EDITORIAL: Why we reported on the Greek life party — and named names
The statue of John J. Egan, located outside of the Lincoln Park Student Center, wearing a mask.
The purpose of journalism is to hold those in power to account, especially when the actions in question potentially put others at risk. That was the guiding force behind The DePaulia’s coverage of a recent St. Patrick’s Day party that included numerous known members of DePaul’s Greek life community.
In this situation, the individuals at the party held the power to superspread Covid-19 to the DePaul and Chicago communities. Further, several individuals identified by The DePaulia as leaders in their fraternities and sororities are representatives for groups that recruit younger students and sway the behavior of their group as a whole.
While this news story was intended to highlight the danger that this gathering posed during the pandemic, the conversations within the comments and our DMs have devolved to question whether the publishing of our article was unethical or defamatory.
This presents an opportunity for further education about the role of journalism, editorial decision-making and public access.
Importantly, this story, like all the others we publish, is based on independent, factual reporting using interviews with involved individuals, photos and other evidence.
The reporter who wrote the article confirmed that the party occurred on March 13, 2021 — not last year — confirmed with numerous, unrelated sources details about the day’s events and obtained photographic evidence of the party and partygoers.
If there was no basis to the story, it simply would not have been published. The DePaulia abides by the Society of Professional Journalists’ Code of Ethics, which prohibits such reckless reporting.
So, as any news organization would, we published the story based on facts.
After the first story, our reporter received a tip about the party regarding additional members of the Greek life community at DePaul who attended the it, some of whom hold leadership positions.
The DePaulia does not make editorial decisions without first discussing the ethics of those decisions. We decided to name the individuals in the photo who held said leadership positions because they weren’t average partygoers — they are leaders of their organization and therefore responsible for enforcing their policies, including Covid-19 protocols. And, after said discussion, individuals identified in photos by The DePaulia who did not hold such positions were not identified by name in the story.
DePaul’s fraternities and sororities largely operate as a public face of the university. As was reported in the story, the DePaul fraternity and sorority members signed contracts with both the university and their respective Greek Life organizations, where they pledged to abide by the city and university’s Covid-19 guidelines. The party in question violated those guidelines.
If the party was held by members of the university’s Student Government Association or another campus group, our reporting practices and the story would have been the same.
The DePaulia is not an organization that operates with the intention of opening sources or subjects to harassment or bullying. The purpose of this article was, as is with all of our other content, to inform the DePaul community of issues that pertain to them and to shine light on an event which potentially exposed members of both the DePaul and Chicago community to harm.
The behavior and activities of student organizations, as well as situations that could lead to worsening the spread of Covid-19 in Chicago, both qualify as information that students need to know.
Some have asked us whether we will step in to moderate or disable comments on our social media accounts. The DePaulia does not tolerate hate speech, threats of violence or slurs on its social media; this type of language will be deleted as soon as we become aware of it.
However, it is not the role of media to moderate public discourse — and it’s certainly not our role to steer public narrative. Our role is to simply report the facts. Thus, we will not be disabling our comment section at this time.
Furthermore, The DePaulia is not in communication with the university, the DePaul Panhellenic Council or the DePaul Interfraternity Council in regard to any disciplinary actions that will be against those named in the story or any other DePaul-affiliated individuals found to have attended the party. We are an independent group of student journalists who are not beholden to the wishes of the university or its affiliated bodies. Neither disciplinary decisions nor judgments are ours to make.
We are always open to hearing from both our readers and the larger DePaul community as to how we can provide quality coverage in a way that is both ethical and not harmful to others. And, we encourage students to submit letters to the editor should they wish. We can be reached at [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected].
We stand by our reporting and our staff who contributed to both stories.
Clarification: This story has been updated to clarify the context within which students who attended the parties held power, for which The DePaulia held them accountable.
Correction: This story has been corrected to reflect accurate photo copyright information.
Holdup • Mar 26, 2021 at 2:13 pm
When you publish names of students who did not organize the party just for attending, you cross the line from journalism to hit piece.
Wow • Mar 18, 2021 at 7:42 pm
Wow. Just incredible. You literally ruined a dudes reputation by falsely publicly naming him? Wtf?
Depaulia. I love how you try to lecture everyone about journalism but literally got the most important point of the story wrong. What a joke. Can the editorial board write a story about “holding the power” to account? WHAT ABOUT THE DEPAULIA. You have power. And you ruined someone’s reputation. Where’s the story about holding the reporter and Depaulia to account? This is so horrible. Can’t wait for the lawsuit.
QJS • Mar 17, 2021 at 1:56 pm
Could not disagree more. This is less about reporting and more about the alleged superiority of the reporter on those breaking certain rules. We are turning into a society where it is perfectly acceptable to turn in or “report” whatever we feel offends our biased point of view.
I hope you report littering, speeding, late returns of library books or god forbid, students not keeping 6 feet apart when they walk on campus or an unmasked visitor to a dorm or apartment, and whatever other offense you feel like deserves your public scorning. If you were reporting on reporting on the actions the school or police took, so be it, that would not seem so bad. These reporters seem very much like the hall monitors who wield their power indiscriminately and feel bad they were not invited to the party.
Although would not throw myself, I also do not feel that after a year of lockdown, these young adults, living their life, making their decisions did anything that deserves this public shaming.
Well done!
sL1m • Mar 16, 2021 at 1:04 pm
Lol. What a trash site. Journalists are supposed to relay information, not hold people accountable. Anymore than that, you’re an activist.
Respectfully disagree • Mar 16, 2021 at 10:07 am
I’m sorry but I disagree with this justification.
I agree it’s an important story. It should be reported on. Those students are in violation of school/city/cdc/etc. codes.
I think what people and I had a problem with is including full legal names. The justification that they are “leaders” isn’t enough. Why can you not simply call them “a DG exec board member” or “council president” or some variant that protects the people’s name.
I also find it condescending that the Depaulia has to “further educate about the role of journalism “. You’re kind of gaslighting your viewers into thinking they’re wrong for having a contrary opinion. It’s not black and white. I don’t think the piece written was journalism. Journalism’s role is too inform the reader. The naming of names doesn’t inform anything. It inflames and further divides people.
Its the Schools job to punish and hold these students who broke the rules to account. NOT the Depaulia’s. That should also be an important understanding which seems lacking here.
i agree but disagree • Mar 15, 2021 at 9:01 pm
I agree with this article except they brought race into it…. y’all forgot to mention why you did that… That is not professional journalism. Like I said, y’all are at the right but also at the wrong by creating the uproar. They do not deserve to be called racists, that happened because the editor brought race into it. Same on you guys.
Student • Mar 15, 2021 at 8:59 pm
Thanks for sharing and breaking it down. If people did not want to be shown partying during a pandemic they wouldn’t have gone. Your reporting is keeping students and leaders accountable. Hopefully this clears things up for people who just don’t quite understand.
spj • Mar 15, 2021 at 8:53 pm
YUP! guess what? just because you don’t like that you got caught doesn’t mean the news is fake.
thank u • Mar 15, 2021 at 8:42 pm
thank you for reporting on this issue! as you said, leaders of the university should be held accountable for the harm they are causing to the community. as depaul students, we are guests in the city of chicago, guests to the people who call this city home. it is our responsibility to not contribute to the spread of this virus, and the party this past weekend was an irresponsible act of harm towards the people who have to interact with the partygoers