The Student Newspaper of DePaul University

The DePaulia

The Student Newspaper of DePaul University

The DePaulia

The Student Newspaper of DePaul University

The DePaulia

Holtschneider urges openness and kindness after chalking controversy

Holtschneider urges openness and kindness after chalking controversy

Kirsten Onsgard April 15, 2016

College Republicans’ campus chalkings earlier this month may have been erased within hours, but the verbal sparring in response to writings like “Blue Lives Matter” and “Build a Wall” has...

Pro-Trump chalkings spark outrage

Pro-Trump chalkings spark outrage

Kirsten Onsgard April 5, 2016

// Phrases such as "Make DePaul great again," "Blue Lives Matter"and "Trump Train 2016" were chalked on DePaul's Lincoln Park campus late Monday night before being removed by the campus grounds...

Plan of action proposed to improve campus race relations

Plan of action proposed to improve campus race relations

Matthew Paras, Editor-in-Chief April 3, 2016

DePaul junior Mario Morrow looked at the list of recommended changes from the President’s Diversity Council and then back at the list of proposed items the Black Student Union (BSU) discussed with...

Holtschneider discusses race relations at DePaul with Black Student Union

Holtschneider discusses race relations at DePaul with Black Student Union

Matthew Paras, Editor-in-Chief February 7, 2016

When junior Mario Morrow was on break in December, he received two emails — one to his personal account and one to his email as the president of DePaul’s Black Student Union (BSU).   The emails...

Groups agree to discuss racism after controversy in DePaul Facebook group

Groups agree to discuss racism after controversy in DePaul Facebook group

Megan Deppen February 2, 2016

A war of words ensued Sunday night in a DePaul Facebook group over the casual use of racially-charged language. After a series of public and private apologies from members involved, student leaders...

Students strategize what to do after Mizzou

Students strategize ‘what to do after Mizzou’

Aaron Lee January 31, 2016

The question of “What do we do after Mizzou?” was posed last week as members of the university community met to discuss the way forward after racial strife at the University of Missouri sparked a...

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