren Gonzales • Sep 14, 2020 at 4:38 pm
To the two willfully ignorant commenters who say the cops photographed are wearing masks—the two cops photographed together in the top photo are most definitely now wearing masks. And how do you think all those pigs gathered in the classroom are going to eat the pizza? Come on. Think!
Lauren Gonzales • Sep 14, 2020 at 4:34 pm
I hate hypocrisy and the upholding of white supremacy and violence; unfortunately, they run rampant among DePaul and its administration.
Joe McCarthy • Sep 14, 2020 at 1:39 pm
The cops in your photos have masks…
Janice Rosa • Sep 14, 2020 at 12:17 pm
Seriously… What are you attempting to do DePaulia? I find your article baseless. They looked masked to me and if your administration has no issue then why should you. In addition you look to be quoting information from their rules falsely.
Seem to me that you are part of the social
Problems we have now. Seems like it was a safe place they had in light that they are walking targets nowadays. God Bless our First Responders and shame on DePaulina for posting this !!!
Hannah Mitchell • Sep 14, 2020 at 11:39 am
Very interesting. Good work!!!
Anon • Sep 14, 2020 at 9:53 am
Lori needs to see this and reprimand. Ridiculous.